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IXmlReader Methods


The following are the IXmlReader methods.

Method Description
CreateXmlReader Creates a new IXmlReader. (This "constructor" is actually a global function.)
GetAttributeCount Returns the number of attributes in the current node.
GetBaseUri Gets the base URI of the token, if applicable.
GetDepth Returns the depth of the current node in the document.
GetLineNumber Gets the line number where the reader is positioned in the document.
GetLinePosition Gets the line position where the reader is positioned in the document.
GetLocalName Gets the local name of the node that the reader is currently positioned on.
GetNamespaceUri Gets the namespace URI of the node that the reader is currently positioned on.
GetNodeType Provides the type of the current node.
GetPrefix Gets the prefix of the node that the reader is currently positioned on.
GetProperty (IXmlReader) Returns the specified property.
GetQualifiedName Gets the qualified name of the node that the reader is currently positioned on.
GetValue Returns the value of the current token, if applicable.
IsDefault Indicates whether the attribute was specified in the source document or implied by the DTD.
IsEmptyElement Indicates whether the element is empty. This method allows the client to differentiate between elements that have a closing tag, but do not contain content, and elements that do not have a closing tag.
IsEOF Returns TRUE if the end of the input is reached.
MoveToAttributeByName Moves the reader to the attribute with the specified name.
MoveToElement Moves to the element that owns the current attribute node.
MoveToFirstAttribute Moves the reader position to the first attribute within the current node.
MoveToNextAttribute Advances the reader to the next attribute.
Read Reads the next node from the stream and returns the type of the node.
ReadValueChunk Reads up to a maximum of the specified chunk size (as available) from the value of the current node and copies the value into the specified buffer.
SetInput Sets the input source of the XML document to be parsed.
SetProperty (IXmlReader) Sets the specified property.


Header: XmlLite.h

Library: XmlLite.lib

See Also
