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A View from Elsewhere

John Montgomery's Weblog

Levers and Fulcrums: Where Does the Rock Stop?

As I was eating breakfast here in Paris, I was thinking more about Jon's theory of Levers and...

Author: johnmont Date: 06/15/2005

Hacks and User Experience

Jon is now trying to explain why AJAX is interesting so that I can understand it. His analogy is...

Author: johnmont Date: 06/14/2005

What Does “In” Mean? A Conversation with Mary Jo Foley

Over the weekend, Mary Jo Foley (Microsoft Watch) asked me, “What does it mean that something is IN...

Author: johnmont Date: 06/13/2005

I’m Missing Something Here

Jon Udell’s recent postings on AJAX and “Web friendly” Flash got me to thinking (as most of his...

Author: johnmont Date: 06/12/2005

When Headlines Go Bad

Read the story at,1759,1820228,00.asp. Then read the headline. Do...

Author: johnmont Date: 05/25/2005

More Headlines to Love: Exploding Toads

This one from MSNBC. Gruesome. And yet, were it in the context of a Drew Carey show, it would be...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/29/2005

Thanks to the People Who Broke Into My Car

I want to thank the folks who broke into my car. Despite the fact that they stole my stereo...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/29/2005

Five Neat .NET Apps

Google Deskbar -- create .NET plugins for the Google Deskbar app Grouper -- share music with...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/26/2005

I Feel Mulch Better

My wife and I spent the weekend gardening and I consider it a great weekend. I am become middle...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/25/2005

Fewer CS Majors?

Cnet recently ran the results of a study that indicated that fewer college freshmen are interested...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2005

Headlines to Love: Trap-Building Ants Torture Prey

One of my favorite daily news sources is the BBC News. Today while browsing their RSS feed, I ran...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2005

Get and Post: Once More Unto the Breach

Last Thursday, Jon Udell wrote about the HTTP commands Get and Post after Dare Obsanjo (the person...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2005

Whatever Happened to the Micro ISV?

In September of 2004, Erik Sink wrote an article on MSDN about the "micro ISV" -- the one-person...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/24/2005

Staff Grammarian v2

This morning before coming into work, I replied to an email from Andy Lees (my VP) correcting a typo...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/22/2005

NASA World Wind

There's been a thread going around internally about this really cool application written in C# on...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/20/2005

Clustering Search Results

A few months ago, Clusty launched a clustering search engine. I thought the idea was really...

Author: johnmont Date: 04/20/2005

Workshop Work

In order to figure out how to make the new workshop work, my wife asked me to lay it out on paper....

Author: johnmont Date: 03/20/2005

Pump Up the Volume

This morning I was listening to some MP3s on my computer. A particularly fine tune came on (Holst's...

Author: johnmont Date: 03/20/2005

Building Sandwich Boards for Fun and Not-for-Profits

About a month ago, my wife told me that someone had stolen the sandwich boards for the Wallingford...

Author: johnmont Date: 02/24/2005

Celebrating "ZEB"

At Microsoft there is a stage of the development called ZBB or "zero bug bounce." ZBB basically...

Author: johnmont Date: 02/24/2005

Building a Shop

For many years I've wanted a larger wood shop. I have a couple hundred square feet in the basement...

Author: johnmont Date: 02/20/2005

At Microsoft, Monday Starts at 7PM on Sunday Night

I was at a party last night to celebrate the finish of a friend's kitchen remodel. (I arrived late...

Author: johnmont Date: 02/20/2005

New RSSBandit Beta Rocks

Wow. Must download.

Author: johnmont Date: 02/05/2005

"2014: The Press As You Know It Has Ceased to Exist"

You really need to watch this. You think that 2014 will see news doing this? The Google Grid?...

Author: johnmont Date: 02/01/2005

Super Bowl Sunday: "If You See Something, It's No Big Whup"

Reading through my daily headlines, I found a CNN story about tiny cameras that Fox is placing in...

Author: johnmont Date: 02/01/2005

Interviewing at Microsoft

Each year I interview upwards of 200 people for various positions at Microsoft. Joel on Software...

Author: johnmont Date: 01/31/2005

Headlines that Just Seem Wrong

"Children to be offered free nicotine patches." Set aside the context and join me in a moment of...

Author: johnmont Date: 01/31/2005

What if I Blogged About the Press?

Every day members of the press get to write about their interactions with Microsoft -- often...

Author: johnmont Date: 01/31/2005

The 18-inch Roller and the Shur-Line Edger

I was watching one of those home improvement shows the other day and noticed that one of the...

Author: johnmont Date: 01/30/2005

The Errors of My Ways: Mistakes I've Made Recently

I realized that my HVLP sprayer required 40 psi, not 90 psi. That made painting much less painful. I...

Author: johnmont Date: 01/30/2005

Old Car, New Mold

I have a 10-year-old Miata. After about eight years, the gasket around the driver's side door began...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/18/2004

Note to Self: Don't Joke About Rick Getting Me Coffee

I came in this morning to find that Rick Samona had dumped about 400 packets of office coffee in my...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/16/2004

Having a Cup&#60T&#62

Jason Zander, the PUM of the common language runtime team, gave me a mug a couple of weeks ago. On...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/16/2004

Writing Secure Code

One of the things that my team is responsible for is helping developers understand the importance of...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/15/2004

Thinking about Windows Forms and Avalon While on Vacation

While I was on vacation last week, I spent a lot of time thinking. Probably too much time. But one...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/15/2004

Driven to Distraction

I was born and brought up in Boston and learned to drive there. To me, Boston-style driving is...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/15/2004

Evaluating the i-mate SP3i Mobile Phone

About two weeks ago, Jonathan Wells loaned me an i-mate -- one of the Windows Mobile-powered...

Author: johnmont Date: 12/14/2004

Heading On Vacation

I'm off to Florida to ride roller coasters and generally ignore work for 10 days. See you later!

Author: johnmont Date: 12/01/2004

Windows Forms and Avalon Interop

Internally, the Avalon and Windows Forms teams have been kicking butt on getting interop working....

Author: johnmont Date: 12/01/2004

Can It Be True?

Is Aaron Hess leaving Rex Hill as the winemaker? Rex Hill has some of the best pinots in Oregon and...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/30/2004

Fixing My Father-in-Law's Computer... Or Not

Today at 11AM, my wife arranged for my father in law to call with an Outlook Express problem. So...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/28/2004

Windows Forms and Avalon

A lot of people have written on Windows Forms and Avalon, from Michael Harsh and Joe Stegman on the...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/27/2004

If I Had Kids...

I was browsing bbspot today (as I often do to learn the latest international news), I ran into a...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/27/2004

Throw The Yule Log On Uncle John

Yesterday we bought a Christmas tree. Originally, after much discussion, my wife and I had decided...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/27/2004

Building a Platform Bed and Renting an Industrial Space

For several months (ahem, maybe a year) I've been meaning to build a platform bed. Right now our...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/26/2004

Are Home DIYers Getting Smarter?

I consider myself reasonably handy -- drywall, framing, electrical, plumbing (shudder),...

Author: johnmont Date: 11/25/2004

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