Melokalisasi String ID
Di Azure Active Directory B2C, kebijakan kustom didesain khusus untuk menangani skenario kompleks. Untuk skenario umum, sebaiknya gunakan alur pengguna bawaan. Jika Anda belum melakukannya, pelajari tentang paket starter kebijakan kustom di Mulai dengan kebijakan kustom di Azure Active Directory B2C.
Elemen Lokalisasi memungkinkan Anda untuk mendukung beberapa lokal atau bahasa dalam kebijakan untuk perjalanan pengguna. Artikel ini menyediakan daftar ID lokalisasi yang bisa Anda gunakan dalam kebijakan Anda. Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang pelokalan UI, lihat Pelokalan.
Elemen halaman pendaftaran atau masuk
ID berikut digunakan untuk definisi konten dengan ID api.signuporsignin
, dan profil teknis yang ditegaskan sendiri.
ID | Nilai default | Versi Tata Letak Halaman |
forgotpassword_link |
Lupa kata sandi Anda? | All |
createaccount_intro |
Tidak memiliki akun? | All |
button_signin |
Masuk | All |
social_intro |
Masuk dengan akun sosial Anda | All |
remember_me |
Biarkan saya tetap masuk. | All |
unknown_error |
Kami mengalami masalah saat memasukkanmu. Coba lagi nanti. | All |
divider_title |
ATAU | All |
local_intro_email |
Masuk dengan akun yang ada | < 2.0.0 |
logonIdentifier_email |
Alamat Email | < 2.0.0 |
requiredField_email |
Masukkan email Anda | < 2.0.0 |
invalid_email |
Masukkan alamat email yang valid | < 2.0.0 |
email_pattern |
^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`\{\|\}~\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\*$ |
< 2.0.0 |
local_intro_username |
Masuk dengan nama pengguna Anda | < 2.0.0 |
logonIdentifier_username |
Nama Pengguna | < 2.0.0 |
requiredField_username |
Masukkan nama pengguna Anda | < 2.0.0 |
password |
Kata sandi | < 2.0.0 |
requiredField_password |
Masukkan kata sandi Anda | < 2.0.0 |
createaccount_link |
Daftar sekarang | < 2.0.0 |
cancel_message |
Pengguna lupa kata sandi mereka | < 2.0.0 |
invalid_password |
Kata sandi yang Anda masukkan tidak dalam format yang diharapkan. | < 2.0.0 |
createaccount_one_link |
Daftar sekarang | >= 2.0.0 |
createaccount_two_links |
Daftar dengan {0} or {1} | >= 2.0.0 |
createaccount_three_links |
Daftar dengan {0}, {1}, or {2} | >= 2.0.0 |
local_intro_generic |
Masuk dengan {0}Anda | >= 2.1.0 |
requiredField_generic |
Masukkan {0} Anda | >= 2.1.0 |
invalid_generic |
Harap masukkan {0} yang valid | >= 2.1.1 |
heading |
Masuk | >= 2.1.1 |
- Tempat penampung seperti
diisi secara otomatis denganDisplayName
. - Untuk mempelajari cara melokalisasi
,lihat Mendaftar atau masuk contoh.
Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan beberapa elemen antarmuka pengguna di halaman pendaftaran atau masuk:
Penyedia identitas pendaftaran atau masuk
ID penyedia identitas dikonfigurasi dalam perjalanan pengguna elemen ClaimsExchange. Untuk melokalisasi judul penyedia identitas, ElementType diatur ClaimsProvider
, sementara StringId diatur ke ID dari ClaimsExchange
<OrchestrationStep Order="2" Type="ClaimsExchange">
<Precondition Type="ClaimsExist" ExecuteActionsIf="true">
<ClaimsExchange Id="FacebookExchange" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="Facebook-OAUTH" />
<ClaimsExchange Id="MicrosoftExchange" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="MSA-OIDC" />
<ClaimsExchange Id="GoogleExchange" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="Google-OAUTH" />
<ClaimsExchange Id="SignUpWithLogonEmailExchange" TechnicalProfileReferenceId="LocalAccount" />
Contoh berikut ini melokalisasikan penyedia identitas Facebook ke bahasa Arab:
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimsProvider" StringId="FacebookExchange">فيس بوك</LocalizedString>
Pesan kesalahan pendaftaran atau masuk
ID | Nilai default |
UserMessageIfInvalidPassword |
Kata sandi Anda salah. |
UserMessageIfPasswordExpired |
Kata sandi Anda telah kedaluwarsa. |
UserMessageIfClaimsPrincipalDoesNotExist |
Kami tampaknya tidak dapat menemukan akun Anda. |
UserMessageIfOldPasswordUsed |
Sepertinya Anda menggunakan kata sandi lama. |
DefaultMessage |
Nama pengguna atau kata sandi tidak valid. |
UserMessageIfUserAccountDisabled |
Akun Anda telah dikunci. Hubungi staf dukungan Anda untuk membukanya, lalu coba lagi. |
UserMessageIfUserAccountLocked |
Akun Anda dikunci sementara untuk mencegah penggunaan tidak sah. Coba lagi nanti. Coba lagi nanti. |
AADRequestsThrottled |
Ada terlalu banyak permintaan saat ini. Silakan tunggu beberapa waktu, lalu coba kembali. |
Contoh pendaftaran atau masuk
<LocalizedResources Id="api.signuporsignin.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="email" StringId="DisplayName">Email Address</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="heading">Sign in</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="social_intro">Sign in with your social account</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="local_intro_generic">Sign in with your {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="requiredField_password">Please enter your password</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="requiredField_generic">Please enter your {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="invalid_generic">Please enter a valid {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="createaccount_one_link">Sign up now</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="createaccount_two_links">Sign up with {0} or {1}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="createaccount_three_links">Sign up with {0}, {1}, or {2}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="forgotpassword_link">Forgot your password?</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_signin">Sign in</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="divider_title">OR</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="unknown_error">We are having trouble signing you in. Please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<!-- Uncomment the remember_me only if the keep me signed in is activated.
