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Meeting the community

Been awhile since I blogged and I figured I better tell what Ive been doing. Im trying to meet as many people as I can and talk about Microsoft's FY05 plans to help them and get as much information to them as they need around the Infrastructure and Applications we make :) Im just listening to what they are saying that they want to hear about. Ive been to see big audience IT Pro partrners like Unisys and CSC, I've visited one of the national ISP's, WestNet (shameless plug: They offer fabulous service as I use them at home and they offer ASP.NET web hosting for a great rate!! to talk about FrontPage Server Extensions and found that people are having a hard time doing large scale hosting of it with scale up and out. Hmm...finding a solution for that though...might blog about the solution if I get one. I even met with the Linux User Group VP in Perth aswell aswell as the Novell User Group President.. Im looking forward going to those User Groups and just chatting with the people aswell as presenting if they want me to.

Next steps? Meet more Partners and IT Pros to talk about the stuff they want to hear from us about and how we can help them. Fly to Adelaide to talk with the people there aswell. Look to building the SQL communities in Perth and Adelaide in conjunction with some others from Microsoft who know the SQL people....busy times ahead! :)