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code Property

This topic documents a feature of Binary Behaviors, which are obsolete as of Internet Explorer 10.

A machine-readable error code that corresponds to a specific invocation of the callService method.


Scripting [ resulterrorDetailcode = ] result.errorDetail.code

Possible Values

result An instance of the result object, which is created at run time by invoking the callService method.
errorDetail An instance of the errorDetail object, which is defined when the result.error property is true.
code A String defining a machine-readable fault code. See the Messaging Specifications Index Page for detailed information on the possible values of this property.

The property is read-only. The property has no default value.


The WebService behavior exposes this property to identify the fault code resulting from an unsuccessful remote method invocation. This property corresponds to the content of the faultcode sub-element of SOAP. Use this element to isolate the type of fault programmatically. The actual fault code returned depends on the SOAP implementation of the Web service that is called.

Applies To

errorDetail, WebService

See Also

Using the WebService Behavior, result, errorDetail, Messaging Specifications Index Page