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="remember_me">Keep me signed in</LocalizedString> -->
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimsProvider" StringId="FacebookExchange">Facebook</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfInvalidPassword">Your password is incorrect.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfPasswordExpired">Your password has expired.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfClaimsPrincipalDoesNotExist">We can't seem to find your account.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfOldPasswordUsed">Looks like you used an old password.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="DefaultMessage">Invalid username or password.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfUserAccountDisabled">Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfUserAccountLocked">Your account is temporarily locked to prevent unauthorized use. Try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="AADRequestsThrottled">There are too many requests at this moment. Please wait for some time and try again.</LocalizedString>
Elemen antarmuka pengguna halaman pendaftaran dan yang ditegaskan sendiri
ID berikut digunakan untuk definisi konten yang memiliki ID api.localaccountsignup
atau definisi konten apa pun yang dimulai dengan api.selfasserted
, seperti api.selfasserted.profileupdate
dan api.localaccountpasswordreset
, dan profil teknis yang disertahkan sendiri.
ID | Nilai default |
ver_sent |
Kode verifikasi sudah dikirimkan ke: |
ver_but_default |
Default |
cancel_message |
Pengguna telah membatalkan memasukkan informasi yang dibuat sendiri |
preloader_alt |
Harap tunggu |
ver_but_send |
Kirimkan kode verifikasi |
alert_yes |
Ya |
error_fieldIncorrect |
Satu atau beberapa bidang diisi dengan tidak benar. Periksalah entri Anda, lalu coba kembali. |
year |
Tahun |
verifying_blurb |
Harap tunggu sementara kami memproses informasi Anda. |
button_cancel |
Batalkan |
ver_fail_no_retry |
Anda telah melakukan terlalu banyak upaya yang salah. Coba lagi nanti. |
month |
Month |
ver_success_msg |
Alamat email terverifikasi. Anda sekarang dapat melanjutkan. |
months |
Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember |
ver_fail_server |
Kami mengalami masalah saat memverifikasi alamat email Anda. Masukkan alamat email yang valid, lalu coba kembali. |
error_requiredFieldMissing |
Bidang yang diperlukan kosong. Silakan isi semua bidang yang diperlukan, lalu coba kembali. |
heading |
Detail Pengguna |
initial_intro |
Silakan berikan detail berikut. |
ver_but_resend |
Kirim kode baru |
button_continue |
Buat |
error_passwordEntryMismatch |
Bidang entri kata sandi tidak cocok. Masukkan kata sandi yang sama di kedua bidang, lalu coba kembali. |
ver_incorrect_format |
Format salah. |
ver_but_edit |
Ubah email |
ver_but_verify |
Verifikasi kode |
alert_no |
No |
ver_info_msg |
Kode verifikasi sudah dikirimkan ke kotak masuk anda. Silakan salin ke kotak masukan di bawah ini. |
day |
Hari |
ver_fail_throttled |
Ada terlalu banyak permintaan untuk memverifikasi alamat email ini. Silakan tunggu beberapa saat, lalu coba kembali. |
helplink_text |
Apa ini? |
ver_fail_retry |
Kode itu tidak benar. Harap coba lagi. |
alert_title |
Batal Memasukkan Detail Anda |
required_field |
Informasi ini diperlukan. |
alert_message |
Yakin ingin membatalkan pengisian detail Anda? |
ver_intro_msg |
Verifikasi diperlukan. Silakan klik tombol Kirim. |
ver_input |
Kode verifikasi |
required_field_descriptive |
{0} diperlukan |
Link penafian halaman pendaftaran dan pernyataan diri
ID string berikut UxElement
menampilkan tautan penafian di bagian bawah halaman yang dinyatakan sendiri. Tautan ini tidak ditampilkan secara default kecuali ditentukan dalam string yang dilokalkan.
