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What's New

The following list summarizes the new features that have been added to the Windows Media Rights Manager SDK.

  • Devices based on Windows Media DRM 10 for Portable Devices are supported. These devices can support secure and anti-rollback clocks, so time-based licenses are enforced.

  • Metering allows content providers, such as subscription services, to accurately track content usage, thereby reducing royalty fees. For more information, see Metering Content Usage.

  • License chaining allows licenses to be divided into root and leaf licenses. This feature allows subscription services to quickly update a large number of licenses by reissuing a small number of root licenses rather than thousands of standard licenses. For more information, see Issuing Chained Licenses.

  • License revocation allows licensing servers to delete specific licenses, which is useful for services that want to limit the number of computers on which a consumer can access their protected content. For more information, see Revoking Licenses.

  • New rights allow for new consumer scenarios, including sharing music in an online session and restricting how content is burned to CD according to playlists. Additionally, content owners have a greater degree of control over playback applications by requiring levels of security. For more information, see Setting Rights.

  • The following objects have been added to the Windows Media Rights Manager object model.

    Object Description
    WMRMLicenseRevocationAcknowledger Receives an acknowledgement from the client confirming that the specified licenses were revoked.
    WMRMLicenseRevocationChallenge Receives a license revocation challenge from the client computer, initiating the process to revoke licenses.
    WMRMLicenseRevocationResponse Generates a license revocation response. This response is sent to the client and indicates which licenses to revoke.
    WMRMLicenseStateData Retrieves data from the licenses in a license chain, enabling the License Service to determine which licenses must be reissued.
    WMRMMetering Used by a metering aggregation service to gather metering data from client applications, such as media players.
    WMRMMeteringAction Retrieves information about a specific metered action.
    WMRMMeteringActionCollection Manages a collection of metered actions for one content item.
    WMRMMeteringContent Manages metering data for individual content items.
    WMRMMeteringContentCollection Manages metering data that is organized by content. From this collection, you can retrieve the count of metered actions for individual content items.
    WMRMMeteringData Retrieves metering information from the WMRMMetering object.
    WMRMRestrictions Defines which media technologies can or cannot be used for playing or copying protected content.
    WMRMUplink Manages information about the elements in a license chain.
    WMRMUplinkCollection Manages a collection of WMRMUplink objects, which correspond to the elements in a license chain specified in the license request.
  • The following methods and/or properties have been added to existing objects.

    Method or property Description
    WMRMChallenge.ClientVersion Retrieves the version of the DRM component on the client.
    WMRMChallenge.Uplinks Retrieves the uplink ID information from a challenge, indicating which elements are part of the content's license chain.
    WMRMHeader.AddUplink Adds an uplink ID to the content header, indicating the elements in the content's license chain.
    WMRMHeader.RemoveUplink Removes an uplink ID from the content header.
    WMRMLicGen.MeteringCertificate Specifies and retrieves the metering certificate to use for metering content.
    WMRMLicGen.UplinkKey Specifies and retrieves the key of the root element in a license chain.
    WMRMLicGen.UplinkKid Specifies and retrieves the key ID of the root element in a license chain.
    WMRMRights.AllowCollaborativePlay Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the license permits consumers to play protected content in a collaborative peer-to-peer session.
    WMRMRights.AllowCopy Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the license permits content to be copied.
    WMRMRights.AllowPlay Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the license permits content to be played on a client computer or device.
    WMRMRights.AllowPlaylistBurn Specifies and retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the license permits content to be copied to CD as part of a playlist.
    WMRMRights.CopyCount Specifies and retrieves the number of times that content can be copied.
    WMRMRights.CopyRestrictions Specifies and retrieves a string that indicates which technologies can or cannot be used to copy protected content.
    WMRMRights.GracePeriod Specifies and retrieves the number of hours during which protected content can be played on a device after its clock becomes unset.
    WMRMRights.MaxPlaylistBurnCount Specifies and retrieves the total number of times that content can be copied to a CD as part of any playlist.
    WMRMRights.MinimumSecurityLevel Specifies and retrieves the minimum security level that a player must have to use the content.
    WMRMRights.PlaylistBurnTrackCount Specifies and retrieves the number of times that content can be copied to a CD as part of a particular playlist.
    WMRMRights.PlayRestrictions Specifies and retrieves a string that indicates which technologies can or cannot be used to play protected content.

See Also