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Bug me

Can’t use DirectX 11.2 with Visual Studio 2012 Graphics Diagnostics

If you’re one of the people using Graphics Diagnostics in Visual Studio 2012, please be aware that...

Date: 08/05/2013

Blending Demystified

Sorry, I'm terrible at updating my blog, but I had an interesting debugging session learning about...

Date: 11/20/2012

I’m internet famous!

I went to GDC in March and Bytes by MSDN interviewed me. In case you interested in what Visual...

Date: 04/11/2012

Graphics Debugging inside of Visual Studio = new job for me!

Hi, welcome back. If you look at my older posts, you may notice that I don’t publish very...

Date: 04/06/2012

Hidden feature of VSIP: Sharing a machine

Okay so this really isn't a debugger feature, but I thought it was handy anyway. Yesterday a...

Date: 05/03/2007

PCs still suck

Okay so I probably shouldn't be writing that as a title considering who I work for, but I had a...

Date: 04/09/2007

Hidden Breakpoint Feature: Stepping in just one thread

So I was giving this demo the other day of some of our new concurrency features in the Orcas CTP and...

Date: 03/30/2007

Hello World

Hi, my name is Rich Chiodo, and I work at Microsoft. That sounds like an admission of guilt. I...

Date: 03/29/2007