ID | Contoh nilai |
disclaimer_msg_intro |
Dengan memberikan nomor telepon, Anda setuju untuk menerima kode sandi sekali pakai yang dikirim melalui pesan teks untuk membantu Anda masuk ke {masukkan nama aplikasi Anda}. Tarif pesan dan data dapat berlaku. |
disclaimer_link_1_text |
Pernyataan Privasi |
disclaimer_link_1_url |
{masukkan URL pernyataan privasi Anda} |
disclaimer_link_2_text |
Syarat dan Ketentuan |
disclaimer_link_2_url |
{masukkan URL syarat dan ketentuan Anda} |
Daftar dan pesan kesalahan halaman yang ditegaskan sendiri
ID | Nilai default |
UserMessageIfClaimsPrincipalAlreadyExists |
Pengguna dengan ID yang ditentukan sudah ada. Pilihlah yang lain. |
UserMessageIfClaimNotVerified |
Klaim tidak terverifikasi: {0} |
UserMessageIfIncorrectPattern |
Pola tidak tepat untuk: {0} |
UserMessageIfMissingRequiredElement |
Elemen yang diperlukan tidak ada: {0} |
UserMessageIfValidationError |
Kesalahan dalam validasi oleh: {0} |
UserMessageIfInvalidInput |
{0} memiliki input tidak valid. |
ServiceThrottled |
Ada terlalu banyak permintaan saat ini. Silakan tunggu beberapa waktu, lalu coba kembali. |
Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan beberapa elemen antarmuka pengguna di halaman pendaftaran atau masuk:
Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan beberapa elemen antarmuka pengguna di halaman pendaftaran, setelah pengguna memilih tombol kirim kode verifikasi:
Contoh halaman pendaftaran dan yang ditegaskan sendiri
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="email" StringId="DisplayName">Email Address</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="email" StringId="UserHelpText">Email address that can be used to contact you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="email" StringId="PatternHelpText">Please enter a valid email address.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="newPassword" StringId="DisplayName">New Password</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="newPassword" StringId="UserHelpText">Enter new password</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="newPassword" StringId="PatternHelpText">8-16 characters, containing 3 out of 4 of the following: Lowercase characters, uppercase characters, digits (0-9), and one or more of the following symbols: @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; .</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="reenterPassword" StringId="DisplayName">Confirm New Password</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="reenterPassword" StringId="UserHelpText">Confirm new password</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="reenterPassword" StringId="PatternHelpText">#8-16 characters, containing 3 out of 4 of the following: Lowercase characters, uppercase characters, digits (0-9), and one or more of the following symbols: @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; .</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="displayName" StringId="DisplayName">Display Name</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="displayName" StringId="UserHelpText">Your display name.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="surname" StringId="DisplayName">Surname</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="surname" StringId="UserHelpText">Your surname (also known as family name or last name).</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="givenName" StringId="DisplayName">Given Name</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="givenName" StringId="UserHelpText">Your given name (also known as first name).</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_continue">Create</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_fieldIncorrect">One or more fields are filled out incorrectly. Please check your entries and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_passwordEntryMismatch">The password entry fields do not match. Please enter the same password in both fields and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_requiredFieldMissing">A required field is missing. Please fill out all required fields and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="helplink_text">What is this?</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="heading">User Details</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="initial_intro">Please provide the following details.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="preloader_alt">Please wait</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="required_field">This information is required.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="required_field_descriptive">{0} is required</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_but_edit">Change e-mail</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_but_resend">Send new code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_but_send">Send verification code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_but_verify">Verify code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_fail_code_expired">That code is expired. Please request a new code.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_fail_no_retry">You've made too many incorrect attempts. Please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_fail_retry">That code is incorrect. Please try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_fail_server">We are having trouble verifying your email address. Please enter a valid email address and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_fail_throttled">There have been too many requests to verify this email address. Please wait a while, then try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_info_msg">Verification code has been sent to your inbox. Please copy it to the input box below.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_input">Verification code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_intro_msg">Verification is necessary. Please click Send button.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="ver_success_msg">E-mail address verified. You can now continue.</LocalizedString>
<!-- The following elements will display a message and two links at the bottom of the page.
For policies that you intend to show to users in the United States, we suggest displaying the following text. Replace the content of the disclaimer_link_X_url elements with links to your organization's privacy statement and terms and conditions.
Uncomment any of these lines to display them. -->
<!-- <LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="disclaimer_msg_intro">By providing your phone number, you consent to receiving a one-time passcode sent by text message to help you sign into {insert your application name}. Standard message and data rates may apply.</LocalizedString> -->
<!-- <LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="disclaimer_link_1_text">Privacy Statement</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="disclaimer_link_1_url">{insert your privacy statement URL}</LocalizedString> -->
<!-- <LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="disclaimer_link_2_text">Terms and Conditions</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="disclaimer_link_2_url">{insert your terms and conditions URL}</LocalizedString> -->
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="ServiceThrottled">There are too many requests at this moment. Please wait for some time and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfClaimNotVerified">Claim not verified: {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfClaimsPrincipalAlreadyExists">A user with the specified ID already exists. Please choose a different one.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfIncorrectPattern">Incorrect pattern for: {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfInvalidInput">{0} has invalid input.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfMissingRequiredElement">Missing required element: {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfValidationError">Error in validation by: {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="InvalidUserInput"> An Invalid value was presented for a property</LocalizedString>
Elemen antarmuka pengguna halaman autentikasi faktor telepon
Berikut ini adalah ID untuk definisi konten dengan ID api.phonefactor
, dan profil teknis faktor telepon.
