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Project Conference Next Week

A short post this week, I'm just swamped.  I'm preparing for the Project Conference is in Seattle next week.  I have two presentations

1) Migrating Project Server 2003 Application to Project Server 12

2) Tips and Tricks for using the PDS

Plus I'm setting up our machines for hands-on labs (HOL).  Ther migrating presentation I already presetented back in September, so that just needed a little refining.  The PDS tips and tricks is a little more challenging that I first thought because I'm working so much with Project Server 12.  But I've been plugging away for the last month a little at time trying to figure out all the steps I take as second nature in creating an application that talks to the PDS.  Then getting them into a Power Point deck that won't be a replacement for Ambien is the trick.  The HOL is always challenging because we want to use the best build we can so attendees can see as much as possible.  The problem with the in-between builds (i.e. not a formal beta release) is sometime there are features that aren't quite complete, but not readily identifiable as such.  Then there are the unintended features (i.e. bugs) that are inevitable at this stage of development.

For all attending the Project Conference I hope you have a great, informative time, and come away as excited about Project 12 as we are.  I'm personally very excited, once the conference completes I can start writing about Project 12, YEAH!