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Contoh aplikasi stateful

Artikel ini berisi contoh kode untuk aplikasi kustom yang bersifat stateful. Databricks merekomendasikan penggunaan metode stateful bawaan untuk operasi umum seperti agregasi dan gabungan.

Pola dalam artikel ini menggunakan operator transformWithState dan kelas terkait yang tersedia di pratinjau publik di Databricks Runtime 16.2 ke atas. Lihat Membangun aplikasi stateful kustom.


Python menggunakan operator transformWithStateInPandas untuk menyediakan fungsionalitas yang sama. Contoh di bawah ini menyediakan kode di Python dan Scala.


Operator transformWithState dan API dan kelas terkait memiliki persyaratan berikut:

  • Tersedia di Databricks Runtime 16.2 ke atas.
  • Komputasi harus menggunakan mode akses khusus atau tanpa isolasi.
  • Anda harus menggunakan penyedia penyimpanan status RocksDB. Databricks merekomendasikan untuk mengaktifkan RocksDB sebagai bagian dari konfigurasi komputasi.


Untuk mengaktifkan penyedia penyimpanan status RocksDB untuk sesi saat ini, jalankan hal berikut:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.providerClass", "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.RocksDBStateStoreProvider")

Dimensi yang berubah perlahan (SCD) tipe 1

Kode berikut adalah contoh penerapan SCD tipe 1 menggunakan transformWithState. SCD jenis 1 hanya melacak nilai terbaru untuk bidang tertentu.


Anda dapat menggunakan tabel Streaming dan APPLY CHANGES INTO untuk mengimplementasikan SCD tipe 1 atau tipe 2 menggunakan tabel yang didukung Delta Lake. Contoh ini mengimplementasikan SCD tipe 1 di penyimpanan status, yang memberikan latensi rendah untuk aplikasi hampir waktu nyata.


# Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql.streaming import StatefulProcessor, StatefulProcessorHandle
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, LongType, StringType
from typing import Iterator

# Set the state store provider to RocksDB
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.providerClass", "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.RocksDBStateStoreProvider")

# Define the output schema for the streaming query
output_schema = StructType([
    StructField("user", StringType(), True),
    StructField("time", LongType(), True),
    StructField("location", StringType(), True)

# Define a custom StatefulProcessor for slowly changing dimension type 1 (SCD1) operations
class SCDType1StatefulProcessor(StatefulProcessor):
    def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None:
        # Define the schema for the state value
        value_state_schema = StructType([
            StructField("user", StringType(), True),
            StructField("time", LongType(), True),
            StructField("location", StringType(), True)
        # Initialize the state to store the latest location for each user
        self.latest_location = handle.getValueState("latestLocation", value_state_schema)

    def handleInputRows(self, key, rows, timer_values) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
        # Find the row with the maximum time value
        max_row = None
        max_time = float('-inf')
        for pdf in rows:
            for _, pd_row in pdf.iterrows():
                time_value = pd_row["time"]
                if time_value > max_time:
                    max_time = time_value
                    max_row = tuple(pd_row)

        # Check if state exists and update if necessary
        exists = self.latest_location.exists()
        if not exists or max_row[1] > self.latest_location.get()[1]:
            # Update the state with the new max row
            # Yield the updated row
            yield pd.DataFrame(
                {"user": (max_row[0],), "time": (max_row[1],), "location": (max_row[2],)}
        # Yield an empty DataFrame if no update is needed
        yield pd.DataFrame()

    def close(self) -> None:
        # No cleanup needed

# Apply the stateful transformation to the input DataFrame
  .writeStream...  # Continue with stream writing configuration


// Define a case class to represent user location data
case class UserLocation(
    user: String,
    time: Long,
    location: String)

// Define a stateful processor for slowly changing dimension type 1 (SCD1) operations
class SCDType1StatefulProcessor extends StatefulProcessor[String, UserLocation, UserLocation] {
  import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoders}

  // Transient value state to store the latest location for each user
  @transient private var _latestLocation: ValueState[UserLocation] = _

  // Initialize the state store
  override def init(
      outputMode: OutputMode,
      timeMode: TimeMode): Unit = {
    // Create a value state named "locationState" using UserLocation encoder
    // TTLConfig.NONE means the state has no expiration
    _latestLocation = getHandle.getValueState[UserLocation]("locationState",
      Encoders.product[UserLocation], TTLConfig.NONE)

