Membuat pekerjaan baru dengan parameter yang ditentukan. Pekerjaan yang ada tidak dapat diperbarui dengan API ini dan sebagai gantinya harus diperbarui dengan API pekerjaan Pembaruan.
-Name <String>
-ResourceGroupName <String>
[-SubscriptionId <String>]
-Location <String>
-SkuName <SkuName>
-TransferType <TransferType>
[-DeliveryInfoScheduledDateTime <DateTime>]
[-DeliveryType <JobDeliveryType>]
[-Detail <IJobDetails>]
[-IdentityType <String>]
[-SkuDisplayName <String>]
[-SkuFamily <String>]
[-Tag <Hashtable>]
[-UserAssignedIdentity <Hashtable>]
[-DefaultProfile <PSObject>]
Membuat pekerjaan baru dengan parameter yang ditentukan. Pekerjaan yang ada tidak dapat diperbarui dengan API ini dan sebagai gantinya harus diperbarui dengan API pekerjaan Pembaruan.
Contoh 1: Membuat pekerjaan impor kotak data
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$details = New-AzDataBoxJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBox" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
# You can use `$DebugPreference = "Continue"`, with any example/usecase to get exact details of error in below format when creation command fails.
# {
# "Error": {
# "Code": "StaticValidationGenericCountryCodeHasInvalidLength",
# "Message": "The attribute country code does not meet length constraints.\r\nEnter a value with 2 characters for country code.",
# "Details": [
# null
# ],
# "Target": null
# }
# }
$resource = New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "ImportTest" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBox"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
ImportTest WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBox None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxJobDetails
Action :
ChainOfCustodySasKey :
ContactDetail : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.ContactDetails
CopyLogDetail :
CopyProgress :
DataExportDetail :
DataImportDetail : {Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataImportDetails}
DeliveryPackage : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.PackageShippingDetails
DevicePassword :
ExpectedDataSizeInTeraByte : 0
JobStage :
KeyEncryptionKey : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.KeyEncryptionKey
LastMitigationActionOnJob : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.LastMitigationActionOnJob
Preference : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.Preferences
ReturnPackage : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.PackageShippingDetails
ReverseShipmentLabelSasKey :
ShippingAddress : Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.ShippingAddress
Type : DataBox
AddressType City CompanyName Country PostalCode StateOrProvince StreetAddress1 StreetAddress2 StreetAddress3 ZipExtendedCode
----------- ---- ----------- ------- ---------- --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------
Commercial San Francisco US 94107 CA 101 TOWNSEND ST
Anda dapat memperluas dan memvisualisasikan objek lain dengan cara yang sama bagaimana detail dan alamat pengiriman diperluas.
Contoh 2: Membuat pekerjaan ekspor kotak data
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$transferConfigurationType = New-AzDataBoxTransferConfigurationObject -Type "TransferAll" -TransferAllDetail @{"IncludeDataAccountType"="StorageAccount";"IncludeTransferAllBlob"= "True"; "IncludeTransferAllFile"="True"}
$details = New-AzDataBoxJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBox" -DataExportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"; "TransferConfiguration"= $transferConfigurationType} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails
$resource = New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "ExportTest" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ExportFromAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBox"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
ExportTest WestUS DeviceOrdered ExportFromAzure DataBox None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan ekspor kotak data. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 3: Membuat pekerjaan impor kotak data dengan akun disk terkelola
$managedDiskAccount=New-AzDataBoxManagedDiskDetailsObject -ResourceGroupId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName" -StagingStorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/stagingAccountName" -DataAccountType "ManagedDisk"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$details = New-AzDataBoxJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBox" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$managedDiskAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "ManagedDisk"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails
New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "PwshManagedDisk" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBox"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
PwshManagedDisk WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBox None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan impor kotak data dengan akun disk terkelola. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 4: Membuat pekerjaan impor kotak data dengan identitas yang ditetapkan pengguna
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$keyEncryptionDetails = New-AzDataBoxKeyEncryptionKeyObject -KekType "CustomerManaged" -IdentityProperty @{Type = "UserAssigned"; UserAssignedResourceId = "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/identityName"} -KekUrl "keyIdentifier" -KekVaultResourceId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyVaultName"
