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TREENODETYPE Element | TreeNodeType Object

Adds a TreeNodeType element to a TreeNode.


HTML <namespace:TREENODETYPE ... >

Possible Values

namespace Prefix that associates a custom tag with an XML namespace. This prefix is set using the XMLNS attribute of the html tag.


This element represents a node type and sets attributes to apply to a node or a group of nodes.

This element is a block element.

This element requires a closing tag.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the TreeNodeType object.

Attribute Property Description
CHECKBOX Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether to display a check box next to a specific TreeNode or next to all TreeNodes that belong to a TreeNodeType in a TreeView.
CHILDTYPE Sets or retrieves the type of TreeNodeType to use for all descendents.
DEFAULTSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the default style for the element.
EXPANDABLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether a plus-sign image displays on a node.
EXPANDEDIMAGEURL Sets or retrieves the URL of an image to use for expanded nodes.
HOVERSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style of the element when the user hovers the keyboard focus or mouse pointer over it.
IMAGEURL Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the URL of the image to be displayed on a node or toolbar item.
NAVIGATEURL Sets or retrieves the URL of the page to navigate to when the user clicks a node.
SELECTEDIMAGEURL Sets or retrieves the URL of an image to use for a selected node.
SELECTEDSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style for the selected element.
TARGET Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the window or frame at which to target the contents.
TYPE Sets or retrieves the name of the node type.
Method Description
addTo Adds a TreeNodeType to the TreeView.
getAttribute Retrieves the value of the specified attribute.
remove Removes the TREENODETYPE from the TREEVIEW.
setAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.

Applies To


See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the TreeView WebControl