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【IIS7】 2日目も終了、ご参加ありがとうございました

11/3~11/4 の二日間、祝日と日曜にも関わらず、多くの方にご参加いただきまして、本当にありがとうございました。スタッフ一同に代りまして御礼申し上げます。Windows Server 2008 の検証をいち早くしていただいている方でも Windows Web Server 2008 を実機でご覧いただいた方はそういらっしゃらないと思いますのでお役に立ったのであれば幸いです。IIS7 いかがだったでしょうか? 幅広く 色々なところが拡張されていて、「こう使えないかな?」とか考えさせられる製品になったというのが私見です。


このカリキュラムは今 他で入手できないものになってしまっているのでできれば早い段階でバーチャル ラボ化することを検討します。若干 やはり表現などを一般化する必要もあるため、すぐに上げることはできないと考えています。また Update がありましたらお知らせします。(^O^)/

= English =

[IIS7] Thanks for joining us, last day of this seminar series is over

Even though it was held in the weekends, many people attended this event. I'd like to thank you so much for spending your precious time for this lab on behalf of every staff. I think some people had already touched Windows Server 2008 but none of them had the experience with Windows Web Server 2008 so it must have been a good experience for everybody. How was IIS7?  From my opinion, this product makes you think "Maybe this xxx can be used this way..." and things like that because of it's extensibility and new features.

Well to be honest, preparing a room with machines filled and delivering a free of charge event like this is a challenge and the room was quite crowded and sorry about that. Also there were comments about the mismatch of the curriculum and time which I think so too to do all the labs and slide explanation which was requested by many poeple in comments. As we explained before we started, this is one of the worldwide spreaded event and we wanted to set it on the weekend so busy professionals can attend the event and also not full day but start it from the afternoon. SO the slides and manual are full spec, but the time was about 66% if we did the slide explanation as many people requested afterwards. But the staff understands your concern and in future occasions, we'd like to tune the manuals to fit the time and curriculum perfectly. We knew this would happen but we also wanted to give all the information we have even we might need to shorten some of them.

This curriculum can't be downloaded anywhere right now so I'd really like to make this a Virtual Lab. But making this a Virtual Lab, I have to make some changes to make it for in general speaking rather than Hosting specific so it's gonna be a while before it goes up in the cloud. I'll write again when I have updates about this. :-)