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The Longest Day

24 Photographers, 24 Hours, 2 teams, 1 Winner


by Jeff Greene /


The premiere episode of  “The Longest Day”, an online reality TV show about professional photographers, is now online.




The premise is simple… bring 24 of the hottest professional photographers from around North America to Southern California, split them into two teams, and provide each team with an assignment to complete in just 24 hours.


That assignment is to write, shoot, and edit an original short film about photography, AND an original PSA about the respective charities on behalf of which they are playing: ThirstRelief and Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.


Here are the two teams of photographers:

  • Team A Dane Sanders, Captain Jules Bianchi Kevin Kubota Robert Evans Alisha Todd Chris Humphreys David Jay Kenny Kim Jen Bebbs Steve Bebbs Bronson Pate [b]ecker Playing for : ThirstRelief
  • Team B Bambi Cantrell, Captain Jim Garner Catherine Hall Brook Todd Joe Photo Katie Humphreys Michele Celentano Jasmine Starr Amber Holritz Jessica Claire Gene Higa Ann Hamilton Playing for : Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.

As WPPI 2009 approaches (February 14-19), each of the 30-minute behind-the-scenes episodes will be posted online. About a week before WPPI, the final short films and PSAs from each team will then be posted so viewers can vote for Best Video and Best PSA


The winning team will win $3,000 for their respective charity and the other charity will receive $2,000. 


There aren’t really any losers here… But with Microsoft Icon of Imaging, and “Team B” Captain, Bambi Cantrell working with Seattle photographer Jim Garner; the Microsoft Pro Photo Community staff is definitely rooting for Team B.  Especially since Team B must feature Microsoft Expression Media 2 in their final video…


So keep checking here for the latest updates,  …and remember, this is only an exhibition – please, no wagering….




The Longest Day

Episode 1

Free Admission to WPPI 2010 offer