$details = New-AzDataBoxJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBox" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -KeyEncryptionKey $keyEncryptionDetails
New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "PowershellMSI" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBox" -IdentityType "UserAssigned" -UserAssignedIdentity @{"/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/identityName" = @{}}
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
PowershellMSI WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBox UserAssigned NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan impor kotak data dengan identitas yang ditetapkan pengguna. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 5: Membuat pekerjaan kotak data dengan kunci Anda sendiri
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$details = New-AzDataBoxJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBox" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -DevicePassword $password
$resource = New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "PowershellBYOK" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBox"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
PowershellBYOK WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBox None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan kotak data dengan kunci Anda sendiri. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 6: Membuat pekerjaan databoxHeavy dengan kunci Anda sendiri
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$details = New-AzDataBoxHeavyJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBoxHeavy" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -DevicePassword $password -ExpectedDataSizeInTeraByte 10
$resource = New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "DbxHeavy" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBoxHeavy"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
DbxHeavy WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBoxHeavy None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxHeavyJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan databoxHeavy dengan kunci Anda sendiri. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 7: Membuat pekerjaan databoxDisk dengan Passkey Anda sendiri
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$details = New-AzDataBoxDiskJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBoxDisk" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -Passkey $password -PreferredDisk @{"8" = 8; "4" = 2} -ExpectedDataSizeInTeraByte 18
New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "pwshDisk" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBoxDisk"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
pwshDisk WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBoxDisk None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxDiskJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan databoxDisky dengan Passkey Anda sendiri. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 8: Membuat pekerjaan kotak data dengan enkripsi ganda diaktifkan
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/SubscriptionId/resourceGroups/resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageAccountName"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "random" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "1234567891"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "101 TOWNSEND ST" -StateOrProvince "CA" -Country "US" -City "San Francisco" -PostalCode "94107" -AddressType "Commercial"
$details = New-AzDataBoxJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBox" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -Preference @{EncryptionPreferenceDoubleEncryption="Enabled"}
New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "pwshDoubEncy" -SubscriptionId "SubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $details -Location "WestUS" -SkuName "DataBox"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
pwshDoubEncy WestUS DeviceOrdered ImportToAzure DataBox None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20210301.DataBoxDiskJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan kotak data dengan enkripsi ganda diaktifkan. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 9: Membuat pekerjaan impor Disk Pelanggan Data Box
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/YourSubscriptionId/resourceGroups/YourResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/YourStorageAccount"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "XXXX XXXX" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "0000000000"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "XXXX XXXX" -StateOrProvince "XX" -Country "XX" -City "XXXX XXXX" -PostalCode "00000" -AddressType "Commercial"
$importDiskDetailsCollection = @{"XXXXXX"= @{ManifestFile = "xyz.txt"; ManifestHash = "xxxx"; BitLockerKey = "xxx"}}
$customerDiskDetails = New-AzDataBoxCustomerDiskJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBoxCustomerDisk" -DataImportDetail @(@{AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"} ) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -ImportDiskDetailsCollection $importDiskDetailsCollection -ReturnToCustomerPackageDetailCarrierAccountNumber "00000"
New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "testJobName1" -SubscriptionId "YourSubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "YourResourceGroup" -TransferType "ImportToAzure" -Detail $customerDiskDetails -Location "westus" -SkuName "DataBoxCustomerDisk"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
