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Services for UNIX Team - Microsoft

Installing IDMU on Windows 2008 R2 Server Core

If you are planning to install Identity Management for UNIX after configuring a Windows 2008 R2...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 06/11/2010

Unable to write into a NFS share from Unix clients

Recently we got a case where customer was able to mount NFS share but was unable to read and write...

Author: rohitban Date: 06/11/2010

It may happen that you need the list of all SFU related attributes in a domain. Although there is no...

Author: devendra1 Date: 06/11/2010

Steps to disable Client for NFS cache

Couple of days back, we were working on a problem in which user was trying to access NFS share using...

Author: devendra1 Date: 06/09/2010

NFS share name is case sensitive

I was working on one of the problem in which user were unable to mount the NFS share. NFS share was...

Author: devendra1 Date: 05/28/2010

Unable to fetch the mapping information from localhost

Recently we got a case where User name mapping was not working. We did check the User name mapping...

Author: rohitban Date: 05/28/2010

TCP and UDP – NFS Perspective

Recently I came across a situation when a specific UNIX client was not able to mount the NFS drive...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 05/28/2010

RSH on Windows - revisited

There are differences between Windows RSH and Interix RSH; I discussed RSH on SUA here. Windows RSH...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 05/27/2010

Updating SFU 3.5 - Gateway for NFS to the latest possible drivers

Services for UNIX 3.5 is on maintenance mode now and there will be no other update to this (read...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 05/27/2010

Manually populating information in Unix attribute tab

There are many situations in which one need to manually populate information pertaining to Unix...

Author: devendra1 Date: 05/26/2010

Username mapping information is not getting stored

Once we were working on an issue in which username mapping was not working properly. Whenever we add...

Author: devendra1 Date: 05/26/2010

Accessing NFS shares through an application

We do get a lots of cases in which customer is looking to mount a NFS share as a System account so...

Author: rohitban Date: 05/26/2010

Unable to install NFS services on Windows 2008

We recently got one issue where the customer was unable to install the NFS services on windows 2008....

Author: rohitban Date: 05/26/2010

How to change the default ownership of a newly created file on Windows

Recently we got an issue where customer was creating a new folder under a NFS share from Windows...

Author: rohitban Date: 05/26/2010

Anonymous NFS share not working

I was working on one of the problem in which Windows 2008 was configured as NFS server. The...

Author: devendra1 Date: 05/26/2010

NFS over Distributed File System

What is DFS? 1) Group shared folders located on different servers by transparently connecting them...

Author: rohitban Date: 05/03/2010

Filename character translation

Recently we got a case were File character translation was not working on customer’s environment. On...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 04/30/2010

Client for NFS on Windows 2008 R2 and Security options

On Windows 2008 R2; Client for NFS will behave differently depending on the options selected on the...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 04/21/2010

Steps to configure a Syslog server in Interix / SUA

Following steps will help you in configuring syslog in Windows using Interix or SUA. 1) By default...

Author: devendra1 Date: 04/15/2010

Unable to access NFS shares from Windows 2008 NFS client

We recently got a case where customer was trying to access NFS share hosted on Unix machine from...

Author: rohitban Date: 04/14/2010

Steps to configure Password Sync With NIS ( Windows -> Unix)

  1. Make your Windows box a Domain controller. Install "Identity Management for UNIX" (Server for NIS...

Author: rohitban Date: 04/07/2010

Windows Telnet is not working

I was working on an issue where users were unable to telnet to a Unix server from the Windows box....

Author: devendra1 Date: 04/06/2010

Unable to see all the files using gateway for NFS

I was once working on a scenario where we were unable to see all the files on NFS share using...

Author: devendra1 Date: 03/19/2010

Steps to configure Password Sync Without Installing NIS ( Windows -> Unix)

  1. Install Password Sync component under IDMU. ( to install this component user needs to be a part...

Author: rohitban Date: 03/18/2010

Unable to move NFS resource from one cluster node to other

One of the common issue on NFS as a cluster resource is that during failover the resource fails to...

Author: rohitban Date: 03/17/2010

Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications on Win7 / Win2008 R2

Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications on Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 03/14/2010

Running Linux on Windows Hyper-V

Last week we had a very urgent requirement to getting 5 RHEL box to test some unusual scenario. In...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 03/12/2010

How to manually install a hotfix?

It may happen that you need to manually install a hotfix. Starting from Windows Vista some of the...

Author: devendra1 Date: 03/10/2010

Unable to chown file from Unix client

By default, a user cannot chown a file and make someone else an owner of it. Only root user can...

Author: devendra1 Date: 02/26/2010

We do get a lot of customer who would like to manage the UNIX related attribute from ADUC. This can...

Author: rohitban Date: 02/18/2010

NTFS permission not flowing to the newly created files and subfolder

Consider the present scenario. A NFS share has been created on a C drive. Desired NTFS permission...

Author: rohitban Date: 02/12/2010

"Client for NFS" service cannot be started after stopping it from services console

On Windows 7 the “Client for NFS” service behaves some way differently than its earlier...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 02/09/2010

Server for NFS failed to initialize on drive letter <L:>

At times we see an event when the Server for NFS service starts up and the clients fail to mount the...

Author: rohitban Date: 02/05/2010

Script to assign UNIX attributes; some extra steps

Requirement to update the UID, GID and UNIX related attributes in Active Directory is very common....

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 02/04/2010

I cannot see “Unix attribute” tab even after installing IdMU

I cannot see “Unix attribute” tab even after installing IdMU. It may happen that you cannot see Unix...

Author: devendra1 Date: 01/29/2010

Unable to create username mapping

Unable to create username mapping We got a scenario where an administrator was unable to create...

Author: devendra1 Date: 01/29/2010

Sco (Unixware cannot access NFS share from windows 2008)

Recently we got multiple issues, where Unixware client was unable to access NFS share on a Windows...

Author: rohitban Date: 01/26/2010

“ypcat command does not list complete list of user…”

We got an issue from a customer where he said that there is a mismatch between the Number of users...

Author: rohitban Date: 01/15/2010

Using unixUserPassword attribute properly

In my last posts I discussed regarding NIS and LDAP implantation using new RFC 2307 compliant schema...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 01/08/2010

Migrating an existing environment running on Services for UNIX 3.5 to Windows 2003 R2 or above is...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 01/05/2010

Oh gosh, I deleted my passwd map

Oh gosh, I deleted my passwd map “Oh my God, I accidently deleted my NIS passwd map definition from...

Author: devendra1 Date: 12/30/2009

Gateway for NFS

Gateway for NFS “I wish I had to configure only one machine as NFS share” Many of us who are new to...

Author: devendra1 Date: 12/29/2009

Using Identity Management for UNIX effectively - Part II

In this post let’s take a looks around managing UNIX related attributes. Once we install Server for...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 12/23/2009

Disk Space is showing as 0.0 MB for NFS components in Add Remove Windows Component

When you go to Control Panel-Add Remove windows component and select Microsoft Services for NFS to...

Author: rohitban Date: 12/18/2009

SUA SDK for Windows 7

The SUA SDK for Windows 7 is taking longer to see the day light. The news is it is going to take...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 12/17/2009

Server for NIS using too many Ephemeral ports

The Server for NIS initiates recursive LDAP queries on AD and in some environments, where the ports...

Author: rohitban Date: 12/10/2009

Using Identity Management for UNIX effectively - Part I

When using Identity Management for UNIX; we change active directory user password; we expect the...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 11/24/2009

NIS Server snap-in throws WMI error

When we try to open Server for NIS administration snap-in; a very common issue that is reported is...

Author: abhisekbasu Date: 11/23/2009

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