  // Process input rows and update state
  override def handleInputRows(
      key: String,
      inputRows: Iterator[UserLocation],
      timerValues: TimerValues): Iterator[UserLocation] = {
    // Find the location with the maximum timestamp from input rows
    val maxNewLocation = inputRows.maxBy(_.time)

    // Update state and emit output if:
    // 1. No previous state exists, or
    // 2. New location has a more recent timestamp than the stored one
    if (_latestLocation.getOption().isEmpty || maxNewLocation.time > _latestLocation.get().time) {
      Iterator.single(maxNewLocation)  // Emit the updated location
    } else {
      Iterator.empty  // No update needed, emit nothing

Dimensi Perlahan Berubah (Tipe 2 SCD)

Notebook berikut berisi contoh penerapan SCD tipe 2 menggunakan transformWithState di Python atau Scala.

Python SCD Tipe 2

Ambil buku catatan

Scala SCD Tipe 2

Ambil buku catatan

Detektor waktu henti

transformWithState mengimplementasikan timer untuk memungkinkan Anda mengambil tindakan berdasarkan waktu yang berlalu, bahkan jika tidak ada rekaman untuk kunci tertentu yang diproses dalam mikrobatch.

Contoh berikut menerapkan pola untuk detektor waktu henti. Setiap kali nilai baru terlihat untuk kunci tertentu, nilai status lastSeen diperbarui, menghapus timer yang ada, dan mengatur ulang timer untuk masa mendatang.

Ketika timer kedaluwarsa, aplikasi mengeluarkan waktu yang telah berlalu sejak peristiwa terakhir yang diamati untuk kunci tersebut. Kemudian mengatur timer baru untuk memancarkan pembaruan 10 detik kemudian.


import datetime
import time

class DownTimeDetectorStatefulProcessor(StatefulProcessor):
    def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None:
        # Define schema for the state value (timestamp)
        state_schema = StructType([StructField("value", TimestampType(), True)])
        self.handle = handle
        # Initialize state to store the last seen timestamp for each key
        self.last_seen = handle.getValueState("last_seen", state_schema)

    def handleExpiredTimer(self, key, timerValues, expiredTimerInfo) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
        latest_from_existing = self.last_seen.get()
        # Calculate downtime duration
        downtime_duration = timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() - int(time.time() * 1000)
        # Register a new timer for 10 seconds in the future
        self.handle.registerTimer(timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() + 10000)
        # Yield a DataFrame with the key and downtime duration
        yield pd.DataFrame(
                "id": key,
                "timeValues": str(downtime_duration),

    def handleInputRows(self, key, rows, timerValues) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
        # Find the row with the maximum timestamp
        max_row = max((tuple(pdf.iloc[0]) for pdf in rows), key=lambda row: row[1])

        # Get the latest timestamp from existing state or use epoch start if not exists
        if self.last_seen.exists():
            latest_from_existing = self.last_seen.get()
            latest_from_existing = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)

        # If new data is more recent than existing state
        if latest_from_existing < max_row[1]:
            # Delete all existing timers
            for timer in self.handle.listTimers():
            # Update the last seen timestamp

        # Register a new timer for 5 seconds in the future
        self.handle.registerTimer(timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() + 5000)

        # Get current processing time in milliseconds
        timestamp_in_millis = str(timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs())

        # Yield a DataFrame with the key and current timestamp
        yield pd.DataFrame({"id": key, "timeValues": timestamp_in_millis})

    def close(self) -> None:
        # No cleanup needed


import java.sql.Timestamp
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders

// The (String, Timestamp) schema represents an (id, time). We want to do downtime
// detection on every single unique sensor, where each sensor has a sensor ID.
class DowntimeDetector(duration: Duration) extends
  StatefulProcessor[String, (String, Timestamp), (String, Duration)] {

  @transient private var _lastSeen: ValueState[Timestamp] = _

  override def init(outputMode: OutputMode, timeMode: TimeMode): Unit = {
    _lastSeen = getHandle.getValueState[Timestamp]("lastSeen", Encoders.TIMESTAMP, TTLConfig.NONE)

  // The logic here is as follows: find the largest timestamp seen so far. Set a timer for
  // the duration later.
  override def handleInputRows(
      key: String,
      inputRows: Iterator[(String, Timestamp)],
      timerValues: TimerValues): Iterator[(String, Duration)] = {
    val latestRecordFromNewRows = inputRows.maxBy(_._2.getTime)

