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Michael Kleef ::: MSFT

Update.exe Installer Switches

This is to make you aware of a Microsoft Knowledge Base article, 832475 that describes new features...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/31/2005

Microsoft Update Services Beta

Anyone with a Microsoft .NET Passport account can nominate themselves for the Microsoft Update beta....

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/31/2005

TechEd 2005 Feedback

Thanks to Ken alerting me about this problem, Since the migration from the MSDN blog site to the new...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/29/2005

Am I the first to post to the new TechNet Blogs?

Welcome to the soft launch of TechNet blogs. The new home for Microsoft IT Pro blogging!. Please...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/26/2005

TechEd Windows and Mgmt track: Updated

So heres some more thoughts on the Windows and Management track: Server and Domain Isolation: The...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/22/2005

TechEd AU and NZ Security Track

OK. We’re getting close to done on the Security track. Any comments on the below sessions? Ther’’s a...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/22/2005

Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit coming shortly

Coming May 2005: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit ISBN: 0-7356-1471-7; US$249.99 SRP,...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/21/2005

Migrating from Windows Server POP3 Mail to Exchange 2003.

Michael Wood asked me today about migrating from the “free” POP3 mail in Windows Server to Exchange...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/21/2005

Norah Jones in Perth

On a completely separate note, I went to see Norah Jones in Kings Park yesterday in Perth. What a...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/17/2005

Exchange Blogcasts

Wow! We just released a whole bunch of blogcasts on Exchange. Now I dont have to do any Exchange...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/17/2005

DigitalPersona Fingerprint Reader

Got one of these DigitalPersona FingerPrint Readers sent to me recently....way cool! I think its...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/16/2005

More food for thought in the Security Track at TechEd AU and NZ

We've been doing some more thinking for the Security track internally. Here some of the ideas to...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/16/2005

TechEd 2005 Content Planning: Security track

As with previous posts, please provide your feedback to the TechEd 2005 planning process with your...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/14/2005

TechEd 2005 Content Planning: Messaging and Collaboration Stream

Next on the TechEd 2005 stream for comment is the Messaging and Collaboration track. As with the...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/14/2005

TechEd 05 Planning AU and NZ: Server and Management Track

Ok. Starting planning for TechEd 2005 now. If you ever wanted to influence the content track for...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/10/2005

MIIS Provisioning Event Demo

For those of you that have wondered what MIIS can do for you...Ive kinda bottled up a quick demo of...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/09/2005

Security Summit - Perth

As promised, if you had questions from either of my sessions on SMS/MOM or Identity Management and...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 03/02/2005

Windows Update Suggestions: Security Summit Q&A Feedback

Cristian also asked: "...When you configure it via GPO to update from your local WUS or SUS all the...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/28/2005

SMS BITS Client Support: Security Summit Q&A

Paul Kougi asked: "...I was wondering if it was possible to use bits downloading (with the BITS...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/28/2005

Live Communications Server User Provision qtn: Security Summit Q&A Response

Rob Asked: "...We are deploying a few SIP Servers in client sites to eliminate attack vectors from...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/28/2005

MIIS 2003 Service Pack 1: Security Summit Q&A Response

Cristian Croitoru asked: MIIS 2003 can be installed (AFAIK) only on Enterprise version of W2K3;...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/28/2005

Security Summit - Brisbane

Amazing! Brisbane has a higher attendance at the Security Summit than Melbourne and Sydney! We even...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/24/2005

Security Summit - Melbourne

If you had questions WRT the sessions I did at Melbourne's Security them here! I did...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/22/2005

MSStyles and Windows XP Media Centre Edition

Joe posted a question with regards to a couple of us using a different visual theme at the Summit...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/22/2005

Security Summit - Adelaide

As I promised, heres the placeholder for the Security Summit for Adelaide. If theres any questions...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/18/2005

Security Configuration Wizard - WS2003 SP1

Well its time for a first again! Recently my British colleagues have pipped me in the blogging...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/14/2005

Security Summit - Canberra

If you attended my two Canberra based sessions at the Microsoft Security Summit and have questions...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/14/2005

Security Summit - Sydney

Jeff and I (along with many others) are on the Microsoft Security Summit presenting in six cities....

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 02/09/2005

Infrastructure SIG

Ok! The Infrastructure SIG is happening also in March. The topic is on Zero Touch Deployment and...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/31/2005

TechEd 2005 Australia Planning: Part 2

Last post I asked about what events you would want to see at TechEd 2005. Now Im interested in some...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/29/2005

EOI: Preparing for TechEd 2005 Australia/NZ

Im going to be owning the TechEd 2005 IT Pro content track for Australia and NZ. The USA is pretty...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/27/2005

Rod Trent moves on

Rod Trent, MVP for SMS has decided to move his blog. Take a look at his new home…. At least...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/20/2005

Data Protection Server

Day 2: Go Data Protection Server. Way cool. Gives you the ability to back up your file server data...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/18/2005

Microsoft's internal deployment of SharePoint

At the end of this month, Im doing a session with the SharePoint User Group in Perth on...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/17/2005

Active Directory Federation Services

Day 1: As mentioned before Im in Redmond at an internal conference….saw some interesting...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/17/2005

Microsoft Exchange Server: Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer Tool

A very cool tool. If you ever wanted a tool that helped you analyse Exchange in the best way and...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/15/2005

Shameless Plug for BlogJet

Just installed Blogjet……they have this shameless plug for their app when it first...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/15/2005

TechNet CD Subscription gets untimebombed software in Australia

As a TechNet Plus subscriber in Australia, you have access to the following Microsoft products for...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/11/2005

SBS User Groups in AU

Australia has a new single entry point to find all the SBS User Groups! Go to...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/11/2005

Off to Redmond!

Jeff Alexander and myself (and others) are off to Redmond again this week to attend one of the best...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/11/2005

AU: Microsoft Security Summit in February

In February, Microsoft Australia again runs its national security summit in most states. Three...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/07/2005

Changes to Functionality in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

From the desk of Peter Meister: We successfully put out another version of this document. This...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/07/2005

Microsoft Anti-Spyware beta releases

Dont you just love this?! Real time protection, auto updates....awesome stuff.......

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 01/07/2005

Microsoft runs SAP on SQL 2005

Can you believe this!! Microsoft is running SAP R/3 on SQL 2005! Thats so cool!...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 12/17/2004

SQL Server 2005 Resource Kit Releases in Australia

Australian Residents: In case you werent aware – the SQL Server 2005 (Yukon) Beta 2 Resource Kit is...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 12/15/2004

MOM 2005 is easy!

Man this tool rocks! I remember playing with MOM 2000 and thinking this is all too hard. You had to...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 12/15/2004

Comment SPAM

Getting hit constantly by a comment spammer. You know the type. Comments like "Great site! Heres a...

Author: Michael Kleef [MSFT] Date: 12/13/2004

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