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Surface Duo and Surface Duo 2 Android emulator

Download, install, use, and troubleshoot the Surface Duo Android emulator, which supports different screen sizes for both Surface Duo and Surface Duo 2. The emulator image can be used for testing and debugging from a variety of tools including Android Studio, Visual Studio, or Visual Studio Code.

Download now

Go straight to the download artifacts and choose the installer that works for your computer:

Download Surface Duo emulator on the Microsoft Download Center.

Ensure you have have the latest Android Emulator installed as part of your Android SDK tools. For more information review the pre-requisites, download, and installation steps.

Testing Surface Duo folding in the emulator

Android developers can simulate folding a Surface Duo device using the postures tab in the emulator's properties window:

Surface Duo emulator 3D posture view

Web developers can use the Surface Duo emulator with Edge to test their work, but they can also use Surface Duo simulation available as part of the developer tools in Edge or Chrome desktop versions.