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TOOLBARCHECKGROUP Element | ToolbarCheckGroup Class

Adds a ToolbarCheckGroup element to an ASP.NET Web Form.



Possible Values

tagPrefix Required. The element prefix associated with the WebControls namespace (Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls). A TagPrefix is defined using the directive.


The TOOLBARCHECKGROUP represents a TOOLBARCHECKBUTTON grouping. It performs the work of mutually excluding the buttons.

By default, the first TOOLBARCHECKBUTTON within the group is selected. To override this default, set the FORCESELECTION attribute on the TOOLBARCHECKGROUP to false.

This element is a block element.

This element requires a closing tag.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the ToolbarCheckGroup object.

Attribute Property Description
AccessKey Sets or retrieves the keyboard shortcut key (AccessKey) for setting focus to the item.
AUTOPOSTBACK AutoPostBack Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether or not the control posts back to the server each time a user interacts with the control.
DEFAULTSTYLE DefaultStyle Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the default style for the element.
Enabled Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether the item is enabled.
FORCESELECTION ForceSelection Sets or retrieves a value that indicates whether at least one ToolbarCheckButton in a ToolbarCheckGroup must be selected.
HOVERSTYLE HoverStyle Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style of the element when the user hovers the keyboard focus or mouse pointer over it.
ID ID Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the string that identifies the object.
Index Retrieves the index of the toolbar item within the parent.
Items Retrieves the collection of ToolbarItem objects that are in the Toolbar.
Parent Retrieves the parent object of a node.
ParentToolbar The Toolbar control that contains this item.
SELECTEDCHECKBUTTON SelectedCheckButton Retrieves the currently selected ToolbarCheckButton.
SELECTEDSTYLE SelectedStyle Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style for the selected element.
TabIndex Sets or retrieves the tab index of the item.
ToolTip Sets or retrieves the ToolTip for the item to be displayed when the cursor is over the control.
Element Object Description
TOOLBARCHECKBUTTON ToolbarCheckButton Adds a ToolbarCheckButton element to an ASP.NET Web Form.
Event Description
onbuttonclick Fires when a ToolbarCheckButton or ToolbarButton is clicked.
oncheckchange Fires when a ToolbarCheckButton element changes state.
Method Description
Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
ToString Retrieves a System.String that indicates the current object.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls

Applies To


See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the Toolbar WebControl