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DataViewUtils adalah sekumpulan fungsi dan kelas untuk menyederhanakan penguraian objek DataView untuk visual Power BI.


Untuk menginstal paket, jalankan perintah berikut di direktori dengan visual kustom Anda saat ini:

npm install powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils --save

Perintah ini akan menginstal paket dan menambahkan paket sebagai dependensi ke file package.json Anda.


DataViewWildcard menyediakan fungsi createDataViewWildcardSelector untuk mendukung pemformatan bersyarat properti.

createDataViewWildcardSelector mengembalikan pemilih yang diperlukan untuk menentukan bagaimana entri pemformatan bersyarat di panel format akan diterapkan, berdasarkan dataviewWildcardMatchingOption (InstancesAndTotals (default), InstancesOnly, TotalsOnly).


import { dataViewWildcard } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

let selector = dataViewWildcard.createDataViewWildcardSelector(dataViewWildcard.DataViewWildcardMatchingOption.InstancesAndTotals);
// returns {data: [{dataViewWildcard:{matchingOption: 0}}]};


DataRoleHelper menyediakan fungsi untuk memeriksa peran objek dataView.

Modul ini menyediakan fungsi-fungsi berikut:


Fungsi ini menemukan ukuran berdasarkan nama peran dan mengembalikan indeksnya.

function getMeasureIndexOfRole(grouped: DataViewValueColumnGroup[], roleName: string): number;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewValueColumnGroup = powerbi.DataViewValueColumnGroup;
import { dataRoleHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";
// ...

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let columnGroup: DataViewValueColumnGroup[] = [{
    values: [
            source: {
                displayName: "Microsoft",
                roles: {
                    "company": true
            values: []
            source: {
                displayName: "Power BI",
                roles: {
                    "product": true
            values: []

dataRoleHelper.getMeasureIndexOfRole(columnGroup, "product");

// returns: 1


Fungsi ini menemukan kategori berdasarkan nama peran dan mengembalikan indeksnya.

function getCategoryIndexOfRole(categories: DataViewCategoryColumn[], roleName: string): number;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewCategoryColumn = powerbi.DataViewCategoryColumn;
import { dataRoleHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";
// ...

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let categoryGroup: DataViewCategoryColumn[] = [
        source: {
            displayName: "Microsoft",
            roles: {
                "company": true
        values: []
        source: {
            displayName: "Power BI",
            roles: {
                "product": true
        values: []

dataRoleHelper.getCategoryIndexOfRole(categoryGroup, "product");

// returns: 1


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah peran yang diberikan ditentukan dalam metadata.

function hasRole(column: DataViewMetadataColumn, name: string): boolean;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewMetadataColumn = powerbi.DataViewMetadataColumn;
import { dataRoleHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let metadata: DataViewMetadataColumn = {
    displayName: "Microsoft",
    roles: {
        "company": true

DataRoleHelper.hasRole(metadata, "company");

// returns: true


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah peran yang diberikan ditentukan dalam dataView.

function hasRoleInDataView(dataView: DataView, name: string): boolean;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataView = powerbi.DataView;
import { dataRoleHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let dataView: DataView = {
    metadata: {
        columns: [
                displayName: "Microsoft",
                roles: {
                    "company": true
                displayName: "Power BI",
                roles: {
                    "product": true

DataRoleHelper.hasRoleInDataView(dataView, "product");

// returns: true


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah peran yang diberikan ditentukan di kolom nilai.

function hasRoleInValueColumn(valueColumn: DataViewValueColumn, name: string): boolean;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewValueColumn = powerbi.DataViewValueColumn;
import { dataRoleHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let valueColumn: DataViewValueColumn = {
    source: {
        displayName: "Microsoft",
        roles: {
            "company": true
    values: []

dataRoleHelper.hasRoleInValueColumn(valueColumn, "company");

// returns: true


DataViewObjects menyediakan fungsi untuk mengekstrak nilai objek.

