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BrowserLevel Class

This class represents a browser's version.


Visual Basic  Public  Class BrowserLevel Inherits Object
C# public   class BrowserLevel : Object
Managed C++ public:  __gc class BrowserLevel :  public Object
JScript public   class BrowserLevel extends Object

Inheritance Hierarchy


Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the BrowserLevel object.

Property Description
MajorVersion Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the major version of the browser.
MinorVersion Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the minor version of the browser.
RequireWindows Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether the Windows client is required.
Method Description
Equals Tests for equality between two BrowserLevel objects.
GetHashCode Retrieves a value that indicates the hash code value for the object.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls