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Checklist: Configuring Applications and Services in Windows Server AppFabric

This topic lists the configuration procedures that you can perform in AppFabric. For many procedures, you can use either the AppFabric extensions to IIS Manager or AppFabric cmdlets.

Step Reference

To configure a service or application using the IIS Manager extensions, open IIS Manager. To configure using AppFabric cmdlets, open the Windows PowerShell console for AppFabric.

Using Windows Server AppFabric Management UI Features or Running Windows Server AppFabric Cmdlets

Specify whether the service should use service configuration settings or configuration defaults at the server, site, application, or virtual directory scope.

Enable the Use of Defaults Using IIS Manager or Enable the Use of Defaults Using Windows Server AppFabric Cmdlets

At the server, site, or application scope, configure monitoring, including enabling or disabling database event collection; selecting a monitoring level; and enabling or disabling diagnostic tracing or message logging. At the service scope, configure monitoring by selecting a workflow tracking profile. Configure the monitoring store in the AppFabric Configuration Wizard.

Configuring Monitoring

At any scope, configure workflow host management, including instance control, instance unloading, persistence when idle, and action on an unhandled exception.

Configuring Workflow Host Management

At any scope, configure workflow persistence, including enabling or disabling persistence for a service, and configuring advanced persistence settings. Configure the persistence store in the AppFabric Configuration Wizard.

Configuring Workflow Persistence

At the application and service scopes, configure auto-start.

Configuring Auto-Start

At any scope, configure service throttling parameters.

Configuring Throttling

At any scope, configure security by enabling the use of a service certificate and configuring the certificate.

Configuring Security

At the service scope, configure endpoints by defining the endpoint address and configuring the authentication and transport quotas associated with each endpoint.

Configuring Endpoints