Modul ini menyediakan fungsi-fungsi berikut:


Fungsi ini mengembalikan nilai objek tertentu.

function getValue<T>(objects: DataViewObjects, propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, defaultValue?: T): T;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = powerbi.DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
import { dataViewObjects } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

let property: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = {
    objectName: "microsoft",
    propertyName: "bi"

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let objects: powerbi.DataViewObjects = {
    "microsoft": {
        "windows": 5,
        "bi": "Power"

dataViewObjects.getValue(objects, property);

// returns: Power


Fungsi ini mengembalikan objek dari objek tertentu.

function getObject(objects: DataViewObjects, objectName: string, defaultValue?: IDataViewObject): IDataViewObject;


import { dataViewObjects } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let objects: powerbi.DataViewObjects = {
    "microsoft": {
        "windows": 5,
        "bi": "Power"

dataViewObjects.getObject(objects, "microsoft");

/* returns: {
    "bi": "Power",
    "windows": 5



Fungsi ini mengembalikan warna solid objek.

function getFillColor(objects: DataViewObjects, propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, defaultColor?: string): string;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = powerbi.DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
import { dataViewObjects } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

let property: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = {
    objectName: "power",
    propertyName: "fillColor"

// This object is actually part of the dataView object.
let objects: powerbi.DataViewObjects = {
    "power": {
        "fillColor": {
            "solid": {
                "color": "yellow"
        "bi": "Power"

dataViewObjects.getFillColor(objects, property);

// returns: yellow


Fungsi universal ini mengambil warna atau nilai objek tertentu.

function getCommonValue(objects: DataViewObjects, propertyId: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier, defaultValue?: any): any;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = powerbi.DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier;
import { dataViewObjects } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

let colorProperty: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = {
    objectName: "power",
    propertyName: "fillColor"

let biProperty: DataViewObjectPropertyIdentifier = {
    objectName: "power",
    propertyName: "bi"

// This object is actually part of the dataView object.
let objects: powerbi.DataViewObjects = {
    "power": {
        "fillColor": {
            "solid": {
                "color": "yellow"
        "bi": "Power"

dataViewObjects.getCommonValue(objects, colorProperty); // returns: yellow
dataViewObjects.getCommonValue(objects, biProperty); // returns: Power


DataViewObject menyediakan fungsi untuk mengekstrak nilai objek.

Modul ini menyediakan fungsi-fungsi berikut:


Fungsi ini mengembalikan nilai objek dengan nama properti.

function getValue<T>(object: IDataViewObject, propertyName: string, defaultValue?: T): T;


import { dataViewObject } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let object: powerbi.DataViewObject = {
    "windows": 5,
    "microsoft": "Power BI"

dataViewObject.getValue(object, "microsoft");

// returns: Power BI


Fungsi ini mengembalikan warna solid objek dengan nama properti.

function getFillColorByPropertyName(object: IDataViewObject, propertyName: string, defaultColor?: string): string;


import { dataViewObject } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let object: powerbi.DataViewObject = {
    "windows": 5,
    "fillColor": {
        "solid": {
            "color": "green"

dataViewObject.getFillColorByPropertyName(object, "fillColor");

// returns: green


converterHelper menyediakan fungsi untuk memeriksa properti objek dataView.

Modul ini menyediakan fungsi-fungsi berikut:


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah kategori juga merupakan seri.

function categoryIsAlsoSeriesRole(dataView: DataViewCategorical, seriesRoleName: string, categoryRoleName: string): boolean;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewCategorical = powerbi.DataViewCategorical;
import { converterHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";
// ...

// This object is actually part of the dataView object.
let categorical: DataViewCategorical = {
    categories: [{
        source: {
            displayName: "Microsoft",
            roles: {
                "power": true,
                "bi": true
        values: []

converterHelper.categoryIsAlsoSeriesRole(categorical, "power", "bi");

// returns: true


Fungsi ini mengembalikan nama seri.

function getSeriesName(source: DataViewMetadataColumn): PrimitiveValue;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewMetadataColumn = powerbi.DataViewMetadataColumn;
import { converterHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let metadata: DataViewMetadataColumn = {
    displayName: "Microsoft",
    roles: {
        "power": true,
        "bi": true
    groupName: "Power BI"


// returns: Power BI


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah kolom berisi URL gambar.

