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Presentations from Public Sector Information Governance and Security Conference

On September 30th, we held the 2nd Microsoft Public Sector Information Governance and Security Conference to a full house of over 100 customers and partners. We were delighted that Owen Pengelly, Head of Information Security and Assurance at the Cabinet Office, was able to take part and provide an update on the National Information Assurance Strategy.

There were also fascinating customer presentations from the MOD on providing secure intranet access to remote employees and from the DWP on the challenges of secure authentication for online citizen services. Add in Microsoft presentations on our own in-depth security intelligence reporting, the latest developments in our Forefront security portfolio and the evolving nature of cyber threats and you have all the ingredients for a packed day.

We are now working on making the unmissable content from the day – unmissable. You can currently review a selection of the presentations here and we shall be updating this page with video of some of the presentations later in October.

Posted by Ian