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Microsoft's blog about technology, entrepreneurship, culture, and civic innovation

Inner-City Arts Is A Los Angeles Nonprofit Saving Art And Creativity In Public Schools

In an IBM survey conducted last year, 1,500 CEOs identified creativity as the number one competitive...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 03/14/2012

Photos From Startup America's Entreprelooza! Party For Washington DC Entrepreneurs

On March 6th, Startup DC (the local arm of Startup America Partnership) hosted the first ever...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 03/13/2012

Entreprelooza! A Celebration of Washington, DC Entrepreneurship

Startup DC in partnership with Startup America and Microsoft has announced Entreprelooza! is...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/28/2012

High-Tech Republican Consulting Firm CrowdVerb Mobilizes Conservative Voters

Three alums from Microsoft - Cyrus Krohn, Todd Herman and Sally Poliak (the first two veterans of...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/21/2012

Top 10 Public Sector Windows Phone Apps

Guest post by Joel Reyes, a senior developer evangelist for Microsoft public sector. Follow him on...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/21/2012

Living Science: Why Social Networks For Scientists Don't Work (Yet)

A "Facebook for Scientists"? It may sound silly, or redundant, but it's becoming more of a reality....

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/17/2012

Young Inventors, Makers, And Doers: Where Will 'Generation Innovation' Come From?

Politicians talk a lot about how America needs more innovators and inventors. Everyone from...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/16/2012

Citizen 2.0: Startup HeroJobs Connects Veteran Skills With Civilian Workforce

During periods of high employment, particularly with the U.S. economy in a general slump, it's more...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/16/2012

Election 2012: Six Ways Politicians And Their Campaigns Can Use Social Photo Site Pinterest

If you were living in a cave during the last quarter of 2011, you may have missed out on hearing...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/14/2012

Election 2012: Twitter Live-Streams The Republican Nevada Caucuses

In case you've missed most of the current election season so far, you may not have noticed that...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/09/2012

Which Health Entrepreneur Will Build A Khan Academy For Doctors?

We're very interested in tech-savvy entrepreneurs here at Publicyte, and occasionally we're just...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 02/08/2012

Guest post by Ken Mallit, a Microsoft public sector solutions architect. Local governments, public...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 11/13/2011

Why Parents Help Children Violate Facebook Age Rules

Guest post by danah boyd, a senior researcher with Microsoft Research, a Research Assistant...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 11/07/2011

New AARP Survey Reveals Seniors Are Concerned About Online Safety

Guest post by Tammy Gordon, the Director of Social Communications and Strategy for AARP in...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 10/28/2011

Job One: Education And Skills Gap A National Security Risk

Guest post by Stephen Gordon, a Director of Market Development in Microsoft’s Enterprise...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 10/10/2011

Medical Cybersecurity: Creating A Trusted Digital Health Environment

Guest post by Gary Danoff, an Account Executive with Microsoft focusing on the Department of Defense...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 10/10/2011

How Roadtrip Nation Is Inspiring The Next Generation Of Entrepreneurs And Risk-Takers

Where does inspiration come from? For some young people, it comes from reading stories in books or...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 09/27/2011

How Nonprofit Brotherhood Crusade Provides Technology Training For The Los Angeles Workforce

Guest post by Celeste Alleyne, the West Region Citizenship & Public Affairs Director for...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 09/26/2011

Interview With Pooja Nath, Founder Of Silicon Valley-Based Education Collaboration Startup Piazza

Every month at Publicyte, we interview a "rising star" and highlight their work in which they're...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 09/06/2011

Cradles to Crayons: A Nonprofit Providing Disadvantaged Children With Free School Supplies

Guest post by Donna Woodall, Microsoft's citizenship lead for the U.S. east coast. The organization...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 09/06/2011

Why Cyberspace Will Be The Battlefield Of The Future And What That Means

Guest post by Stephen Gordon, a Director of Market Development in Microsoft’s Enterprise...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 08/19/2011

How Newsrooms Are Using Social Media To Strengthen Credibility And Engage Viewers

Guest post by Angie Goff, a multi-media journalist on TV and radio, based in Washington, DC. You can...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 08/17/2011

How To Design A Simple Yet Effective Social Media Strategy In The Public Affairs Space

Guest post by Jeff Mascott, the Managing Partner of Adfero Group, a Washington, DC-based public...

Author: Mark Drapeau Date: 06/23/2011

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