function isImageUrlColumn(column: DataViewMetadataColumn): boolean;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewMetadataColumn = powerbi.DataViewMetadataColumn;
import { converterHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let metadata: DataViewMetadataColumn = {
    displayName: "Microsoft",
    type: {
        misc: {
            imageUrl: true


// returns: true


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah kolom berisi URL web.

function isWebUrlColumn(column: DataViewMetadataColumn): boolean;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import DataViewMetadataColumn = powerbi.DataViewMetadataColumn;
import { converterHelper } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

// This object is actually a part of the dataView object.
let metadata: DataViewMetadataColumn = {
    displayName: "Microsoft",
    type: {
        misc: {
            webUrl: true


// returns: true


Fungsi ini memeriksa apakah dataView memiliki kolom dengan URL gambar.

function hasImageUrlColumn(dataView: DataView): boolean;


import DataView = powerbi.DataView;
import converterHelper = powerbi.extensibility.utils.dataview.converterHelper;

// This object is actually part of the dataView object.
let dataView: DataView = {
    metadata: {
        columns: [
                displayName: "Microsoft"
                displayName: "Power BI",
                type: {
                    misc: {
                        imageUrl: true


// returns: true


menyediakan DataViewObjectsParser cara paling sederhana untuk mengurai properti panel pemformatan.

Kelas menyediakan metode berikut:


Metode statis ini mengembalikan instans DataViewObjectsParser.

static getDefault(): DataViewObjectsParser;


import { dataViewObjectsParser } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";
// ...


// returns: an instance of the DataViewObjectsParser


Metode ini mengurai properti panel pemformatan dan mengembalikan instans DataViewObjectsParser.

static parse<T extends DataViewObjectsParser>(dataView: DataView): T;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import IVisual = powerbi.extensibility.IVisual;
import VisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualUpdateOptions;
import { dataViewObjectsParser } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

 * This class describes formatting panel properties.
 * Name of the property should match its name described in the capabilities.
class DataPointProperties {
    public fillColor: string = "red"; // This value is a default value of the property.

class PropertiesParser extends dataViewObjectsParser.DataViewObjectsParser {
     * This property describes a group of properties.
    public dataPoint: DataPointProperties = new DataPointProperties();

export class YourVisual extends IVisual {
    // implementation of the IVisual.

    private propertiesParser: PropertiesParser;

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void {
        // Parses properties.
        this.propertiesParser = PropertiesParser.parse<PropertiesParser>(options.dataViews[0]);

        // You can use the properties after parsing
        console.log(this.propertiesParser.dataPoint.fillColor); // returns "red" as default value, it will be updated automatically after any change of the formatting panel.



enumerateObjectInstances tidak digunakan lagi dalam API versi 5.1. Ini digantikan oleh getFormattingModel. Selain itu, lihat Utils FormattingModel.

Metode statis ini menghitung properti dan mengembalikan instans VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration.

Jalankan dalam enumerateObjectInstances metode visual.

static enumerateObjectInstances(dataViewObjectParser: dataViewObjectsParser.DataViewObjectsParser, options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;


import powerbi from "powerbi-visuals-api";
import IVisual = powerbi.extensibility.IVisual;
import EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions = powerbi.EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions;
import VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration = powerbi.VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration;
import VisualUpdateOptions = powerbi.extensibility.visual.VisualUpdateOptions;
import { dataViewObjectsParser } from "powerbi-visuals-utils-dataviewutils";

 * This class describes formatting panel properties.
 * Name of the property should match its name described in the capabilities.
class DataPointProperties {
    public fillColor: string = "red";

class PropertiesParser extends dataViewObjectsParser.DataViewObjectsParser {
     * This property describes a group of properties.
    public dataPoint: DataPointProperties = new DataPointProperties();

export class YourVisual extends IVisual {
    // implementation of the IVisual.

    private propertiesParser: PropertiesParser;

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions): void {
        // Parses properties.
        this.propertiesParser = PropertiesParser.parse<PropertiesParser>(options.dataViews[0]);

     * This method will be executed only if the formatting panel is open.
    public enumerateObjectInstances(options: EnumerateVisualObjectInstancesOptions): VisualObjectInstanceEnumeration {
        return PropertiesParser.enumerateObjectInstances(this.propertiesParser, options);