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Convergence Demos

Convergence Demos

Ramana showed Enterprise Portal on Thursday ( 03/23/06) on the pre partner day session. He demoed creating page, importing page definition and changing the page title and his entire presentation was very well received. The audience loved it. Some people mentioned that he is so good that he should be in show business. Such a good demo it was.

We also had an Enterprise Portal stand and during the breakouts, lots of partners came to the stand and we had very interesting conversation. Questions around product builder,  SharePoint Portal server road map , Commerce server integration , User Authentication were some of the common themes of the questions received.

On Friday (03/23/06) Satya demoed Enterprise Portal search and Dynamics Snap in his 15 demos in 20 minutes.

On Saturday ( 03/25/06) We had round table conversations with partners about office integration , Enterprise Portal and collaboration.

On Sunday ( 03/26/06) Lachlan did a demo on Enterprise Portal on the AX super session. Karl Tolgu & Lachlan had a session about Business Connector.

Today (03/27/06) In Bill’s key note, Mike demoed a vendor on boarding composite application in which  Enterprise Portal web parts took part.

I had two sessions on Enterprise Portal. The first one was with Mai Kirknel and it was about Enterprise Portal and Alerts. It went really well and I super satisfied with the outcome. We introduced ourselves as M&M and I think it played out very well. Later in the evening in Ax reception party , couple of customers recognized as the M&M presenter. I made some good jokes ( I think so  ) and tried to be funny throughout the presentation. The room was full. In face some people who came later were not able to get into the room due to the occupancy limit .

The next one was about Server Features and Deployment with Dean Wierman. It is about setting up perimeter network and deploying EP. It also went very well. We had a small glitch on the last step of the demo , when the browser timed out , but later we were able to show that part and complete the demo.

We also had customer round table about office integration , Enterprise Portal and collaboration.

Tomorrow ( 03/28/06) Arvid Nielsen has a session about MorphX development tools and he is going to demo report creation in Enterprise Portal. Bob Sutton from Office team has a session on WSS templates and we have one more round table and usability study