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addComponentRequest Method

This topic documents a feature of Binary Behaviors, which are obsolete as of Internet Explorer 10.


Obsolete. Adds the specified component to the queue of components to be installed.


clientCaps.addComponentRequest(sID, sIDType [, sMinVer])


sID Required. A String that specifies any of the component identifiers listed in the Installable Components in Internet Explorer document.
sIDType Required. A case-insensitive String that specifies the following value:
The Active Setup component ID.
sMinVer Optional. A String that specifies the minimum version number of the component to install.

Return Value

No return value.


 New for Windows Internet Explorer 9 Internet Explorer 9. Obsolete. Do not use.

Only Internet Explorer components are specified by this method. Components that are not supported by Internet Explorer are ignored.

The addComponentRequest method queues a download request for the specified component. Actual download of the component does not occur until the doComponentRequest method is called.

Applies To


See Also

ClientCaps, Using DHTML Behaviors, compareVersions, doComponentRequest, isComponentInstalled