ID | Nilai default | Versi Tata Letak Halaman |
button_verify |
Hubungi Saya | All |
country_code_label |
Kode Negara | All |
cancel_message |
Pengguna telah membatalkan autentikasi multifaktor | All |
text_button_send_second_code |
kirim kode baru | All |
code_pattern |
\d{6} | All |
intro_mixed |
Kami memiliki nomor berikut pada catatan untuk Anda. Kami dapat mengirim kode melalui SMS atau telepon untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
intro_mixed_p |
Kami memiliki nomor berikut pada catatan untuk Anda. Pilih nomor yang dapat kami telepon atau kirimkan kode melalui SMS untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
button_verify_code |
Verifikasi Kode | All |
requiredField_code |
Masukkan kode verifikasi yang Anda terima | All |
invalid_code |
Masukkan 6 digit kode yang Anda terima | All |
button_cancel |
Batalkan | All |
local_number_input_placeholder_text |
Nomor telepon | All |
button_retry |
Coba lagi | All |
alternative_text |
Saya tidak memegang ponsel saya | All |
intro_phone_p |
Kami memiliki nomor berikut pada catatan untuk Anda. Masukkan nomor di bawah ini yang dapat kami telepon untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
intro_phone |
Kami memiliki nomor berikut pada catatan untuk Anda. Kami akan menelepon untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
enter_code_text_intro |
Masukkan kode verifikasi Anda di bawah ini, atau | All |
intro_entry_phone |
Masukkan nomor di bawah ini yang dapat kami telepon untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
intro_entry_sms |
Masukkan angka di bawah ini yang dapat kami kirimi kode melalui SMS untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
button_send_code |
Kirim Kode | All |
invalid_number |
Masukkan nomor telepon yang valid | All |
intro_sms |
Kami memiliki nomor berikut pada catatan untuk Anda. Kami akan mengirimkan kode melalui SMS untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
intro_entry_mixed |
Masukkan nomor di bawah ini yang dapat kami kirimi kode melalui SMS atau telepon untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
number_pattern |
^\\+(?:[0-9][\\x20-]?){6,14}[0-9]$ |
All |
intro_sms_p |
Kami memiliki nomor berikut pada catatan untuk Anda. Pilih nomor yang dapat kami telepon atau kirimkan kode melalui SMS untuk mengautentikasi Anda. | All |
requiredField_countryCode |
Pilih kode negara Anda | All |
requiredField_number |
Masukkan nomor telepon Anda | All |
country_code_input_placeholder_text |
Negara atau wilayah | All |
number_label |
Nomor Telepon | All |
error_tryagain |
Nomor telepon yang Anda berikan sibuk atau tidak tersedia. Periksalah nomor tersebut, lalu coba kembali. | All |
error_sms_throttled |
Anda mencapai batas jumlah pesan teks. Coba sebentar lagi. | >= 1.2.3 |
error_phone_throttled |
Anda mencapai batas jumlah upaya panggilan. Coba sebentar lagi. | >= 1.2.3 |
error_throttled |
Anda mencapai batas jumlah upaya verifikasi. Coba sebentar lagi. | >= 1.2.3 |
error_incorrect_code |
Kode verifikasi yang Anda masukkan tidak cocok dengan catatan kami. Silakan coba lagi, atau minta kode baru. | All |
countryList |
Lihat daftar negara/wilayah. | All |
error_448 |
Nomor telepon yang Anda berikan tidak dapat dijangkau. | All |
error_449 |
Pengguna telah melebihi jumlah upaya coba ulang. | All |
verification_code_input_placeholder_text |
Kode verifikasi | All |
Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan beberapa elemen antarmuka pengguna di halaman pendaftaran MFA:
Contoh berikut menunjukkan penggunaan beberapa elemen antarmuka pengguna di halaman validasi MFA:
Contoh halaman autentikasi faktor telepon
<LocalizedResources Id="api.phonefactor.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_verify">Call Me</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="country_code_label">Country Code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="cancel_message">The user has canceled multi-factor authentication</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="text_button_send_second_code">Send a new code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="code_pattern">\d{6}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_mixed">We have the following number on record for you. We can send a code via SMS or phone to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_mixed_p">We have the following numbers on record for you. Choose a number that we can phone or send a code via SMS to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_verify_code">Verify Code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="requiredField_code">Please enter the verification code you received</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="invalid_code">Please enter the 6-digit code you received</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_cancel">Cancel</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="local_number_input_placeholder_text">Phone number</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_retry">Retry</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="alternative_text">I don't have my phone</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_phone_p">We have the following numbers on record for you. Choose a number that we can phone to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_phone">We have the following number on record for you. We will phone to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="enter_code_text_intro">Enter your verification code below, or</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_entry_phone">Enter a number below that we can phone to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_entry_sms">Enter a number below that we can send a code via SMS to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_send_code">Send Code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="invalid_number">Please enter a valid phone number</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_sms">We have the following number on record for you. We will send a code via SMS to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_entry_mixed">Enter a number below that we can send a code via SMS or phone to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="number_pattern">^\+(?:[0-9][\x20-]?){6,14}[0-9]$</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="intro_sms_p">We have the following numbers on record for you. Choose a number that we can send a code via SMS to authenticate you.