Topik ini menampilkan topik bantuan untuk Cmdlet Azure Operational Insights.
Wawasan Operasional
Disable-AzOperationalInsightsIISLogCollection |
Stops collection of IIS logs from computers. |
Disable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxCustomLogCollection |
Stops collection of custom logs from Linux computers. |
Disable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxPerformanceCollection |
Stops collection of performance counters from Linux computers. |
Disable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxSyslogCollection |
Stops collection of syslog data from Linux computers. |
Enable-AzOperationalInsightsIISLogCollection |
Starts collection of IIS logs from computers in a workspace. |
Enable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxCustomLogCollection |
Starts collection of custom logs from Linux computers. |
Enable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxPerformanceCollection |
Starts collection of performance counters from Linux computers. |
Enable-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxSyslogCollection |
Starts collection of syslog data from Linux computers. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsAvailableServiceTier |
This command gets all available service tiers for a given worksapce. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsCluster |
Get or list clusters |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataExport |
Get or list data exports for workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource |
Get datasources under Azure Log Analytics workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsDeletedWorkspace |
List deleted workspaces. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsIntelligencePack |
Gets the available Intelligence Packs. Note Solutions is being deprecated, please use az monitor log-analytics solution and Get-AzMonitorLogAnalyticsSolution instead if this command. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService |
Get or list linked service for workspace |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedStorageAccount |
Get or list linked storage account |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsOperation |
Lists all of the available OperationalInsights Rest API operations. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsOperationStatus |
Get the status of a long running azure asynchronous operation. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsPurgeWorkspaceStatus |
Gets status of an ongoing purge operation. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch |
Returns all of the saved searches for a specified workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsSchema |
Returns the schema associated with a workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsStorageInsight |
Gets information about a Storage Insight. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsTable |
Get or list tables for workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace |
Gets information about a workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceManagementGroup |
Gets details of management groups connected to a workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceSharedKey |
Gets the shared keys for a workspace. |
Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceUsage |
Gets the usage data for a workspace. |
Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsMigrateTable |
Migrate a Log Analytics table from support of the Data Collector API and Custom Fields features to support of Data Collection Rule-based Custom Logs. |
Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery |
Returns search results based on the specified parameters. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsApplicationInsightsDataSource |
Collect logs from given Application-Insights application. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource |
Collect Azure Activity log from given subscription. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsCluster |
Create cluster |
New-AzOperationalInsightsComputerGroup |
Creates a computer group. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsCustomLogDataSource |
Defines a custom log collection policy. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsDataExport |
Create data export for workspace. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedStorageAccount |
Create linked storage account for workspace |
New-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxPerformanceObjectDataSource |
Adds performance counters to all Linux computers in a workspace. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxSyslogDataSource |
Adds a data source to Linux computers. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsPurgeWorkspace |
Purges data in an Log Analytics workspace by a set of user-defined filters |
New-AzOperationalInsightsRestoreTable |
Create a new Restore table |
New-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch |
Creates a new saved search with the specified parameters. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsSearchTable |
Create a Search table |
New-AzOperationalInsightsStorageInsight |
Creates a Storage Insight inside a workspace. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsTable |
Creates a custom log table |
New-AzOperationalInsightsWindowsEventDataSource |
Collects event logs from computers that run the Windows operating system. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsWindowsPerformanceCounterDataSource |
Adds Windows performance counter data source for connected computers that run the Windows operating system. |
New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace |
Creates a workspace, or restore a soft-deleted workspace. |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsCluster |
Delete cluster |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsDataExport |
Delete data export for workspace. |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource |
Deletes a data source. |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService |
Unlink service for workspace |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedStorageAccount |
Delete linked storage account for workspace |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch |
Removes a saved search from the workspace. |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsStorageInsight |
Removes a Storage Insight. |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsTable |
Delete a Log Analytics workspace table. |
Remove-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace |
Removes a workspace. |
Restore-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace |
Restore a deleted workspace. |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource |
Updates a data source. |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsIntelligencePack |
Enables or disables the specified Intelligence Pack. Note Solutions is being deprecated, please use az monitor log-analytics solution and Get-AzMonitorLogAnalyticsSolution instead if this command. |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService |
link service for workspace |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedStorageAccount |
Set linked storage account for workspace |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch |
Updates a saved search that already exists. |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsStorageInsight |
Updates a Storage Insight. |
Set-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace |
Updates a workspace. |
Update-AzOperationalInsightsCluster |
update cluster |
Update-AzOperationalInsightsDataExport |
Update data export. |
Update-AzOperationalInsightsTable |
Update a Log Analytics workspace table. |
Update-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspaceSharedKey |
Regenerates the shared keys for a Log Analytics Workspace. These keys are used to connect Microsoft Operational Insights agents to the workspace. |
Azure PowerShell