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Quality Gets Rewarded

So you've been toiling around until the wee hours of the night every day to ensure there are no bugs in your app. You've listened to your users and updated your apps accordingly. You made your app stand above your competition! Well, now it is time to reap the rewards for your efforts.

If you have an app in the Windows Phone store which has 50+ reviews and has an average of 4+ stars, you can participate in a special program that I am helping facilitate within Nokia.

Contact me at if you would like to add your name to a list of developers who are considered for special promotional opportunities.

As with any promotion, there are some terms and conditions you need to keep in mind:

  • You should be willing to buy WP Store Placement, App Highlights Placement and NAX (Nokia Ad Exchange) Credits in DVLUP rewards
  • We will provide XP for you to do this. You can spend only the XP we give on these mentioned rewards.
  • You will report feedback on if you like buying these placements, your thoughts in general on the experience and flow, the XP costs of the prizes, the requirements of the prizes, and the overall value of the offers.
  • You will report your download and revenue numbers 2 weeks before the campaigns, during the campaigns and the following week after the campaigns - you provide this info privately and this info is never made public.
  • Your app will be featured on each of the 3 placements (Windows Phone Store, App Highlights and NAX) on 3 different weeks to really understand the increase and value delivered. 
  • You will need to use the Marketing in a Box tools to create your ad banners.
  • You will need to use your NAX credit to execute a NAX Paid Ad Campaign.
  • You will report your NAX Paid Ad Campaign Performance in the same manner as mentioned above.

For more, continue reading at

Paras Wadehra
Twitter: @ParasWadehra
FB Group:
Find my apps at
(Nokia Developer Ambassador)