Antarmuka IADsLargeInteger (iads.h)
Antarmuka IADsLargeInteger digunakan untuk memanipulasi bilangan bulat 64-bit dari jenis LargeInteger .
Antarmuka IADsLargeInteger mewarisi dari antarmuka IDispatch.
Menangani IADsLargeInteger di Visual Basic dibuat sulit oleh fakta bahwa Visual Basic tidak memiliki jenis data numerik asli yang tidak ditandatangani. Ini dapat menyebabkan kesalahan dalam konversi data jika LowPart atau HighPart memiliki set bit tinggi, yang menyebabkan Visual Basic menangani angka tersebut sebagai negatif. Contoh kode Visual Basic di bawah ini menunjukkan cara menangani IADsLargeInteger dengan benar di Visual Basic.
Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengonversi objek IADsLargeInteger menjadi string hex.
Dim oDomain As IADs
Dim oLargeInt As LargeInteger
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://DC=fabrikam,DC=com")
Set oLargeInt = oDomain.Get("creationTime")
Debug.Print oLargeInt.HighPart
Debug.Print oLargeInt.LowPart
strTemp = "&H" + CStr(Hex(oLargeInt.HighPart)) + _
Debug.Print strTemp
Di Visual Basic, dimungkinkan untuk mengonversi objek IADsLargeInteger yang mewakili tanggal dan/atau waktu menjadi Varian waktu menggunakan API FileTimeToSystemTime dan SystemTimeToVariantTime . Hal ini ditunjukkan dalam contoh kode berikut.
Public Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "kernel32" _
(lpFileTime As FILETIME, _
lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long
Public Declare Function SystemTimeToVariantTime Lib "oleaut32.dll" _
(lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, _
dbTime As Double) As Long
wYear As Integer
wMonth As Integer
wDayOfWeek As Integer
wDay As Integer
wHour As Integer
wMinute As Integer
wSecond As Integer
wMilliseconds As Integer
End Type
Public Type FILETIME
dwLowDateTime As Long
dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type
' This function will convert the ADSI data type LargeInteger to
' a Variant time value in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Function LargeInteger_To_Time(oLargeInt As LargeInteger, vTime As Variant)_
As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim pFileTime As FILETIME
Dim dbTime As Double
Dim lResult As Long
If (oLargeInt.HighPart = 0 And oLargeInt.LowPart = 0) Then
vTime = 0
LargeInteger_To_Time = True
Exit Function
End If
If (oLargeInt.LowPart = -1) Then
vTime = -1
LargeInteger_To_Time = True
Exit Function
End If
pFileTime.dwHighDateTime = oLargeInt.HighPart
pFileTime.dwLowDateTime = oLargeInt.LowPart
' Convert the FileTime to System time.
lResult = FileTimeToSystemTime(pFileTime, pSysTime)
If lResult = 0 Then
LargeInteger_To_Time = False
Debug.Print "FileTimeToSystemTime: " + Err.Number + " - "_
+ Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
' Convert System Time to a Double.
lResult = SystemTimeToVariantTime(pSysTime, dbTime)
If lResult = 0 Then
LargeInteger_To_Time = False
Debug.Print "SystemTimeToVariantTime: " + Err.Number + _
" - " + Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
' Place the double in the variant.
vTime = CDate(dbTime)
LargeInteger_To_Time = True
End Function
Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara mengonversi IADsLargeInteger menjadi bilangan bulat 64-bit.
HRESULT PrintAccountExpires(LPCWSTR pwszADsPath)
CComPtr<IADs> spads;
// Bind to the object.
hr = ADsGetObject(pwszADsPath, IID_IADs, (LPVOID*)&spads);
return hr;
Get the accountExpires attribute, which is an
IDispatch that contains an IADsLargeInteger.
CComVariant svar;
hr = spads->Get(CComBSTR("accountExpires"), &svar);
return hr;
// Get the IADsLargeInteger interface.
CComPtr<IADsLargeInteger> spli;
hr = svar.pdispVal->QueryInterface(IID_IADsLargeInteger,
return hr;
// Get the high and low parts of the value.
long lHigh;
long lLow;
hr = spli->get_HighPart(&lHigh);
hr = spli->get_LowPart(&lLow);
// Convert the high and low parts to an __i64.
__int64 i64;
i64 = (ULONG)lHigh;
i64 = (i64 << 32);
i64 = i64 + (ULONG)lLow;
// Print all of the values.
wprintf(L"HighPart = %u, LowPart = %u, Combined = %I64d\n",
lHigh, lLow, i64);
return hr;
Klien minimum yang didukung | Windows Vista |
Server minimum yang didukung | Windows Server 2008 |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | iads.h |