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="requiredField_countryCode">Please select your country code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="requiredField_number">Please enter your phone number</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="country_code_input_placeholder_text">Country or region</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="number_label">Phone Number</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_tryagain">The phone number you provided is busy or unavailable. Please check the number and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_sms_throttled">You hit the limit on the number of text messages. Try again shortly.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_phone_throttled">You hit the limit on the number of call attempts. Try again shortly.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_throttled">You hit the limit on the number of verification attempts. Try again shortly.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_incorrect_code">The verification code you have entered does not match our records. Please try again, or request a new code.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="countryList">{"DEFAULT":"Country/Region","AF":"Afghanistan","AX":"Åland Islands","AL":"Albania","DZ":"Algeria","AS":"American Samoa","AD":"Andorra","AO":"Angola","AI":"Anguilla","AQ":"Antarctica","AG":"Antigua and Barbuda","AR":"Argentina","AM":"Armenia","AW":"Aruba","AU":"Australia","AT":"Austria","AZ":"Azerbaijan","BS":"Bahamas","BH":"Bahrain","BD":"Bangladesh","BB":"Barbados","BY":"Belarus","BE":"Belgium","BZ":"Belize","BJ":"Benin","BM":"Bermuda","BT":"Bhutan","BO":"Bolivia","BQ":"Bonaire","BA":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","BW":"Botswana","BV":"Bouvet Island","BR":"Brazil","IO":"British Indian Ocean Territory","VG":"British Virgin Islands","BN":"Brunei","BG":"Bulgaria","BF":"Burkina Faso","BI":"Burundi","CV":"Cabo Verde","KH":"Cambodia","CM":"Cameroon","CA":"Canada","KY":"Cayman Islands","CF":"Central African Republic","TD":"Chad","CL":"Chile","CN":"China","CX":"Christmas Island","CC":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands","CO":"Colombia","KM":"Comoros","CG":"Congo","CD":"Congo (DRC)","CK":"Cook Islands","CR":"Costa Rica","CI":"Côte d'Ivoire","HR":"Croatia","CU":"Cuba","CW":"Curaçao","CY":"Cyprus","CZ":"Czech Republic","DK":"Denmark","DJ":"Djibouti","DM":"Dominica","DO":"Dominican Republic","EC":"Ecuador","EG":"Egypt","SV":"El Salvador","GQ":"Equatorial Guinea","ER":"Eritrea","EE":"Estonia","ET":"Ethiopia","FK":"Falkland Islands","FO":"Faroe Islands","FJ":"Fiji","FI":"Finland","FR":"France","GF":"French Guiana","PF":"French Polynesia","TF":"French Southern Territories","GA":"Gabon","GM":"Gambia","GE":"Georgia","DE":"Germany","GH":"Ghana","GI":"Gibraltar","GR":"Greece","GL":"Greenland","GD":"Grenada","GP":"Guadeloupe","GU":"Guam","GT":"Guatemala","GG":"Guernsey","GN":"Guinea","GW":"Guinea-Bissau","GY":"Guyana","HT":"Haiti","HM":"Heard Island and McDonald Islands","HN":"Honduras","HK":"Hong Kong SAR","HU":"Hungary","IS":"Iceland","IN":"India","ID":"Indonesia","IR":"Iran","IQ":"Iraq","IE":"Ireland","IM":"Isle of Man","IL":"Israel","IT":"Italy","JM":"Jamaica","JP":"Japan","JE":"Jersey","JO":"Jordan","KZ":"Kazakhstan","KE":"Kenya","KI":"Kiribati","KR":"Korea","KW":"Kuwait","KG":"Kyrgyzstan","LA":"Laos","LV":"Latvia","LB":"Lebanon","LS":"Lesotho","LR":"Liberia","LY":"Libya","LI":"Liechtenstein","LT":"Lithuania","LU":"Luxembourg","MO":"Macao SAR","MK":"North Macedonia","MG":"Madagascar","MW":"Malawi","MY":"Malaysia","MV":"Maldives","ML":"Mali","MT":"Malta","MH":"Marshall Islands","MQ":"Martinique","MR":"Mauritania","MU":"Mauritius","YT":"Mayotte","MX":"Mexico","FM":"Micronesia","MD":"Moldova","MC":"Monaco","MN":"Mongolia","ME":"Montenegro","MS":"Montserrat","MA":"Morocco","MZ":"Mozambique","MM":"Myanmar","NA":"Namibia","NR":"Nauru","NP":"Nepal","NL":"Netherlands","NC":"New Caledonia","NZ":"New Zealand","NI":"Nicaragua","NE":"Niger","NG":"Nigeria","NU":"Niue","NF":"Norfolk Island","KP":"North Korea","MP":"Northern Mariana Islands","NO":"Norway","OM":"Oman","PK":"Pakistan","PW":"Palau","PS":"Palestinian Authority","PA":"Panama","PG":"Papua New Guinea","PY":"Paraguay","PE":"Peru","PH":"Philippines","PN":"Pitcairn Islands","PL":"Poland","PT":"Portugal","PR":"Puerto Rico","QA":"Qatar","RE":"Réunion","RO":"Romania","RU":"Russia","RW":"Rwanda","BL":"Saint Barthélemy","KN":"Saint Kitts and Nevis","LC":"Saint Lucia","MF":"Saint Martin","PM":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon","VC":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines","WS":"Samoa","SM":"San Marino","ST":"São Tomé and Príncipe","SA":"Saudi Arabia","SN":"Senegal","RS":"Serbia","SC":"Seychelles","SL":"Sierra Leone","SG":"Singapore","SX":"Sint Maarten","SK":"Slovakia","SI":"Slovenia","SB":"Solomon Islands","SO":"Somalia","ZA":"South Africa","GS":"South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands","SS":"South Sudan","ES":"Spain","LK":"Sri Lanka","SH":"St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha","SD":"Sudan","SR":"Suriname","SJ":"Svalbard","SZ":"Swaziland","SE":"Sweden","CH":"Switzerland","SY":"Syria","TW":"Taiwan","TJ":"Tajikistan","TZ":"Tanzania","TH":"Thailand","TL":"Timor-Leste","TG":"Togo","TK":"Tokelau","TO":"Tonga","TT":"Trinidad and Tobago","TN":"Tunisia","TR":"Türkiye","TM":"Turkmenistan","TC":"Turks and Caicos Islands","TV":"Tuvalu","UM":"U.S. Outlying Islands","VI":"U.S. Virgin Islands","UG":"Uganda","UA":"Ukraine","AE":"United Arab Emirates","GB":"United Kingdom","US":"United States","UY":"Uruguay","UZ":"Uzbekistan","VU":"Vanuatu","VA":"Vatican City","VE":"Venezuela","VN":"Vietnam","WF":"Wallis and Futuna","YE":"Yemen","ZM":"Zambia","ZW":"Zimbabwe"}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_448">The phone number you provided is unreachable.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="error_449">User has exceeded the number of retry attempts.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_code_input_placeholder_text">Verification code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="strongAuthenticationPhoneNumber" StringId="DisplayName">Phone Number</LocalizedString>
Tampilan verifikasi mengontrol elemen antarmuka pengguna
ID berikut digunakan untuk kontrol tampilan Verifikasi dengan tata letak halaman versi 2.1.0 atau yang lebih tinggi.
