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PODCAST is NOT a dirty word !

What's in a name anyway ?

My recent posts have made it clear that I think Apple has done very interesting work with the iPod. (I recently read an article that since the introduction of the iPod Apple desktop use is up 400,000.)

There has been some banter going about that suggests PodCast is a dirty word at Microsoft becuase it began with the use of iPods as listening the device.

If you share this opposition, let me offer a different explination of the word PODCAST. offer the following definition as one of 13 for POD.

- P.O.D. /P-O-D/ [rare] Acronym for `Piece Of Data'

For the worcd CAST offer this definition as one of 1o.

- Cast - To bestow; confer to.

Therefore, the word PODCAST has nothing to do with Apple Corporation, but rather simply means...

PODCAST: To bestow or confer a Piece of Data :)

It works for me.


  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2005
    I have no idea about why its called that, but those are two actual word joined together.

    Pod :

    Cast :

  • Anonymous
    July 22, 2005
    Here's my thought. Regardless of the origin of the term, it implies broadCASTing something for iPODs to consume. That's limiting, because the iPod doesn't support video or (for the most part) pictures. If you are doing more than audio, and in fact are inviting other devices to partake of what you produce, I'm strongly in favor of the term Mediacast. It's broader both in the sense of device and format. Let's start using it now before the term "podcast" gets any more entrenched despite its blatant incorrectness. Check out Michael Earls's post as well on this .