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Kam VedBrat

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New Avalon Videos on Channel Nine!

If you're heading to PDC to learn about Windows Presentation Foundation (formerly known as...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 09/07/2005

Try Acrylic

Acrylic just shipped a new CTP. Check it out.

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 08/16/2005

MTP Support comes to Rio Carbon!

Yay! Rio Audio has support for MTP now for the Rio Carbon! I gotta try this!

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 08/06/2005

off-topic - gold wall paint

some off-topic blogging today... I saw this over at apartment therapy... very nice way to dress up...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/30/2005

How to get glass to show up on Windows Vista Beta 1

One question I get asked frequently is "hey will this piece of hardware run Glass on Vista?"....

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/30/2005

Windows Vista Beta 1 Press Highlights

A lot of the press comments we've recieved on Beta 1 of Windows Vista have realy exceeded my...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/30/2005

TweakVista for Windows Vista

Steve Sinchak is my favorite Windows MVP this week. Why? Because he spent some time figuring out all...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/30/2005

If you liked Shtickers, take a look at PolyGFX

I found this site the other day that caters to the pc case-mod crowd... PolyGFX will take any custom...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/26/2005

Shtickers for your notebook

design*sponge links to some cool decals for making your notebook look nice...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/16/2005

Palm is dead. Long live Palm!

Palm has come full circle, and got it's old name back. I hope these guys do really well now that...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/15/2005

XAML Exporter for Adobe Illustrator

Michael Swanson wrote a very cool XAML exporter for Adobe Illustrator, so you can create XAML art...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/15/2005

My demo from WinHEC

Robert Hogue on our demo team has a page with some interesting Avalon demos - including the 3d-video...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/15/2005

Kam's a lazy blogger...

No blogging since April... lazy blogger. I could say "I've been busy" but that would be lying. It's...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 07/15/2005

# h a s h

h a s h is linking to my blog. Not sure who # h a s h is, but the blog is relevant to mine so I'm...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 04/03/2005

OpenGL desktop rendering on Linux...

there's an odd title for an msdn blog post... and yet, I'm linking to it anyway... It's nice to see...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/29/2005

March CTP

With the new March CTP, you can start building apps using Avalon and Indigo together... Chris...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/27/2005


Microsoft just launched Crossfader Beta, an online community for electronic music artists...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/27/2005

Masala Downloads!

It seems that Movielink and CinemaNow aren't the only ones in the downloadable movies business....

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/25/2005

Aero Isn't Dead.

Scoble pointed out that Joe Wood is asking if Aero is dead. Microsoft has a bunch of big public...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/16/2005

MSN has a news aggregator. Many years ago would take you to the homepage...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/12/2005

Dean on Presenting

Dean posts what someone heard when he talked about presentations...hey where's that rss feed?

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/12/2005

Welcome Ray Ozzie!

Ray Ozzie has joined Microsoft to be our new CTO, along with the rest of the folks at Groove...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/12/2005

Shipping Software

Kevin and Omar have some further comments about our ability ship at MSFT.

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/06/2005

Mark leaves MSFT

Mark thinks we have forgotten how to ship software and that we haven't kept up with how the world...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 03/04/2005

Gates and High Schools

The Gates Foundation has spent a huge pile of money over the past few years towards improving...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/27/2005

Proficient with XAML? Need a Job?

Solidworks is looking for a software engineer with XAML skills...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/20/2005

Live in London? Excited about Avalon? Have dinner with Kevin!

Kevin Moore is a fellow Program Manager on the Avalon team. He is going to be in London towards the...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/20/2005

Don't call it a comeback!

Bill Gates announced Internet Explorer 7 today. The IE team's blog has more info. IE holds a special...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/15/2005

Rio Carbon

Earlier this week I was given a Rio Carbon as a thank-you gift for doing a big presentation for...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/13/2005

Google Maps

I got email from somoene today about google maps. This is really an incredible service. This is some...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/08/2005

MSN Search launched today!

The new MSN Search launched today. The search guys have totally revamped MSN Search, taking it from...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 02/01/2005

Now this is cool...

Looks like folks are really starting to dig in on Avalon......

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/31/2005

One button and a scroll wheel

Steve's funny. He won't put another button on that mouse, but a scrolling trackpad on the powerbook...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/31/2005

Creating 2-D and 3-D Dynamic Animations in "Avalon"

Karsten Januszewski posted a great sample on MSDN showing how to do some basic animiations in...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/30/2005

Avalon Resources

So now that Avalon is available to the public - here are some great resources to help you get...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/17/2005


Sean Alexander found what has got to be just about the coolest car-pc mod I've seen to date. Hosting...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/17/2005

Avalon available to the public!

The November 2004 CTP release of Avalon is now publicly available on MSDN, for use with the Express...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/14/2005

Customer Service - Episode 3

Finally got my phone replaced last week by Audiovox. They put a $319.00 charge on my credit card...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/10/2005

Upgrading MCE...

I had the pleasure of upgrading my media center pc over the holiday break... it took a lot of work -...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 01/02/2005

Customer Service

So I bought a new Audiovox Smartphones recently - and with it a plan from ATT Wireless (before the...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 12/15/2004

2005 PDC

The 2005 Microsoft Professional Developers Conference is going to be held on Sept 13-16th, at the...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 12/08/2004

MSN Spaces opens today!

MSN Spaces launched its beta today! MSN Spaces is a new blogging service from MSN. It's got some...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 12/02/2004

Exposé and The 30" Cinema Display

I saw the new 30" Cinema Display at the Apple Store this weekend for the first time. I gotta hand it...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 11/29/2004

Use a lot of memory...

I have been using Konfabulator for a few weeks now and recently noticed how much memory it uses....

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 11/28/2004

Don't Panic!

I saw "National Treasure" this weekend, and before it started, there was a trailer for The...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 11/21/2004

Election Day!

I voted today! First thing in the morning. My wife an I went to our local polling place at 7:00am...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 11/02/2004

Boiler Up!

On Saturday - Purdue beat Penn State at Penn State for the first time in history! They're now ranked...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 10/10/2004

what to buy?

I've had a few folks mention to me how great the Dell 20" display is. I totally love it. Getting to...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 10/05/2004

The panel has arrived!

Last week I ordered a new Dell FP 2001 flat panel LCD monitor. I got an incredible deal using a...

Author: Kam VedBrat Date: 10/04/2004

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