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Reference for devices entities

The devices category contains entities for mobile devices that track information such as:

  • Device type
  • Device enrollment and registration status
  • Device ownership
  • Device management state
  • Device membership to Microsoft Entra status
  • Enrollment status
  • Historic information about the device
  • Inventory of apps on the device


The deviceTypes entity represents the device type referenced by other data warehouse entities. The device type typically describes either the device model, manufacturer, or a combination of both.

Property Description
deviceTypeID Unique identifier of the device type
deviceTypeKey Unique identifier of the device type in the data warehouse - surrogate key
deviceTypeName Device type


deviceTypeID Name Description
0 Desktop Windows Desktop device
1 WindowsRT WindowsRT device
2 WinMO6 Windows Mobile 6.0 device
3 Nokia Nokia device
4 WindowsPhone Windows Phone device
5 Mac Mac device
6 WinCE Windows CE device
7 WinEmbedded Windows Embedded device
8 IPhone iPhone device
9 IPad iPad device
10 IPod iPod device
11 Android Android device-managed using Device Administrator
12 ISocConsumer iSoc Consumer device
14 MacMDM OS X device managed with the built-in MDM agent
15 HoloLens HoloLens device
16 SurfaceHub Surface Hub device
17 AndroidForWork Android device-managed using Android Profile Owner
100 Blackberry Blackberry Device
101 Palm Palm device
255 Unknown Unknown device type


The enrollmentActivity entity indicates the activity of a device enrollment.

Property Description
dateKey Key of the date when this enrollment activity was recorded.
deviceEnrollmentTypeKey Key of the type of the enrollment.
deviceTypeKey Key of the type of device.
enrollmentEventStatusKey Key of the status indicating the success or failure of the enrollment.
enrollmentFailureCategoryKey Key of the enrollment failure category (if the enrollment failed).
enrollmentFailureReasonKey Key of the enrollment failure reason (if the enrollment failed).
osVersion The operating system version of the device.
count Total count of enrollment activities matching the classifications above.


The enrollmentEventStatus entity indicates the result of a device enrollment.

Property Description
enrollmentEventStatusKey Unique identifier of the enrollment status in the data warehouse (surrogate key)
enrollmentEventStatusName The name of the enrollment status. See examples below.


enrollmentEventStatusName Description
Success A successful device enrollment
Failed A failed device enrollment
Not Available The enrollment status is unavailable.


The EnrollmentFailureCategory entity indicates why a device enrollment failed.

Property Description
enrollmentFailureCategoryKey Unique identifier of the enrollment failure category in the data warehouse (surrogate key)
enrollmentFailureCategoryName The name of the enrollment failure category. See examples below.


enrollmentFailureCategoryName Description
Not Applicable The enrollment failure category isn't applicable.
Not Available The enrollment failure category isn't available.
Unknown Unknown error.
Authentication Authentication failed.
Authorization Call was authenticated, but not authorized to enroll.
AccountValidation Failed to validate the account for enrollment. (Account blocked, enrollment not enabled)
UserValidation User couldn't be validated. (User doesn't exist, missing license)
DeviceNotSupported Device isn't supported for mobile device management.
InMaintenance Account is in maintenance.
BadRequest Client sent a request that isn't understood/supported by the service.
FeatureNotSupported Feature(s) used by this enrollment aren't supported for this account.
EnrollmentRestrictionsEnforced Enrollment restrictions configured by admin blocked this enrollment.
ClientDisconnected Client timed out or enrollment was aborted by end user.
UserAbandonment Enrollment was abandoned by end user. (End user started onboarding but failed to complete it in timely manner)


The EnrollmentFailureReason entity indicates a more detailed reason for a device enrollment failure within a given failure category.

