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Sebastien St-Laurent's (AKA Sebby) WebLog

ShaderX4 - Call for Authors.

With the great success of the ShaderX series, Charles River Media is actively seeking new authors...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 01/24/2005

ShaderX #4

Happy to announce that i have been selected as the section editor for the "Rendering Techniques"...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 01/12/2005

Vacation, Rest, Boogers and Snot!

First of all, I apologize for the lack of posts over the past 2-3 weeks. As I had mentioned before,...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 01/12/2005

Vacation Time

The holidays are here! And my and my wife are going to see my family in Quebec for a whole week....

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/21/2004

Review - Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks

If you recall my post from about one week ago, i had a chance to meet up with Minh T. Nguyen, the...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/21/2004

I have been considering changing my book printing plans from POD to offset. Although i do believe...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/20/2004

Advice to prospective book author

Scott Meyers, the author of several technical titles such as "Effective C++" has posted an article...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/17/2004

Lunch with Minh T. Nguyen...

Yesterday for lunch i had the chance to meet up with Minh T. Nguyen, author of "Visual Studio .NET...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/16/2004

New ranking system.

Over the past few months, has changed the way their sales rank has been calculated,...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/08/2004

Computer Graphics? Where?

Some of you may wonder why i have not posted anything significant to computer graphics recently. I...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 12/06/2004

Self-Publishing. Update (11/23/04)

Thought it was time for a little update. There isn't that much going on but there are a few points I...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 11/23/2004

Self-Publishing. Update (11/17/04)

Since it has been a little while since my last self-publishing post, i thought it would be a good...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 11/17/2004

Halo 2

Ha!!! Made you look! :D

Author: sebby1234 Date: 11/10/2004

Converting RenderMonkey files to .FX (part 2)...

I had a recent inquiry by a reader of "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists". The reader was...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 11/08/2004

My new Gmail account.

I am currently on vacation, well visiting friends and family back in California. It was a fun...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 11/02/2004

Self-Publishing. The start of a new journey...

For those of you who are subscribed to my blog, you may have seen a few of my posts about my will to...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/29/2004

Flight Simulator... Behind The Scenes...

The Channel 9 team has finally posted the video they have taken of our group a few weeks back. Take...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/25/2004

No Posts? No i'm not dead...

Well not totally dead at least. Been struggling with the flu over the past week. Guess this means i...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/25/2004

Author Interview: "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists"

I've recently had the chance to be interviewed by The Compulsive Creative in regards to my latest...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/15/2004

Book: "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists"

Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists By Sebastien St-Laurent ISBN: 1-59200-092-4May 2004 (512...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/11/2004

Other Authors Venture Into Self-Publishing...

A few interesting posts I've found on authors self-publishing... The first interesting tidbit is...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/11/2004

Channel 9 Visits The Flight Sim Team!

Yesterday, Robert Scoble from the Channel 9 team came to visit the team - Robert and Steve Lacey...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/11/2004

Flight Simulator 2004 Update Is Now Up!!

All the information and the download itself is over here.

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/11/2004

Amazon Sales Ranking Mysteries.

I've never really put too much attention into the Amazon sales rank of a book until my first book...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/07/2004

My Next Book... Self-Published???

Here I am at it again, I've started writing my second book a little over one month ago. Now...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 10/06/2004

Misc Computer Graphics / Video Game / Tech News (09/30/04)

R500 for Xbox2 to be ready at end of Q1 2005 According to reports, the next generation Xbox chip...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/30/2004

Book Talk: Beginning Game Programming

Here is a book which may be of interest to people wanted to get into the field of game programming....

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/25/2004

C# Member Properties Recursion?!?!?

I was working on some C# tool today when i came along this piece of code i just wrote. public...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/23/2004

Xtreme Game Developers Xpo

XGDX will be held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, October 9-10, 2004....

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/23/2004

Misc Computer Graphics / Video Game / Tech News (09/22/04)

Here my news blurbs for this week :) First AMD-64 optimized game arrives! Atari has announced the...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/22/2004

Press-Release : Learn Real-Time Computer Graphics the Easy Way With “Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists” by Sebastien St-Laurent.

In my continued effort to self-promote my book (can't count on the publisher for this ;) ). I've...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/21/2004

Book Piracy... Ridiculous pricing?

From a story on "Upset that students might actually try to learn something without...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/20/2004

Misc Computer Graphics News (09/16/04)

I have decided to keep track of interesting news going on in the computer graphics world and make a...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/16/2004

Shader for Game Programmers and Artists Errata (Wrong D3DRS_CULLMODE Render State in Chapter 5)

Just got my first correction for my book (Shaders for Game Programmer and Artists). I'v decided to...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/09/2004

Contest Reminder: Mini Website Design

This post is to serve as a reminder that the mini web design contest for my homepage is still going...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/09/2004

Answer to Question: Converting rendermonkey to fx

I received a post from Brandon Furtwangler asking a few general questions about RenderMonkey and...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/02/2004

Water reflections and clip planes...

I am currently meddling with some water reflection code. It is all implemented but it was missing a...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 09/01/2004

Mini Website Design Contest

As some of you may have noticed, my home page ( is pretty bland. I myself do not...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/30/2004

New Avalon GUI System to be released on XP/Server 2003

This was announced today by Microsoft. As a video game developer i think this is really good as it...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/27/2004

Dental Work... Part Deux!

Well i haven't posted in the last few days, and mostly for a few reasons. First of all, I've been...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/27/2004

Request for topics...

Of course i don't always want to just rant about misc things in my blog. So i thought i would post a...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/24/2004

To publish or to self-publish... There is the question...

Now at this point in time i am between the release of my first book "Shaders for Game Programmers...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/23/2004

Google IPO on its way... My thoughts...

I am by no means a financial analyser or anything like this. But am i the only one out there who...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/19/2004

Flight Simulator...

Since i have started blogging, a little over one week ago, I have already received a few questions...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/18/2004

Why is dental work so expensive?

I know this has nothing to do with computer graphics or computers in general but for my post today i...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/17/2004

ATI's RenderMonkey Version 1.5 Released!

Seems that with Siggraph 2004 coming and going, ATI has finally released the 1.5 version of...

Author: sebby1234 Date: 08/16/2004

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