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So What Is An MDE?

We have new training coming to a region near you here in the US. It's called MDE (Microsoft Developer Experience). It comes in two formats.

The first MDE is a short one about 2 hours where, we all get to play different roles in a Development Team and interact via VS/TFS 2012. So your role can be a Developer, Tester, Project Manager etc. This is called the Interactive MDE.

The second is a day long experience, where you get to play all the roles via VS/TFS 2012. So you go through the experience of what each role is and get the VS/TFS experience through the Application Lifecycle Management.

The complete set of roles is as follows.

• The Formal Project Management Experience  

• The Agile Project Management Experience  

• The Business Analyst Experience  

'• The Architect Experience  

• The Developer Experience  

• The QA Experience  

• The QA/Dev. Collaboration Experience

Note this is still work in progress, as we're slowly scaling out the workshop across the US. So please be patient, we're moving as fast as we can.

So, how do I get onto one? Well, we'll role these out slowly to the US. If you are interested, you can start of by reaching out to your local Microsoft account representative or email to find out more.