Bagikan melalui

【☆ミ】 これは注目だ、Back to the IT

安納が中心で進めている極秘(爆)プロジェクト、題して「Back to the IT」。

開発者のみなさまのために より

あまりご存じないかもしれませんが、IT プロエバンジェリストのチームは部長が40代半ば、エバが間もなく40が揃っています。結構 オヤジ集団です。特に行動がなんですけどね。。。米国本社はIT技術者のMSなりのカテゴリ分けをやっていて、ITマネージャ向けほにゃららとか色々と言ってくるのですが、実は現場はそんなにキレイごとで済むかぁという風に思うことが実は結構あります。若輩ながらその辺は多少経験させていただいておりますので頑張って代弁しているつもりです。

そんな中でこういう和風な企画をしている安納にエールを送りたいとともに私も積極的に参加して参加する皆様の「一服の清涼剤」になれればいいなぁと思っています。まあカラオケへ行って選択する曲や流行っていたテレビ番組の話題なども含めた結構共通の時代背景についていける集団だと自負しております。企画は着々と進んでいるのでみんなでなんだか「あそこへ行ったらパワーアップした気がする」、そんな場が提供できるといいんだけどなぁ。今後の詳細は是非 安納のブログ へどうぞ。

= English =

[Other] Very interesting project, “Back to the IT” by Junichi

Well there’s a very secret – although I’m blogging it – project called “Back to the IT” rolling inside our team.

From various Japanese blogs – Japanese only but I'll write a summary below.

Junichi’s blog

Developer Audience Marketing blog


*What the hell is Back to the IT?*

We think that there are many well experienced engineers or managers in the field that are thinking younger people are getting more technology skills than themselves and can't catch up with the most recent technologies. We don't think you're right!! Most IT is based on history, a very good example is virtualization. It used to be a mainframe technology that senior people well know. It's just that no one explains it that way so that you can understand. We are planning to do events for just that kind of people and we will try to talk your language :-)

Probably most of the people don’t know but our evangelist team is mostly in the very old 30s thru mid 40s including our manager. Our activities are very senior I guess J  The US people in Redmond uses a method to categorize IT people to do marketing and sometimes they say do blah, blah to help IT managers. Well it’s probably a better idea to do something in the local culture way in my personal opinion, especially in Japan. We know that well experienced people of our age or above will also think that way too.

With this background, I really like the idea Junichi is bringing up, I will also try my best to participate in this project and I wish the customers/people who join this event/project will get energized and motivated when they come to our event all the time. It must be *really* hard to be a senior person or manager in an IT org. Our team have the width and breadth to probably cover the same songs you sing at Karaoke and know the same TV shows you saw when you were younger. The project is being prepared every minute and I hope you will want to attend every event because you’ll get energized somehow and can say to your team, “Why is this not working, you can do it by doing A and doing B !!!”

Watch for updates at Junichi’s blog. :-)
