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Imagine ...if it rained

From the Imagine Cup 2007 World Finals

Seoul, South Korea

By Jeff Greene /


The Photography and Short Film teams are hosed. Almost literally…

It’s has been raining heavily all day here in Seoul and although much of the principle shooting was completed by midnight last night, every team needs to shoot "pick-up" shots and final images to fine-tune and complete their entries for the Imagine Cup 2007 World Finals Photography competition ( To make matters worse, a loud roar was heard as 2PM local time arrived, signaling the end of all the 24-hour programming competitions. Digital Arts competitions still have 10-12 hours to go...


As bad as it may be for the Photography teams, the Short Film teams have it even worse since they have to lug a ton of video cameras, tripods, and sound equipment everywhere to complete their projects. I am merely a humble still photographer, and I know very little about digital video, but I’m fairly certain that wet gear is a bad thing. Just a hunch…

Anyway... All the teams returned to the hotel at around midnight last night for an intense all-night session of downloading, sorting, and editing thousands of images from their day in the field. … I have not seen what they shot since I need to remain objective and free of any pre-conceived notions of their essay before the judging deadline. I’m only here to clarify the mission, interpret the rules, and solve any potential computer and camera problems. All in all, it’s been pretty boring. (That’s a good thing…) At least my wife, Chris, has been able to travel around Seoul with award-winning photographer and Microsoft Icon of Imaging Colin Finlay, capturing some awesome images of her own.

Travel Tip: Judging from Chris’ photos, if you ever have some extra time to kill while in Seoul, be sure and visit the local aquarium. It’s, well, "different"…

For now, I must be patient. After tonight’s judging session, I am free for the rest of the week and look forward to escaping the confines of the “W” Hotel and capturing some images and local color of my own.

Check out the 2007 Imagine Cup Day 1 video from Microsoft Channel 8.