ID | Nilai default |
1 |
Verifikasi diperlukan. Silakan klik tombol Kirim. |
success_send_code_msg |
Kode verifikasi sudah dikirimkan. Silakan salin ke kotak masukan di bawah ini. |
failure_send_code_msg |
Kami mengalami masalah saat memverifikasi alamat email Anda. Masukkan alamat email yang valid, lalu coba kembali. |
success_verify_code_msg |
Alamat email terverifikasi. Anda sekarang dapat melanjutkan. |
failure_verify_code_msg |
Kami mengalami masalah saat memverifikasi alamat email Anda. Harap coba lagi. |
but_send_code |
Kirimkan kode verifikasi |
but_verify_code |
Verifikasi kode |
but_send_new_code |
Kirim kode baru |
but_change_claims |
Ubah email |
2 |
Klaim untuk kontrol verifikasi belum diverifikasi. |
1 Elemen intro_msg
disembunyikan, dan tidak ditampilkan di halaman yang dinyatakan sendiri. Agar dapat terlihat, gunakan penyesuaian HTML dengan Lembar Gaya Tumpuk. Contohnya:
.verificationInfoText div{display: block!important}
2 Pesan kesalahan ini ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika mereka memasukkan kode verifikasi, tetapi alih-alih menyelesaikan verifikasi dengan memilih tombol Verifikasi, mereka memilih tombol Lanjutkan.
Contoh kontrol tampilan verifikasi
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<!-- Display control UI elements-->
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="intro_msg">Verification is necessary. Please click Send button.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="success_send_code_msg">Verification code has been sent to your inbox. Please copy it to the input box below.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="failure_send_code_msg">We are having trouble verifying your email address. Please enter a valid email address and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="success_verify_code_msg">E-mail address verified. You can now continue.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="failure_verify_code_msg">We are having trouble verifying your email address. Please try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="but_send_code">Send verification code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="but_verify_code">Verify code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="but_send_new_code">Send new code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="emailVerificationControl" StringId="but_change_claims">Change e-mail</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfVerificationControlClaimsNotVerified">The claims for verification control have not been verified.</LocalizedString>
Tampilan verifikasi mengontrol elemen antarmuka pengguna (tidak digunakan lagi)
ID berikut digunakan untuk kontrol tampilan Verifikasi dengan tata letak halaman versi 2.0.0.
ID | Nilai default |
verification_control_but_change_claims |
Perubahan |
verification_control_fail_send_code |
Gagal mengirim kode, harap coba lagi nanti. |
verification_control_fail_verify_code |
Gagal memverifikasi kode, harap coba lagi nanti. |
verification_control_but_send_code |
Kirim Kode |
verification_control_but_send_new_code |
Kirim Kode Baru |
verification_control_but_verify_code |
Verifikasi Kode |
verification_control_code_sent |
Kode verifikasi sudah dikirimkan. Silakan salin ke kotak masukan di bawah ini. |
Contoh kontrol tampilan verifikasi (tidak digunakan lagi)
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_but_change_claims">Change</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_fail_send_code">Failed to send the code, please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_fail_verify_code">Failed to verify the code, please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_but_send_code">Send Code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_but_send_new_code">Send New Code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_but_verify_code">Verify Code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="verification_control_code_sent">Verification code has been sent. Please copy it to the input box below.</LocalizedString>
Elemen antarmuka pengguna kontrol tampilan kontrol MFA TOTP
ID berikut digunakan untuk kontrol tampilan kata sandi satu kali berbasis waktu (TOTP) dengan tata letak halaman versi 2.1.9 dan yang lebih baru.