testJobName1 westus AwaitingShipmentDetails ImportToAzure DataBoxCustomerDisk None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20221201.DataBoxCustomerDiskJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan disk pelanggan kotak data untuk mengimpor data ke Azure. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Contoh 10: Membuat pekerjaan ekspor Disk Pelanggan Data Box
$dataAccount = New-AzDataBoxStorageAccountDetailsObject -DataAccountType "StorageAccount" -StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/YourSubscriptionId/resourceGroups/YourResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/YourStorageAccount"
$contactDetail = New-AzDataBoxContactDetailsObject -ContactName "XXXX XXXX" -EmailList @("emailId") -Phone "0000000000"
$ShippingDetails = New-AzDataBoxShippingAddressObject -StreetAddress1 "XXXX XXXX" -StateOrProvince "XX" -Country "XX" -City "XXXX XXXX" -PostalCode "00000" -AddressType "Commercial"
$transferConfiguration = New-AzDataBoxTransferConfigurationObject -Type "TransferAll" -TransferAllDetail @{"IncludeDataAccountType"="StorageAccount";"IncludeTransferAllBlob"= "True"; "IncludeTransferAllFile"="False"}
$customerDiskDetails = New-AzDataBoxCustomerDiskJobDetailsObject -Type "DataBoxCustomerDisk" -DataExportDetail @(@{ AccountDetail=$dataAccount; AccountDetailDataAccountType = "StorageAccount"; "TransferConfiguration"=$transferConfiguration }) -ContactDetail $contactDetail -ShippingAddress $ShippingDetails -ReturnToCustomerPackageDetailCarrierAccountNumber "00000"
New-AzDataBoxJob -Name "testJobName2" -SubscriptionId "YourSubscriptionId" -ResourceGroupName "YourResourceGroup" -TransferType "ExportFromAzure" -Detail $customerDiskDetails -Location "westus" -SkuName "DataBoxCustomerDisk"
Name Location Status TransferType SkuName IdentityType DeliveryType Detail
---- -------- ------ ------------ ------- ------------ ------------ ------
testJobName2 westus AwaitingShipmentDetails ExportFromAzure DataBoxCustomerDisk None NonScheduled Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.DataBox.Models.Api20221201.DataBoxCustomerDiskJobDetails
Membuat pekerjaan disk pelanggan kotak data untuk mengekspor data dari Azure. Untuk kegagalan apa pun, jalankan kembali dengan $DebugPreference = "Lanjutkan" seperti yang disebutkan dalam contoh 1
Jalankan perintah sebagai pekerjaan
Jenis: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Meminta konfirmasi sebelum menjalankan cmdlet.
Jenis: | SwitchParameter |
Alias: | cf |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Parameter DefaultProfile tidak berfungsi. Gunakan parameter SubscriptionId saat tersedia jika menjalankan cmdlet terhadap langganan yang berbeda.
Jenis: | PSObject |
Alias: | AzureRMContext, AzureCredential |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Waktu tanggal terjadwal.
Jenis: | DateTime |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Jenis pengiriman Pekerjaan.
Jenis: | JobDeliveryType |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Detail eksekusi pekerjaan. Bidang ini hanya akan dikirim untuk filter detail perluas. Untuk membuat, lihat bagian CATATAN untuk properti DETAIL dan membuat tabel hash.
Jenis: | IJobDetails |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Jenis identitas
Jenis: | String |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Lokasi sumber daya. Ini akan menjadi salah satu Wilayah Azure yang didukung dan terdaftar (misalnya US Barat, AS Timur, Asia Tenggara, dll.). Wilayah sumber daya tidak dapat diubah setelah dibuat, tetapi jika wilayah yang identik ditentukan pada pembaruan, permintaan akan berhasil.
Jenis: | String |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | True |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Nama sumber daya pekerjaan dalam grup sumber daya yang ditentukan. panjang nama pekerjaan harus antara 3 dan 24 karakter dan hanya menggunakan alfanumerik dan garis bawah
Jenis: | String |
Alias: | JobName |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | True |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Jalankan perintah secara asinkron
Jenis: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Nama Grup Sumber Daya
Jenis: | String |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | True |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Nama tampilan sku.
Jenis: | String |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Keluarga sku.
Jenis: | String |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Nama sku.
Jenis: | SkuName |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | True |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Id Langganan
Jenis: | String |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Daftar pasangan nilai kunci yang menjelaskan sumber daya. Tag ini dapat digunakan dalam melihat dan mengelompokkan sumber daya ini (di seluruh grup sumber daya).
Jenis: | Hashtable |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Jenis transfer data.
Jenis: | TransferType |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | True |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Identitas yang Ditetapkan Pengguna
Jenis: | Hashtable |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Menunjukkan apa yang akan terjadi jika cmdlet berjalan. Cmdlet tidak dijalankan.
Jenis: | SwitchParameter |
Alias: | wi |
Position: | Named |
Nilai default: | None |
Diperlukan: | False |
Terima input alur: | False |
Terima karakter wildcard: | False |
Azure PowerShell