    // Use getOrElse to initiate state variable if it doesn't exist
    val latestTimestampFromExistingRows = _lastSeen.getOption().getOrElse(new Timestamp(0))
    val latestTimestampFromNewRows = latestRecordFromNewRows._2

    if (latestTimestampFromNewRows.after(latestTimestampFromExistingRows)) {
      // Cancel the one existing timer, since we have a new latest timestamp.
      // We call "listTimers()" just because we don't know ahead of time what
      // the timestamp of the existing timer is.
      getHandle.listTimers().foreach(timer => getHandle.deleteTimer(timer))

      // Use timerValues to schedule a timer using processing time.
      getHandle.registerTimer(timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() + duration.toMillis)
    } else {
      // No new latest timestamp, so no need to update state or set a timer.


  override def handleExpiredTimer(
    key: String,
    timerValues: TimerValues,
    expiredTimerInfo: ExpiredTimerInfo): Iterator[(String, Duration)] = {
      val latestTimestamp = _lastSeen.get()
      val downtimeDuration = new Duration(
        timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() - latestTimestamp.getTime)

      // Register another timer that will fire in 10 seconds.
      // Timers can be registered anywhere but init()
      getHandle.registerTimer(timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() + 10000)

      Iterator((key, downtimeDuration))

Memigrasikan informasi status yang ada

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menerapkan aplikasi stateful yang menerima status awal. Anda dapat menambahkan penanganan status awal ke aplikasi stateful apa pun, tetapi status awal hanya dapat diatur saat pertama kali menginisialisasi aplikasi.

Contoh ini menggunakan pembaca statestore untuk memuat informasi status yang ada dari jalur titik pemeriksaan. Contoh penggunaan pola ini adalah migrasi dari aplikasi legacy yang berstatus ke transformWithState.


# Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql.streaming import StatefulProcessor, StatefulProcessorHandle
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, LongType, StringType, IntegerType
from typing import Iterator

# Set RocksDB as the state store provider for better performance
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.streaming.stateStore.providerClass", "org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.RocksDBStateStoreProvider")

Input schema is as below

input_schema = StructType(
    [StructField("id", StringType(), True)],
    [StructField("value", StringType(), True)]

# Define the output schema for the streaming query
output_schema = StructType([
    StructField("id", StringType(), True),
    StructField("accumulated", StringType(), True)

class AccumulatedCounterStatefulProcessorWithInitialState(StatefulProcessor):

    def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None:
        # Define schema for the state value (integer)
        state_schema = StructType([StructField("value", IntegerType(), True)])
        # Initialize state to store the accumulated counter for each id
        self.counter_state = handle.getValueState("counter_state", state_schema)
        self.handle = handle

    def handleInputRows(self, key, rows, timerValues) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
        # Check if state exists for the current key
        exists = self.counter_state.exists()
        if exists:
            value_row = self.counter_state.get()
            existing_value = value_row[0]
            existing_value = 0

        accumulated_value = existing_value

        # Process input rows and accumulate values
        for pdf in rows:
            value = pdf["value"].astype(int).sum()
            accumulated_value += value

        # Update the state with the new accumulated value

        # Yield a DataFrame with the key and accumulated value
        yield pd.DataFrame({"id": key, "accumulated": str(accumulated_value)})

    def handleInitialState(self, key, initialState, timerValues) -> None:
        # Initialize the state with the provided initial value
        init_val =[0, "initVal"]

    def close(self) -> None:
        # No cleanup needed

# Load initial state from a checkpoint directory
initial_state ="statestore")
  .option("path", "$checkpointsDir")

# Apply the stateful transformation to the input DataFrame
  .writeStream...  # Continue with stream writing configuration


// Import necessary libraries
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoder, Encoders , DataFrame}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

// Define a stateful processor that can handle initial state
class InitialStateStatefulProcessor extends StatefulProcessorWithInitialState[String, (String, String, String), (String, String), (String, Int)] {
  // Transient value state to store the accumulated value
  @transient protected var valueState: ValueState[Int] = _

