TechEd 2004 - nearly done
TechEd 2004 is nearly over. I did the Windows Sharepoint Services and Office 2003 one that Chuck wanted me to do. It actually went quite well. I had USB memory sticks to give away and prompt lots of questions. Funny how that turns the session into something more interactive and useful for everyone! Did the Windows Server 2003 SP1 session aswell this morning which was kinda tough given that we had a party last night and many people were fairly tired but still attended. Was a good session I thought but we'll see what happens when the session evals come in for both. Talked a bit about R2 in it with the Identity Federation stuff, Network Access Protection and Anywhere Access to information. People appreciate knowing some of this stuff I think. Wouldnt mind feedback if you think its important.
- Anonymous
August 06, 2004
I tried to make my session more interactive this year too...
Made sure the lights were left on and got down to floor level for part of the presso as well.