ID | Nilai default |
title_text |
Unduh Microsoft Authenticator menggunakan link unduhan untuk iOS dan Android atau gunakan aplikasi pengautentikasi lain pilihan Anda. |
DN |
Setelah mengunduh aplikasi Authenticator, Anda dapat menggunakan salah satu metode di bawah ini untuk melanjutkan pendaftaran. |
DisplayName |
Setelah mengunduh aplikasi Authenticator, Anda dapat menggunakan salah satu metode di bawah ini untuk melanjutkan pendaftaran. |
title_text |
Pindai Kode QR |
info_msg |
Anda dapat mengunduh aplikasi Microsoft Authenticator atau menggunakan aplikasi pengautentikasi lain pilihan Anda. |
link_text |
Tidak dapat memindai? Coba cara berikut |
title_text |
Masukkan detail akun secara manual. |
account_name |
nama Akun: |
display_prefix |
Rahasia |
collapse_text |
Masih mengalami masalah? |
DisplayName |
Masukkan kode verifikasi dari aplikasi pengautentikasi Anda. |
DisplayName |
Masukkan kode Anda. |
button_continue |
Verifikasi |
Contoh kontrol tampilan kontrol MFA TOTP
<LocalizedResources Id="api.selfasserted.totp.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="authenticatorAppIconControl" StringId="title_text">Download the Microsoft Authenticator using the download links for iOS and Android or use any other authenticator app of your choice.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="authenticatorAppIconControl" StringId="DN">Once you've downloaded the Authenticator app, you can use any of the methods below to continue with enrollment.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="QrCodeScanInstruction" StringId="DisplayName">Once you've downloaded the Authenticator app, you can use any of the methods below to continue with enrollment.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="totpQrCodeControl" StringId="title_text">Scan the QR code</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="totpQrCodeControl" StringId="info_msg">You can download the Microsoft Authenticator app or use any other authenticator app of your choice.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="totpQrCodeControl" StringId="link_text">Can't scan? Try this</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="authenticatorInfoControl" StringId="title_text">Enter the account details manually</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="authenticatorInfoControl" StringId="account_name">Account Name:</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="authenticatorInfoControl" StringId="display_prefix">Secret</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="authenticatorInfoControl" StringId="collapse_text">Still having trouble?</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="QrCodeVerifyInstruction" StringId="DisplayName">Enter the verification code from your authenticator app.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ClaimType" ElementId="otpCode" StringId="DisplayName">Enter your code.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="UxElement" StringId="button_continue">Verify</LocalizedString>
Pesan kesalahan layanan RESTful
ID berikut digunakan untuk pesan kesalahan profil teknis layanan RESTful:
ID | Nilai default |
DefaultUserMessageIfRequestFailed |
Gagal membuat sambungan ke titik akhir layanan yang tenang. URL layanan RESTful: {0} |
UserMessageIfCircuitOpen |
{0} URL Layanan RESTful: {1} |
UserMessageIfDnsResolutionFailed |
Gagal mengatasi nama host titik akhir layanan yang tenang. URL layanan RESTful: {0} |
UserMessageIfRequestTimeout |
Gagal membuat koneksi ke titik akhir layanan yang tenang dalam batas waktu habis {0} detik. URL layanan RESTful: {1} |
Contoh layanan RESTful
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="DefaultUserMessageIfRequestFailed">Failed to establish connection to restful service end point.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfCircuitOpen">Unable to connect to the restful service end point.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfDnsResolutionFailed">Failed to resolve the hostname of the restful service endpoint.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfRequestTimeout">Failed to establish connection to restful service end point within timeout limit.</LocalizedString>
Pesan kesalahan autentikasi multifaktor Microsoft Entra
ID berikut digunakan untuk pesan kesalahan profil teknis autentikasi multifaktor ID Microsoft Entra:
ID | Nilai default |
UserMessageIfCouldntSendSms |
Tak Bisa Mengirim SMS ke telepon, silakan coba nomor telepon lainnya. |
UserMessageIfInvalidFormat |
Nomor telepon Anda tidak dalam format yang valid, silakan perbaiki, lalu coba kembali. |
UserMessageIfMaxAllowedCodeRetryReached |
Kode salah dimasukkan terlalu banyak, silakan coba lagi nanti. |
UserMessageIfServerError |
Tidak dapat menggunakan layanan MFA, silakan coba lagi nanti. |
UserMessageIfThrottled |
Permintaan Anda telah dibatasi, silakan coba lagi nanti. |
UserMessageIfIncorrectOTPCodeEntered |
Salah kode yang dimasukkan, silakan coba lagi. |
Contoh autentikasi multifaktor Microsoft Entra
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfCouldntSendSms">Cannot Send SMS to the phone, please try another phone number.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfInvalidFormat">Your phone number is not in a valid format, please correct it and try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfMaxAllowedCodeRetryReached">Wrong code entered too many times, please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfServerError">Cannot use MFA service, please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfThrottled">Your request has been throttled, please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfWrongCodeEntered">Wrong code entered, please try again.</LocalizedString>
Microsoft Entra SSPR
ID berikut digunakan untuk pesan kesalahan profil teknis Microsoft Entra ID SSPR:
ID | Nilai default |
UserMessageIfChallengeExpired |
Kode telah kedaluwarsa. |
UserMessageIfInternalError |
Layanan email mengalami kesalahan internal, silakan coba lagi nanti. |
UserMessageIfThrottled |
Ada terlalu banyak permintaan, coba lagi nanti. |
UserMessageIfVerificationFailedNoRetry |
Anda telah melampaui jumlah maksimum upaya verifikasi. |
UserMessageIfVerificationFailedRetryAllowed |
Verifikasi gagal, silakan coba lagi. |
Contoh Microsoft Entra SSPR
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfInternalError">We are having trouble verifying your email address. Please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfThrottled">There have been too many requests to verify this email address. Please wait a while, then try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfChallengeExpired">That code is expired. Please request a new code.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfVerificationFailedNoRetry">You've made too many incorrect attempts. Please try again later.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfVerificationFailedRetryAllowed">That code is incorrect. Please try again.</LocalizedString>
Pesan kesalahan kata sandi satu kali
ID berikut digunakan untuk pesan kesalahan profil teknis kata sandi satu kali.
