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Virtual Earth & MapPoint B2B

Spaceland Launch Review

Mike Boland did a good job of documenting the Virtual Earth 3-D Launch Event (code name Spaceland)....

Author: cpendle Date: 11/15/2006

MapCruncher for 3-D?

Check out this site that has already adopted using Map Cruncher with our Virtual Earth Map Control...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/14/2006

Where are my pushpins?

In case you've run into the problem of your pins not showing up on the map there are a couple things...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/14/2006

Virtual Earth Business Value Webcast

In case you missed my webcast on "Using Mapping and Location Technologies to Grow Your Business" you...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/10/2006

Windows Live Local On MTV

Microsoft has teamed up with MTV to promote Windows Live Local on their mtvU (MTV University) show...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/10/2006

Syndication on Live Maps

Enterprises can now advertise on our 2D maps on Live Maps (aka, Live Local, Windows Live Local or...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/08/2006

MWS CSR 4 Releases November 9, 2006

We're releasing our 4th customer service release for MapPoint Web Service in the wee hours of the...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/08/2006

Want Virtual Earth 3-D in Outlook?

You got it:...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/06/2006

Virtual Earth Expands to Japan

Virtual Earth map coverage just got broader. We now have maps and aerials of Japan...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/06/2006

Virtual Earth - 3-D Maps & API

It's been a long time secret, but November 6, 2006 marks the day that Microsoft changed the world...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/06/2006

Mashing Sports and Maps

What do Roy Williams, Charlie Batch, Shawn Alexander, Alex Smith and Chris Chambers have in common?...

Author: cpendle Date: 11/01/2006

Webcast - Grow Your Business Using Mapping and Location Technologies

I'll be presenting an online web cast November 9, 2006 @ 1 PST covering mapping technologies for the...

Author: cpendle Date: 10/30/2006

Virtual Earth Version 4

Please be advised that we will release a new version of the Virtual Earth Map Control on Tuesday,...

Author: cpendle Date: 10/30/2006

Streets & Trips 2007 On The Way

The new version of S&T will be hitting the shelves in time for XMAS. In addition to updated...

Author: cpendle Date: 09/15/2006

New Windows Live Local Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook

We released a first version of this plugin that had what I'll call limited functionality. The new...

Author: cpendle Date: 09/15/2006

Tell us what you think . . .

The following message is from the product group to you . . . Hello, Your opinions about MapPoint Web...

Author: cpendle Date: 08/10/2006

Earthly Delights

The September 2006 issue of MSDN Magazine includes an indepth article on how to code applications...

Author: cpendle Date: 08/03/2006

Going to Real Estate Connect 2006 in San Francisco?

I'll be there if you want to stop by the Microsoft booth and chat about VE, MWS, MapPoint or my...

Author: cpendle Date: 07/25/2006

Got Questions About Virtual Earth?

Post them for the community to answer!...

Author: cpendle Date: 07/14/2006

Customer Service Release 2.1 for MapPoint Web Service

We just completed a roll out of new functionality on MapPoint Web Service. Highlights of this...

Author: cpendle Date: 06/26/2006

Call For Free on Windows Live Local

The team just rolled out a sick little feature. Let's say you're searching for Starbucks in Redmond...

Author: cpendle Date: 06/25/2006

Webcast: Location Solutions with Virtual Earth

In case you missed the live presentation, you can watch it here:...

Author: cpendle Date: 06/07/2006

Updated Interactive SDK

The interactive Virtual Earth SDK now supports Firefox. So, close your Safari browser, put away your...

Author: cpendle Date: 06/01/2006

Microsoft Research has a repository of map crunched applications posted here:...

Author: cpendle Date: 06/01/2006

Windows Live Local - We're not #1!

There are some really great products on this list, so being on the list is huge, even if we're only...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/31/2006

MSDN Webcast: Location Solutions with Microsoft Virtual Earth (Level 200)

Steve Milroy will be presenting on how to integrate data into a Virtual Earth application. Live...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/31/2006

Updated Bird's Eye Imagery Coverage

The following is a list of our Bird's Eye imagery coverage which is inclusive of the Windows Live...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/26/2006

Virtual Earth Plugin for Outlook Map and get driving directions to...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/26/2006

Interactive SDK for Virtual Earth Version 3

Forget the text based SDKs, this SDK is interactive. Whatever it is you're looking at you can...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/26/2006

Proximity Searching by Drive Distance (and Drive Time) in MWS

I’ve discovered a way to easily (and cheaply) improve store locator relevancy by using a driving...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/16/2006

Map Cruncher Released

Map Cruncher is a secret little project that Microsoft Research has been working with the Virtual...

Author: cpendle Date: 05/16/2006

Customer Service Release - May 15, 2006

We're rolling out some updates for MapPoint Web Service on May 15 that you'll need to be aware of....

Author: cpendle Date: 05/08/2006

Downside to MapPoint 2006

Ok, so I've been saying all along that MapPoint 2006 is backwards compatible, blah, blah, blah, but...

Author: cpendle Date: 04/21/2006

Microsoft Acquires Vexcel

Founded in 1985, with ongoing leadership from President and CEO, John Curlander, Vexcel is now a...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/16/2006

Win, Yet, Another XBox 360 by Developing on Virtual Earth

Steve Lombardi (VE Program Manager) is presenting Virtual Earth at the Location Intelligence...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/14/2006

Virtual Earth Application Contest

Win an XBox 360, baby: Throw your hat in the...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/14/2006

New Bird's Eye Imagery

We just loaded some new Bird's Eye imagery into the Virtual Earth platform, and thus into the...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/09/2006

Virtual Earth Partner Briefing - March 28, 2006

If you're a MapPoint Partner (ISV, etc), you would be interested to know that we have an upcoming...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/06/2006 Gadget with Virtual Earth has gadgets you can add to your customized home page. Here's one featuring Virtual Earth...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/05/2006

Good-Bye MSN Maps & Directions

It's finally over. Today marked the end of MSN Maps & Directions (US). The days of competing...

Author: cpendle Date: 03/03/2006

Street Side Imagery in WLL

We're taking it to the next level - street side imagery. Today @ noon PST we will launch Windows...

Author: cpendle Date: 02/28/2006

New Site Highlights WLL Bird's Eye Imagery

Check out this site: It's a great reference for finding unique eye...

Author: cpendle Date: 02/26/2006

Driving Directions in MapPoint Web Service

I've seen a few implementations of MWS routing (driving directions) used by our customers that...

Author: cpendle Date: 02/23/2006

Virtual Earth Beta Map Control Version 2

There's been some confusion around moving from V1 to V2 beta of Virtual Earth. Hopefully, this helps...

Author: cpendle Date: 02/21/2006

Setting the Scale in Virtual Earth

Someone asked me recently what the scales for the different zoom levels were. Of course, I went to...

Author: cpendle Date: 02/20/2006

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