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Vista CRM Search Gadget

If you haven't read about the Vista - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Search Gadget yet, please read this first:

Thanks to TourismVI, there is now a solution regarding the empty value bug:

For all those struggling with the CS0103 error I have the solutione! Move the following line from default.aspx.cs up ABOVE the try block.
DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
In other words that add2DataTable should function should look like this:

private static void add2DataTable(ref DataTable dataTable, BusinessEntityCollection entityCollection)
        // adding records
       for (int i = 0; i < entityCollection.BusinessEntities.Length; i++)
           DynamicEntity dynamicEntity = (DynamicEntity)entityCollection.BusinessEntities[i];
   DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
               dataRow["type"] = dynamicEntity.Name;
               dataRow["id"] = ((KeyProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[0]).Value.Value;
               if (((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[1]).Value != null)
                   dataRow["field1"] = ((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[1]).Value;
               if (((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[2]).Value != null)
                   dataRow["field2"] = ((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[2]).Value;
               if (((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[3]).Value != null)
                   dataRow["field3"] = ((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[3]).Value;
               if (((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[4]).Value != null)
                   dataRow["field4"] = ((StringProperty)dynamicEntity.Properties[4]).Value;
           catch (Exception)
            if (dataRow != null && dataRow["id"] != null && dataRow["id"] != String.Empty)

TourismVI, thank you very much for sharing this with the community!