ID | Nilai default | Deskripsi |
UserMessageIfSessionDoesNotExist |
No | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika sesi verifikasi kode kedaluwarsa. Kode tersebut kedaluwarsa atau kode belum pernah dibuat untuk pengidentifikasi tertentu. |
UserMessageIfMaxRetryAttempted |
No | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika melebihi upaya verifikasi maksimum yang diizinkan. |
UserMessageIfMaxNumberOfCodeGenerated |
No | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika pembuatan kode telah melebihi jumlah percobaan maksimum yang diizinkan. |
UserMessageIfInvalidCode |
No | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika mereka memasukkan kode yang tidak valid. |
UserMessageIfVerificationFailedRetryAllowed |
No | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika mereka memasukkan kode yang tidak valid, dan pengguna diizinkan untuk memberikan kode yang benar. |
UserMessageIfSessionConflict |
No | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika kode tidak dapat diverifikasi. |
Contoh kata sandi satu kali
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfSessionDoesNotExist">You have exceeded the maximum time allowed.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfMaxRetryAttempted">You have exceeded the number of retries allowed.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfMaxNumberOfCodeGenerated">You have exceeded the number of code generation attempts allowed.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfInvalidCode">You have entered the wrong code.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfVerificationFailedRetryAllowed">That code is incorrect. Please try again.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfSessionConflict">Cannot verify the code, please try again later.</LocalizedString>
Pesan kesalahan transformasi klaim
ID berikut digunakan untuk pesan kesalahan transformasi klaim:
ID | Transformasi klaim | Nilai default |
UserMessageIfClaimsTransformationBooleanValueIsNotEqual |
AssertBooleanClaimIsEqualToValue | Perbandingan nilai klaim Boolean gagal untuk jenis klaim "inputClaim". |
DateTimeGreaterThan |
AssertDateTimeIsGreaterThan | Perbandingan nilai klaim gagal: Operand kiri yang disediakan lebih besar dari operand kanan. |
UserMessageIfClaimsTransformationStringsAreNotEqual |
AssertStringClaimsAreEqual | Perbandingan nilai klaim gagal menggunakan StringComparison "OrdinalIgnoreCase". |
Contoh transformasi klaim 1:
Contoh ini memperlihatkan pesan yang dilokalkan untuk pendaftaran akun lokal.
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfClaimsTransformationBooleanValueIsNotEqual">Your email address hasn't been verified.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="DateTimeGreaterThan">Expiration date must be greater that the current date.</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfClaimsTransformationStringsAreNotEqual">The email entry fields do not match. Please enter the same email address in both fields and try again.</LocalizedString>
Contoh transformasi klaim 2:
Contoh ini memperlihatkan pesan yang dilokalkan untuk pengaturan ulang kata sandi akun lokal.
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountpasswordreset.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="ErrorMessage" StringId="UserMessageIfClaimsTransformationBooleanValueIsNotEqual">You cannot use the old password</LocalizedString>
Elemen antarmuka pengguna kontrol tampilan CAPTCHA
ID berikut digunakan untuk kontrol tampilan CAPTCHA:
ID | Nilai default | Deskripsi |
newCaptcha_arialabel |
Membuat CAPTCHA baru | Pesan tipsalat untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna saat mereka memindahkan penunjuk mouse di atas ikon pemutaran ulang CAPTCHA. |
switchCaptchaType_title |
Beralih jenis CAPTCHA ke {0} | Pesan tipsalat untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna saat memindahkan penunjuk mouse di atas ikon Audio atau gambar CAPTCHA. |
captchatype_visual_help |
Masukkan karakter yang Anda lihat | Teks tempat penampung dalam kotak input tempat pengguna memasukkan kode CAPTCHA jika pengguna berada dalam mode visual. |
captchatype_audio_title |
Tekan tombol audio untuk memutar tantangan | Pesan tipsalat untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna saat mereka memindahkan penunjuk mouse ke ikon speaker CAPTCHA jika pengguna beralih ke mode audio. |
captchatype_audio_help |
Masukkan karakter yang Anda dengar | Teks tempat penampung dalam kotak input tempat pengguna memasukkan kode CAPTCHA jika pengguna beralih ke mode audio. |
charsnotmatched_error |
Karakter tidak cocok untuk tantangan CAPTCHA. Silakan coba lagi | Pesan untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika mereka memasukkan kode CAPTCHA yang salah. |
api_error |
Kesalahan API pada kontrol CAPTCHA | Pesan yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika terjadi kesalahan saat Azure AD B2C mencoba memvalidasi kode CAPTCHA. |
captcha_resolved |
Berhasil! | Pesan untuk ditampilkan kepada pengguna jika mereka memasukkan kode CAPTCHA yang benar. |
DisplayName |
Bantu kami mengalahkan bot. | Nama tampilan kontrol tampilan CAPTCHA. |
Contoh kontrol tampilan CAPTCHA
Contoh ini memperlihatkan pesan yang dilokalkan untuk kontrol tampilan CAPTCHA.
<LocalizedResources Id="api.localaccountsignup.en">
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="newCaptcha_arialabel">Create new CAPTCHA</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="switchCaptchaType_title">Switch CAPTCHA type to {0}</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="captchatype_visual_help">Enter the characters you see</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="captchatype_audio_title">Press audio button to play the challenge</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="captchatype_audio_help">Enter the characters you hear</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="charsnotmatched_error">The characters did not match for CAPTCHA challenge. Please try again</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="api_error">API error on CAPTCHA control</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="captcha_resolved">Success!</LocalizedString>
<LocalizedString ElementType="DisplayControl" ElementId="captchaControlChallengeCode" StringId="DisplayName">Help us beat the bots</LocalizedString>
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