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Viewing and Controlling Persisted Instances

The .NET Framework 4 does not provide any tools to view and control persisted workflow service instances. AppFabric fills this gap by providing tools (both user interface and cmdlets for scripting) to view and control persisted workflow service instances. IIS Manager displays the number of persisted workflow service instances that start within a selected period of time and that are in active, idle, and suspended states on the dashboard page. IIS Manager also displays the persisted workflow service instances (limited to 50 by default) in a list with details such as the name of the service, the computer on which it is running, the name of the site containing the workflow service, and the virtual path to the workflow service.

Depending on the state of a workflow service instance, you can perform control operations such as suspending an instance, resuming a suspended instance, canceling an instance, and terminating an instance. This instance control is possible because AppFabric automatically adds the workflowInstanceControl element in the sqlWorfklowInstanceStore element when you enable the persistence feature.

For details about how to view and control persisted workflow service instances, see Controlling Service Instances.