Property Description
enrollmentFailureReasonKey Unique identifier of the enrollment failure reason in the data warehouse (surrogate key)
enrollmentFailureReasonName The name of the enrollment failure reason. See examples below.


enrollmentFailureReasonName Description
Not Applicable The enrollment failure reason isn't applicable.
Not Available The enrollment failure reason isn't available.
Unknown Unknown Error.
UserNotLicensed The user wasn't found in Intune or doesn't have a valid license.
UserUnknown User isn't known to Intune.
BulkAlreadyEnrolledDevice Only one user can enroll a device. This device was previously enrolled by another user.
EnrollmentOnboardingIssue Intune mobile device management (MDM) authority isn't configured yet.
AppleChallengeIssue The iOS management profile installation was delayed or failed.
AppleOnboardingIssue An Apple MDM push certificate is required to enroll into Intune.
DeviceCap The user attempted to enroll more devices than maximum allowed.
AuthenticationRequirementNotMet Intune enrollment service failed to authorize this request.
UnsupportedDeviceType This device doesn't meet minimum requirements for Intune enrollment.
EnrollmentCriteriaNotMet This device failed to enroll due to a configured enrollment restriction rule.
BulkDeviceNotPreregistered This device's international mobile equipment identifier (IMEI) or serial number wasn't found. Without this identifier, devices are recognized as personal-owned devices which are currently blocked.
FeatureNotSupported The user was attempting to access a feature that isn't yet released for all customers or isn't compatible with your Intune configuration.
UserAbandonment Enrollment was abandoned by end user. (End user started onboarding but failed to complete it in timely manner)
APNSCertificateExpired Apple devices can't be managed with an expired Apple MDM push certificate.


The ownerType entity indicates whether a device is corporate, personally owned, or unknown.

Property Description Example
ownerTypeID Unique identifier of the owner type.
ownerTypeKey Unique identifier of the owner type in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
ownerTypeName Represents the owner type of the devices:
Company - device is enterprise owned.
Personal - device is personally owned (BYOD).
Unknown - no information on this device.
Company Personal Unknown


For the ownerTypeName in AzureAD when creating Dynamic Groups for devices, you need to set the filter value deviceOwnership as Company. For more information, see Rules for devices.


The managementStates entity provides details on the state of the device. Detail can be useful in the cases where remote actions are applied, the device is jailbroken, or rooted.

Property Description
managementStateID Unique identifier of the management state.
managementStateKey Unique identifier of the management state in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
managementStateName Indicates the state of the remote action applied to this device.


managementStateID Name Description
0 Managed Managed with no pending remote actions.
1 RetirePending There's a retire command pending for the device.
2 RetireFailed The retire command failed on the device.
3 WipePending There's a wipe command pending for the device.
4 WipeFailed The wipe command failed on the device.
5 Unhealthy Unhealthy state.
6 DeletePending There's a delete command pending for the device.
7 RetireIssued A retire command has been issued to the device.
8 WipeIssued A wipe command has been issued.
9 WipeCanceled Wipe command has been canceled.
10 RetireCanceled Retire command has been canceled.
11 Discovered The device is newly discovered by Intune, once it checks in for the first time it moves to -Managed- state.


The ManagementAgentType entity represents the agents used to manage a device.

Property Description
managementAgentTypeID Unique identifier of the management agent type.
managementAgentTypeKey Unique identifier of the management agent type in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
managementAgentTypeName Indicates what kind of agent is used to manage the device.


ManagementAgentTypeID Name Description
1 EAS The device is managed through Exchange Active Sync.
2 MDM The device is managed using an MDM agent.
3 EasMdm The device is managed by both Exchange Active Sync and an MDM agent.
4 IntuneClient The device is managed by the Intune PC agent.
5 EasIntuneClient The device is managed by both Exchange Active Sync and the Intune PC agent.
8 ConfigManagerClient The device is managed by the Configuration Manager agent.
16 Unknown Unknown management agent type.
2048 IntuneAosp The device is managed by Intune's MDM for AOSP (Android Open Source Project) devices.


The devices entity lists all enrolled devices under management and their corresponding properties.

