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More SQL Webcast Q&A log #4

Here is from another webcast I did.


Question: Please post the email and blog information:


Question: Is report service a part of the sql server 2005 installation or a separate purchase

Answer: Reporting Services is included with SQL Server 2005 Standard and Enterprise Editions.

Question: Is there the possibility to deliver reports to Sharepoint Server?

Answer: Check out -\&displaylang=en

Question: Would it be possible to cover Security in greater depth please, to understand SQL security, Windows Security and web security, and how they interact and are set up?

Private Answer: Not today, but I will forward this request

Question: The lastest SQL Server 2005 SP is SP2. Is there any SP for reporting services 2005? thanks

Answer: It would be SP2 for SQL Server 2005 -

Question: I currently support numerous ASP.NET reports for our customer extranet, supplier extranet, and intranet. Can we use SQL Reporting Services to accomplish the same thing? How does licensing work?

Answer: Yes, you can. More information on SQL Reporting Services can be found here: In terms of licensing, I believe you need SQL Server License and a CAL for each user that will use the Reporting Services piece. This CAL allows access to SQL in general. You will want to verify with your Microsoft Sales Representative to be safe.

Question: Can reports from report server be embedded within web parts?

Private Answer: Yes - Checkout Sharepoint section -

Question: is there a particular version of SQL Server needed for the drill-down?

Answer: From a Report perspective, this is just built into the Reporting Services engine.

Question: Regarding your CAL answer, my company purchased processor licenses. Do we need CAL for MSRS?

Answer: If you are licensed on a per processor basis, then you don't need CALs.

Question: Will future Excel export capabilities in RS have the function to name excel multiple tabs?

Answer: This is hard to say. You may want to send an email to with this request.

Question: If you install SQL Server 2005 SP2 will it also install for Express version or you need to install separate Express SP2?

Private Answer: It is fine for Express, but there are features Express does not support - no biggie just apply the SP2 -

Question: Are there tools available for converting other report types? ie Crystal Reports or Active Reports?

Private Answer: I am not aware of any

Question: Are the reports JOhn in demo'ing supported by Analysis Services in the background please?

Answer: Yes. That is what he is running in his demo to support the reports.

Question: New Changes in Reporting Services


Question: the web parts used in the demo, are they available out-of-box or custom built, and which version of wss?

Answer: If it is not "out-of-the-box", it is a free download from the gallery. WSS 3.0 is what John is using.

Question: Do SQLRS support crosstab reports?

Private Answer: Check this lonk out -

Question: can you point me to the place to download the web parts please?


Question: Does SQL RS support crosstab reports? (sorry GPF'ed a few minutes ago)

Private Answer: Try this link -

Question: Is there any limit to the amount of data that can be exported to Excel 2007 using Report Manager?

Private Answer: I am not aware of any limits

Question: Is it possible somehow copy one subscription to another(when you need to create few similar subscriptions)?

Private Answer: Check out these results -\&tab=0\&query=Copy+SSRS+Subscription

Question: What type of security should we be aware? Is the localhost\reports a SQL Server Report site or the MOSS 2007? How is the security handled

Private Answer: Check out -

Question: Moving SSRS to another Server

Answer: Check out -

Question: It wasn't clear how the drill down's pulled up pre-defined reports? Where was that defined?

Private Answer: Sorry I am not watching the demo, I am in the Q&A windows - I think you also asked about moving SSRS to another server check out -

Question: Do the drill down reports get created automatically?

Answer: Drill downs are automatic

Question: How does the drill down know the appropriate report to drill down to? Is this linked to the data model built for the reporting?

Answer: The drill down level is defined by the data set. So long as the relationship exists to follow from the current item, it will continue to "drill" down. This is based on the DataWarehouse model.

Question: Is it possible to change color for bar or lines in chart to another that already predefined?

Private Answer: Yes - Check out as well as

Question: Can one user modify another user's saved report

Answer: This depends on permissions that are granted.

Question: would you need an rdl created for sub reports then?

Private Answer: No

Question: how is the report built using the report builder be incorporated into an existing ASP.NET web application -- any tutorial link for that ?

Answer: Try this one -

Question: If I link from an existing website to report server, does the ASPNET user need permissions to view reports?

Private Answer: Check this out -

Question: Is mixed Mode supported in Reporting Services. Will it be? Also what if you use Membership since the Mode is not Integrated - what is the way to make it work that way?

Answer: Maybe I'm not understanding your reference to Mixed Mode, but from an Authentication perspective, authentication in Reporting Services is handled by IIS. Please see this article for specifics:

Question: When we print the webcast to PDF, will it capture all the questions/answers given in the Q/A panel? thanks

Private Answer: unfortunately no it does not capture the Q&A

Question: xref to more info about creating data cubes and the related technologies?

Private Answer: Check out these results -\&tab=0\&query=OLAP+definition

Question: thanks for what looks like good links for more info on data cubes!

Private Answer: No Problem

Question: How transportable are reports between the different versions of SQL? Can reports created in SQL 2005 Enterprise be moved to a demo application using SQL Express 2005? What do you package to move reports to a different instance of SQL?

Private Answer: Typically yes

Question: In ASP.Net 2 using Membership can it authenticate to the Report Services?

Private Answer: Yes you can

Question: Nice job, as usual, John. Thank You

Answer: Thanks for joining us today

Question: Can you allow a user to input the search parameter for determined fields without using a drop down or selection tool?

Private Answer: not that I am aware of

Question: Is it possible to disable one parameter based on another parameter selected kind of mutually exclusive params?

Private Answer: not that I am aware of

Question: what needs to be done to make the column sizes auto adjust to fit a page while printing ? any pointers ?

Private Answer: Print size is usually the issue

Question: Do the subtotals always go into the header instead of the group footer?

Private Answer: No, you have control over that

Question: yes, thanks for excellent webcast and good info

Private Answer: Thanks, Glad you could attend.

Question: Data Source become Report model? Is Report Builder Model used to produce Analysis reports?

Private Answer: I am not sure about your first question? Yes report builder can be used to build analysis reports.

Question: Thank you, great presentation

Private Answer: you are welcomed, thanks for attending