  // Initialize the state store
  override def init(
      outputMode: OutputMode,
      timeMode: TimeMode): Unit = {
    // Create a value state named "valueState" using Int encoder
    // TTLConfig.NONE means the state has no automatic expiration
    valueState = getHandle.getValueState[Int]("valueState",
      Encoders.scalaInt, TTLConfig.NONE)

  // Process input rows and update state
  override def handleInputRows(
      key: String,
      inputRows: Iterator[(String, String, String)],
      timerValues: TimerValues): Iterator[(String, String)] = {
    var existingValue = 0
    // Retrieve existing value from state if it exists
    if (valueState.exists()) {
      existingValue += valueState.get()
    var accumulatedValue = existingValue
    // Accumulate values from input rows
    for (row <- inputRows) {
      accumulatedValue += row._2.toInt
    // Update the state with the new accumulated value
    // Return the key and accumulated value as a string
    Iterator((key, accumulatedValue.toString))

  // Handle initial state when provided
  override def handleInitialState(
      key: String, initialState: (String, Int), timerValues: TimerValues): Unit = {
    // Update the state with the initial value

Memigrasikan tabel Delta ke penyimpanan status untuk inisialisasi

Buku catatan berikut berisi contoh menginisialisasi nilai penyimpanan status dari tabel Delta menggunakan transformWithState di Python atau Scala.

Menginisialisasi status dari Delta Python

Ambil buku catatan

Menginisialisasi status dari Delta Scala

Dapatkan buku catatan

Pelacakan sesi

Notebook berikut berisi contoh pelacakan sesi menggunakan transformWithState di Python atau Scala.

Pelacakan sesi Python

Ambil buku catatan

Pelacakan sesi Scala

Dapatkan buku catatan

Gabungan stream-stream kustom menggunakan transformWithState

Kode berikut menunjukkan penggabungan aliran-aliran kustom di beberapa aliran menggunakan transformWithState. Anda mungkin menggunakan pendekatan ini sebagai pengganti operator gabungan bawaan karena alasan berikut:

  • Anda perlu menggunakan mode keluaran pembaruan yang tidak mendukung penggabungan stream-stream. Ini sangat berguna untuk aplikasi latensi yang lebih rendah.
  • Anda perlu terus melakukan penggabungan untuk baris yang terlambat tiba (setelah kedaluwarsa watermark).
  • Anda perlu melakukan gabungan arus data banyak-ke-banyak.

Contoh ini memberi pengguna kemampuan sepenuhnya mengendalikan logika kedaluwarsa status, memungkinkan memperpanjang periode retensi secara dinamis untuk menangani kejadian yang tidak teratur meskipun setelah batas waktu.


# Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql.streaming import StatefulProcessor, StatefulProcessorHandle
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, TimestampType
from typing import Iterator

# Define output schema for the joined data
output_schema = StructType([
    StructField("user_id", StringType(), True),
    StructField("event_type", StringType(), True),
    StructField("timestamp", TimestampType(), True),
    StructField("profile_name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("email", StringType(), True),
    StructField("preferred_category", StringType(), True)

class CustomStreamJoinProcessor(StatefulProcessor):
    # Initialize stateful storage for user profiles, preferences, and event tracking.
    def init(self, handle: StatefulProcessorHandle) -> None:

        # Define schemas for different types of state data
        profile_schema = StructType([
            StructField("name", StringType(), True),
            StructField("email", StringType(), True),
            StructField("updated_at", TimestampType(), True)
        preferences_schema = StructType([
            StructField("preferred_category", StringType(), True),
            StructField("updated_at", TimestampType(), True)
        activity_schema = StructType([
            StructField("event_type", StringType(), True),
            StructField("timestamp", TimestampType(), True)

        # Initialize state storage for user profiles, preferences, and activity
        self.profile_state = handle.getMapState("user_profiles", "string", profile_schema)
        self.preferences_state = handle.getMapState("user_preferences", "string", preferences_schema)
        self.activity_state = handle.getMapState("user_activity", "string", activity_schema)

    # Process incoming events and update state
    def handleInputRows(self, key, rows: Iterator[pd.DataFrame], timer_values) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:
        df = pd.concat(rows, ignore_index=True)
        output_rows = []

        for _, row in df.iterrows():
            user_id = row["user_id"]

            if "event_type" in row:  # User activity event
                self.activity_state.update_value(user_id, row.to_dict())
                # Set a timer to process this event after a 10-second delay
                self.getHandle().registerTimer(timer_values.get_current_processing_time_in_ms() + (10 * 1000))

            elif "name" in row:  # Profile update
                self.profile_state.update_value(user_id, row.to_dict())

            elif "preferred_category" in row:  # Preference update
                self.preferences_state.update_value(user_id, row.to_dict())