Property Description
deviceKey Unique identifier of the device in the data warehouse - surrogate key.
deviceId Unique identifier of the device.
deviceName Name of the device on platforms that allow naming a device. On other platforms, Intune creates a name from other properties. This attribute can't be available for all devices.
deviceTypeKey Key of the device type attribute for this device.
deviceRegistrationState Key of the client registration state attribute for this device.
ownerTypeKey Key of the owner type attribute for this device: corporate, personal, or unknown.
enrolledDateTime Date and time that this device was enrolled.
lastSyncDateTime Last known device check-in with Intune.
managementAgentKey Key of the management agent associated with this device.
managementStateKey Key of the management state associated with this device, indicating latest state of a remote action or if it was jailbroken/rooted.
azureADDeviceId The Azure deviceID for this device.
azureADRegistered Whether the device is Microsoft Entra registered.
deviceCategoryKey Key of the category associated with this device.
deviceEnrollmentType Key of the enrollment type associated with this device, indicating method of enrollment.
complianceStateKey Key of the Compliance state associated with this device.
osVersion Operating system version of the device.
easDeviceId Exchange ActiveSync ID of the device.
serialNumber SerialNumber
userId Unique Identifier for the user associated with the device.
rowLastModifiedDateTimeUTC Date and time in UTC when this device was last modified in the data warehouse.
manufacturer Manufacturer of the device
model Model of the device
operatingSystem Operating system of the device. Windows, iOS/iPadOS, etc.
isDeleted Binary to show whether the device is deleted or not.
androidSecurityPatchLevel Android security patch level
isSupervised Device supervised status
freeStorageSpaceInBytes Free Storage in Bytes.
totalStorageSpaceInBytes Total Storage in Bytes.
encryptionState Encryption state on the device.
subscriberCarrier Subscriber carrier of the device
phoneNumber Phone number of the device
cellularTechnology Cellular technology of the device
WiFiMacAddress Wi-Fi MAC
ICCD Integrated Circuit Card Identifier
windowsOsEdition Windows Operating System edition.
ethernetMacAddress The unique network identifier of this device.
model The device model.
office365Version The version of Microsoft 365 that is installed on the device. Office365Version is only collected when the Intune management extension agent is installed on a Windows machine. The admin must also create and assign a PowerShell or Win32 App for the agent to be installed. For more information, see Use PowerShell scripts on Windows 10 devices in Intune and Win32 app management in Microsoft Intune.

There's a known issue with the Intune Data Warehouse devices table. The office365Version property for the device record may be null. This property is currently under maintenance and may be subject to deprecation. Therefore, you should consider not using this property value for reporting purposes.

SubnetAddressV4Wifi The subnet address for IPV4 Wifi connection.
IpAddressV4Wifi The IP address for IPV4 Wifi connection.


For more information about Windows SKU enum values, see Device properties.


The devicePropertyHistory entity has the same properties as the devices table and daily snapshots of each device record per day for the past 60 days. The DateKey column indicates the day for each row.

Property Description
dateKey Reference to date table indicating the day.
deviceKey Unique identifier of the device in the data warehouse - surrogate key. This is a reference to the Device table that contains the Intune device ID.
deviceName Name of the device on platforms that allow naming a device. On other platforms, Intune creates a name from other properties. This attribute can't be available for all devices.
deviceRegistrationStateKey Key of the device registration state attribute for this device.
ownerTypeKey Key of the owner type attribute for this device: corporate, personal, or unknown.
managementStateKey Key of the management state associated with this device, indicating latest state of a remote action or if it was jailbroken/rooted.
azureADRegistered Whether the device is Microsoft Entra registered.
complianceStateKey A key to ComplianceState.
OSVersion OS version.
jailBroken Whether the device is jail broken or rooted.
deviceCategoryKey Key of device category attribute for this device.
physicalMemoryInBytes The physical memory in bytes.
totalStorageSpaceInBytes Total storage capacity in bytes.