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Best Photos of 2008

by Jeff Greene /


For better and worse, 2008 was a historic year. Every week there were exhilarating highs and demoralizing lows in the news, and all of these valleys and troughs had at least one commonality; they were photographed and published by the worlds’ press.


Microsoft Icons of Imaging Deanne Fitzmaurice, Peter Read Miller, and Bob Rosato all had images selected for collections of the years’ best photos. Deanne's photos were featured in Time Magazines’ 2009 Pictures That Mattered and were the subject of a recent Pro Photo Blog post.



Peter and Bob both shoot for Sports Illustrated and had several images featured in the SI’s Greatest Shots of ‘08.  


Peter Read Miller / Sports Illustrated

Rosato-27890-mid Rosato-35035

Bob Rosato / Sports Illustrated



Below are links to other galleries featuring the best photos from 2009. Some are heart warming and others will break your heart.   It was once said that “a picture speaks a thousand words” , for 2008, these images speak volumes….
