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Zune verse IPod

So I have 4 kids, two of them teenagers.   They are the expert on this topic not me.   Since I work for Microsoft of course I want them to use MS products.  My 16 year old son has had an Ipod for some time.  He is allowed to have Itunes on his computer, but not on any of my computers.  This Christmas my 8 year old asked for an Ipod and got one from her grandparents.  8 years old and having an IPod what has this world come to?   Now being a typical 16 year old, my son is Anti anything Dad has to do with. So I was shocked when he came to me a couple of weeks ago and asked "Who make the ZUNE?"  I was floored.   He had heard it has this really cool feature to share songs by wireless.   I thought that was the last of it.  This weekend he had a bunch of homework, I questioned why. He said in History class they usually do their homework in that class, but they had spend the whole hour with his buddies discussing the differences between an IPod and ZUNE, which one was "cooler" (or what ever term they use today).  I really didn't care which product won the discussion, I was just happy they were even discussing it!!  Maybe ZUNE has a chance.