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Services Page

IIS Manager displays the Services page when you double-click on the Services icon in the AppFabric section in Features View mode. Use the Services Page to view and configure WCF and WF services hosted in Windows Process Activation service (WAS) from the server, site and application levels in the IIS hierarchy. Within the Services page you can enumerate and view both configuration-based and file-based services. Tag-less service configurations are also supported.

Services Page

Services Options




Enter a filter value, click on the arrow next to Go to choose a column to filter on, and then click Go. This filters out the currently displayed services based upon this filter criteria. If not used, all services with be displayed.

Show All

Removes any configured filters to display all services at that scope.

Group by:

Left-click on the down-arrow and select one of the following criteria to group the services.

  • No Grouping - Services are not grouped by any criteria.

  • Service Name - Groups services by name.

  • Site Name - Groups services with the same site name.

  • Application Name - Groups services with the same application name.

  • Service Virtual Path - Groups services by the virtual path of the service.

  • Application Pool - Groups services by the application pool in which they run.

  • Managed Runtime Version - Groups services by the .NET Runtime version of the service.

Service Columns

These columns identify common attributes of the enumerated services.

Service Name

Name of the service.

Site Name

Name of the site that contains this service.

Application Name

Name of the application that contains this service.

Service Virtual Path

The virtual path of the service.

Application Pool

Name of the application pool in which this service runs.

Managed Runtime Version

The .NET runtime version of the service.

Details Pane

The Details pane is at the bottom of the Services page. It contains the following value/pairs displaying configuration information and WCF monitoring statistics for a specific service. If any configuration values associated with these properties is either an empty string (“ “), or not present in the configuration file, empty string values are displayed.

Overview Tab

The Overview Tab is used to display key configuration information for a selected service.

Service Virtual path

Full virtual path of the service.

Service Name

The type of the service.

Site Name

Web site the service is deployed to.

Application Name

The name of the application that contains the service.

Application Virtual Path

The virtual path that contains the service.

Service Behavior Name

Name of the service behavior

Monitoring Status

Displays whether monitoring is enabled and at what level of monitoring.

WF Tracking Profile

Displays the configured tracking profile.


Displays the persistence provider being used.


Displays if auto-start is enabled or disabled.

Monitoring Statistics Tab

The Monitoring Statistics tab is used to display monitoring information for a selected service.

WCF Statistics (last 24 hours) section - The Overview section in the Monitoring Statistics tab is used to display WCF call statistics for the selected service.

Calls Received

Number of WCF calls received in the last 24 hours at this scope in the IIS hierarchy.

Calls Completed

Number of WCF calls completed in the last 24 hours at this scope in the IIS hierarchy.

Exceptions (Faulted Calls)

Number of WCF calls faulting in the last 24 hours at this scope in the IIS hierarchy.

Exceptions (Failed Calls)

Number of WCF calls failing in the last 24 hours at this scope in the IIS hierarchy.

Actions Pane

The Actions pane is at the right side of the Services page. It offer links to features related to a service, such as displaying its endpoints, or some of its monitoring data from one of the child pages of the AppFabric Dashboard page.


Clicking Refresh causes the metrics values on the page to be updated.

AppFabric Dashboard

Clicking AppFabric Dashboard takes you back to the Windows Server AppFabric Dashboard Page at the scope selected in the Connections pane.


Clicking Configure displays the Configuration Dialog Box for a Service to configure the service.

View Endpoints

Clicking View Endpoints takes you to the Endpoints Page to view the endpoints for all the services at this scope.

View Persisted WF Instances

Clicking View Persisted WF Instances takes you to the Persisted WF Instances Page to view any workflow instances for the selected service that are persisted.

View Tracked WF Instances

Clicking View Tracked WF Instances takes you to the Tracked WF Instances Page to view any tracked service instances for the selected service.

View Tracked Events

Clicking View Tracked Events takes you to the Tracked Events Page to view any tracked WCF events for the selected service.