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IXmlWriterLite Methods


The following are the IXmlWriterLite methods.

Method Description
CreateXmlWriter Creates a new IXmlWriterLite. (This "constructor" is actually a global function.)
Flush (IXmlWriterLite) Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying stream, and then flushes the underlying stream.
GetProperty (IXmlWriterLite) Returns the specified property. IXmlWriterLite
SetOutput (IXmlWriterLite) Sets the output stream for the writer.
SetProperty (IXmlWriterLite) Sets the specified property.
WriteAttributes (IXmlWriterLite) Copies attributes from the specified source IXmlReader to the IXmlWriterLite.
WriteAttributeString (IXmlWriterLite) Writes an attribute.
WriteCData (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out a CDATA section that contains the specified text.
WriteCharEntity (IXmlWriterLite) Writes a character entity for the provided Unicode character value.
WriteChars (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the specified text content, escaping markup.
WriteComment (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out a comment that contains the specified text.
WriteDocType (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the <!DOCTYPE ...> declaration with the specified name and optional attributes.
WriteElementString (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the element by using the specified prefix, name, namespace and value.
WriteEndDocument (IXmlWriterLite) Closes any open elements or attributes and puts the writer back in the Start state.
WriteEndElement (IXmlWriterLite) Closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. If the element contains no content, this method writes a short end tag (/>).
WriteEntityRef (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out an entity reference with the specified name.
WriteFullEndElement (IXmlWriterLite) Closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. Always writes the full end tag.
WriteName (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the specified name, making sure that the name is valid according to the XML specification.
WriteNmToken (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the specified name, making sure that the name is a valid NmToken according to the XML specification.
WriteNode (IXmlWriterLite) Copies the current node from the specified source IXmlReader to the IXmlWriterLite. Also writes children nodes.
WriteNodeShallow (IXmlWriterLite) Copies the current node from the specified source IXmlReader to the IXmlWriterLite, without writing the children of the current node.
WriteProcessingInstruction (IXmlWriterLite) Writes a processing instruction.
WriteRaw (IXmlWriterLite) Allows the caller to write out raw markup manually.
WriteRawChars (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out raw markup manually.
WriteStartDocument (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the XML declaration with the version "1.0".
WriteStartElement (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the specified start tag and associates it with the specified namespace.
WriteString (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the specified text content, escaping any markup in the content.
WriteSurrogateCharEntity (IXmlWriterLite) Forces the generation of a surrogate character entity for the given string value.
WriteWhitespace (IXmlWriterLite) Writes out the specified white space.


Header: XmlLite.h

Library: XmlLite.lib

See Also
