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null (Referensi C#)

Kata kunci null adalah harfiah yang mewakili referensi null, yang tidak merujuk ke objek apa pun. null adalah nilai default variabel jenis referensi. Jenis nilai biasa tidak boleh null, kecuali untuk jenis nilai yang dapat diubah ke null.

Contoh berikut menunjukkan beberapa perilaku kata kunci null:

class Program
    class MyClass
        public static void MyMethod() { }

    static void Main()
        // Set a breakpoint here to see that mc = null.
        // However, the compiler considers it "unassigned."
        // and generates a compiler error if you try to
        // use the variable.
        MyClass mc;

        // Now the variable can be used, but...
        mc = null;

        // ... a method call on a null object raises
        // a run-time NullReferenceException.
        // Uncomment the following line to see for yourself.
        // mc.MyMethod();

        // Now mc has a value.
        mc = new MyClass();

        // You can call its method.

        // Set mc to null again. The object it referenced
        // is no longer accessible and can now be garbage-collected.
        mc = null;

        // A null string is not the same as an empty string.
        string s = null;
        string t = string.Empty; // Logically the same as ""

        // Equals applied to any null object returns false.
        Console.WriteLine($"t.Equals(s) is {t.Equals(s)}");

        // Equality operator also returns false when one
        // operand is null.
        Console.WriteLine($"Empty string {(s == t ? "equals" : "does not equal")} null string");

        // Returns true.
        Console.WriteLine($"null == null is {null == null}");

        // A value type cannot be null
        // int i = null; // Compiler error!

        // Use a nullable value type instead:
        int? i = null;

        // Keep the console window open in debug mode.

Spesifikasi bahasa C#

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