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Configure Endpoints Using Windows Server AppFabric Cmdlets

This topic describes how you configure endpoints of services by using AppFabric cmdlets.


To execute an AppFabric cmdlet manually, open the Windows PowerShell console for AppFabric, enter the appropriate cmdlet, and then press ENTER. For more information about executing cmdlets, see Running Windows Server AppFabric Cmdlets. For information about any of the classes or common parameters used in the syntax statements in this document, refer to Windows PowerShell for Windows Server AppFabric Reference.

To set an endpoint for a service

In the Windows PowerShell console for AppFabric, execute the Set-ASAppServiceEndpoint cmdlet to modify an endpoint. It returns a ServiceEndpointInfo representing the updated endpoint configuration. This operation allows you to change the address of an endpoint only on locally (specified scope) configured services.

Syntax options for Set-ASAppServiceEndpoint cmdlet:

Syntax 1

Set-ASAppServiceEndpoint -SiteName <string> -VirtualPath <string> –Address <string> -BindingName <string> -ContractName <string> -NewAddress <string>

Syntax 2

Set-ASAppServiceEndpoint -Uri <string> –Address <string> -BindingName <string> -ContractName <string> -NewAddress <string>

Syntax 3

Set-ASAppServiceEndpoint -ServiceObject <ServiceInfo> –Address <string> -BindingName <string> -ContractName <string> -NewAddress <string>
Parameter Description

-SiteName (optional)

Specifies the name of a site containing the service whose endpoint you are trying to configure. If specified, neither -Uri nor –ServiceObject must be specified.

-VirtualPath (Optional)

Specifies the virtual path to a service or an application containing the service whose endpoint you are trying to configure, for example, /MyDir1/MyApp1/POService.svc. This is an optional parameter used with -SiteName when neither –Uri nor –ServiceObject is specified.

-Uri (Optional)

Specify the URI to a site, application, or service whose endpoint you are trying to configure. If specified, neither –SiteName, -VirtualPath, nor –ServiceObject must be specified.

-ServiceObject (Optional)

Specifies a ServiceInfo object that is used to determine the service whose endpoint you are trying to configure. If specified, neither –SiteName, -VirtualPath, nor –Uri must be specified. This parameter is primarily used in piping scenarios. For more information, refer to Windows PowerShell for Windows Server AppFabric Reference.

–Address <string>

The current address of the endpoint to be modified.

-BindingName <string>

The binding of the endpoint to be changed.

-ContractName <string>

The contract of the endpoint to be changed.

-NewAddress <string>

The new address of the endpoint.

To set the transport quota for an endpoint

In the Windows PowerShell console for AppFabric, execute the Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota cmdlet to configure the transport quota for an endpoint. If the endpoint already has a binding configuration and it is local, update it with the specified transport quota attributes.

Syntax options for Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota cmdlet:

Syntax 1

Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota -Address<string> -Binding<string> -Contract<string> [–ListenBacklog][–MaxBufferPoolSize][–MaxBufferSize][–MaxConnections][–MaxReceivedMessageSize]

Syntax 2

Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota –ServiceEndpointObject <ServiceEndpointInfo> [–ListenBacklog][–MaxBufferPoolSize][–MaxBufferSize][–MaxConnections][–MaxReceivedMessageSize]

Syntax 3

Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota -Address<string> -Binding<string> -Contract<string> -Use Defaults

Syntax 4

Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota –ServiceEndpointObject <ServiceEndpointInfo> -Use Defaults
Parameter Description

-Address<string> -Binding<string> -Contract<string> (required if ServiceEndpointObject is not used)

Specifies address, binding, and contract of the endpoint.

-ServiceEndpointObject <ServiceEndpointInfo> (required if Address, Binding, and Contract are not used)

Refer to Windows PowerShell for Windows Server AppFabric Reference.

-Use Defaults

Uses the default parameter values for -ListenBacklog, -MaxBufferPoolSize, –MaxBufferSize, –MaxConnections, and -MaxReceivedMessageSize.

-ListenBacklog, -MaxBufferPoolSize, –MaxBufferSize, –MaxConnections, and -MaxReceivedMessageSize

For details of transport quota configuration, default values, which parameters are used for specific bindings, and definitions for each of these parameters, refer to Transport Quotas (

For more information about this cmdlet, see Set-ASAppServiceEndpointTransportQuota.