        # No immediate output; processing will happen when timer expires
        return iter([])

    # Perform lookup after delay, handling out-of-order and late-arriving events.
    def handleExpiredTimer(self, key, timer_values, expired_timer_info) -> Iterator[pd.DataFrame]:

        # Retrieve stored state for the user
        user_activity = self.activity_state.get_value(key)
        user_profile = self.profile_state.get_value(key)
        user_preferences = self.preferences_state.get_value(key)

        if user_activity:
            # Combine data from different states into a single output row
            output_row = {
                "user_id": key,
                "event_type": user_activity["event_type"],
                "timestamp": user_activity["timestamp"],
                "profile_name": user_profile.get("name") if user_profile else None,
                "email": user_profile.get("email") if user_profile else None,
                "preferred_category": user_preferences.get("preferred_category") if user_preferences else None
            return iter([pd.DataFrame([output_row])])

        return iter([])

    def close(self) -> None:
        # No cleanup needed

# Apply transformWithState to the input DataFrame
  .writeStream...  # Continue with stream writing configuration


// Import necessary libraries
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType
import java.sql.Timestamp

// Define a case class for enriched user events, combining user activity with profile and preference data
case class EnrichedUserEvent(
    user_id: String,
    event_type: String,
    timestamp: Timestamp,
    profile_name: Option[String],
    email: Option[String],
    preferred_category: Option[String]

// Custom stateful processor for stream-stream join
class CustomStreamJoinProcessor extends StatefulProcessor[String, UserEvent, EnrichedUserEvent] {
  // Transient state variables to store user profiles, preferences, and activities
  @transient private var _profileState: MapState[String, UserProfile] = _
  @transient private var _preferencesState: MapState[String, UserPreferences] = _
  @transient private var _activityState: MapState[String, UserEvent] = _

  // Initialize state stores
  override def init(outputMode: OutputMode, timeMode: TimeMode): Unit = {
    _profileState = getHandle.getMapState[String, UserProfile]("profileState", Encoders.product[UserProfile], TTLConfig.NONE)
    _preferencesState = getHandle.getMapState[String, UserPreferences]("preferencesState", Encoders.product[UserPreferences], TTLConfig.NONE)
    _activityState = getHandle.getMapState[String, UserEvent]("activityState", Encoders.product[UserEvent], TTLConfig.NONE)

  // Handle incoming user events
  override def handleInputRows(
      key: String,
      inputRows: Iterator[UserEvent],
      timerValues: TimerValues): Iterator[EnrichedUserEvent] = {

    inputRows.foreach { event =>
      if (event.event_type.nonEmpty) {
        // Update activity state and set a timer for 10 seconds in the future
        _activityState.update(key, event)
        getHandle.registerTimer(timerValues.getCurrentProcessingTimeInMs() + 10000)

  // Handle expired timers to produce enriched events
  override def handleExpiredTimer(
      key: String,
      timerValues: TimerValues,
      expiredTimerInfo: ExpiredTimerInfo): Iterator[EnrichedUserEvent] = {

    // Retrieve user data from state stores
    val userEvent = _activityState.getOption(key)
    val userProfile = _profileState.getOption(key)
    val userPreferences = _preferencesState.getOption(key)

    if (userEvent.isDefined) {
      // Create and return an enriched event if user activity exists
      val enrichedEvent = EnrichedUserEvent(
        user_id = key,
        event_type = userEvent.get.event_type,
        timestamp = userEvent.get.timestamp,
        profile_name =,
        email =,
        preferred_category =
    } else {

// Apply the custom stateful processor to the input DataFrame
val enrichedStream = df
    new CustomStreamJoinProcessor(),

// Write the enriched stream to Delta Lake
  .option("checkpointLocation", "/mnt/delta/checkpoints")

Top-K komputasi

Contoh berikut menggunakan ListState dengan antrean prioritas untuk mempertahankan dan memperbarui elemen K teratas dalam aliran untuk setiap kunci grup mendekati real-time.

Top-K Python

Dapatkan buku catatan

Top-K Scala

Dapatkan buku catatan