James O'Neill's blog
Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.
Microsoft at CES
The Consumer electronics show starts in Las Vegas on Monday. The internal rumor mill has been going...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/06/2007
More on keyboard short cuts.
Eileen mentioned something about Keyboard shortcuts on her blog, teasing me for not telling her...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/05/2007
Not the usual mobile device review.
There's no two ways about it. I'm loving the new camera. When I'd been with Microsoft a few weeks we...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/01/2007
Happy new year.
I was going to call this a Pretty Good Year, which is the title of a peice by Tori Amos ("Well,...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/31/2006
CLIP and ForFiles my new favorite Vista tools
How many times when you've been writing a technical document have you had to copy the results of...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/31/2006
Bootable USB keys
Since I raised the subject I've had a mail from a couple of people on the subject of making a...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/31/2006
Readyboost. Money well spent, but what's fast enough ?
There are a bunch smart ideas in Vista, and Readyboost seems to be a favorite with a lot of people:...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/31/2006
USB wasn't meant to be like this !
Jason is seems to be bugged by the same things as me... I got my new Pentax just before Christmas....
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/29/2006
A tale of two printers and a design error in UAC
I've said before, but not on this blog, that the worst bits of software I have on my XP-based home...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/29/2006
Merry Christmas
One Christmas tradition which amuses me is the Norad Santa site. This year my daughter has been...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/24/2006
In Poetic mood today.
When I was about 8 years old my mother hung a small poster of "Desiderata" in the kitchen. I love...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/18/2006
Phew: EVO Launch
I'm waiting to see the feedback from the audience, but the general feeling is Tuesdays event was a...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/14/2006
Does your company discriminate against people with disabilities ?
This isn't a question about your employment practices. In recent years a lot of work has been done...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/11/2006
Exchange 2007 released
Since Eileen is on her way back from holiday, I'm going to steal her thunder and share what Jeff...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/08/2006
Overpriced and over here #2
Or what happens when you throw stones in a glass house. My post on over priced and over here...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/08/2006
Ah... the never-ending pool of Wii jokes
Am I just puerile, or is it a British obsession with bodily functions ? I don't know. Nor do I know...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/07/2006
We're hiring !
Microsoft UK in general, but the IT pro evangelist team in particular. If you fancy my job (well not...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/07/2006
Over priced and over here
Here's a Pentax lens at big UK retailer. £629.99 ; and here it is at big US retailer $689.95, less a...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/07/2006
Logoff and logon ... how do you want it ?
I came across this post by Joel Spolsky. The thrust is that the shutdown menu in Vista is too...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/05/2006
A little bit of history.
Jonathan over at the Office Word Team's blog discovered that we just had the 30th anniversary of...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/05/2006
On photographic resolution
Another one of my weekend posts about photography, and 2 or 3 times the length I'd have liked....
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/03/2006
The phone is dead #2
"If you hadn't fixed it to the desk it would be pushing up the daisies! It's rung down the curtain...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/01/2006
The Phone is dead #1
Or "Le Phone est mort, vive le phone" I now have my 3rd C500. The first one got lost on a plane in...
Author: James ONeill Date: 12/01/2006
Strange piece of Tech-ed IT-Forum follow up.
If you are in the UK you are probably aware of the death of the Alexander Litvinenko, and the...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/30/2006
Change the world or go home ?
Hugh Mcleod's cartoon has a bit of a following in Microsoft, (it's only a matter of time before we...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/29/2006
Huskies, Cats ... oh and a whale for good measure.
My Colleague Mike Pallot keeps an interesting blog, which I'm slightly ashamed to say I found by...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/27/2006
The customers you don't want.
About 1999 someone from Microsoft sent me a cassette tape of a talk called "Selling Consultancy...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/27/2006
More on Powershell
Since it's the weekend I'm catching up on my reading ... A few days ago I mentioned Richard...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/25/2006
Exchange Vista and Office Launch (for Pedants)
I realise that those of you who are prone to bouts of political correctness might describe me as...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/24/2006
Vista Automated Installation Kit (and Windows PE) now available.
I'm indebted to Mikey for letting me know that we have now published the kit here. It's in 3 parts...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/23/2006
Softgrid: what kind of Voodoo is that ?
At Tech-ed IT forum I did an interview, with Chad Jones who came to Microsoft when we acquired...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/22/2006
Got TechNet ? Get Vista.
I'm not the first to break the news, but Windows Vista was posted on the TechNet subscriber site...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/22/2006
Powershell ...
I mentioned that one of the negatives of my trip to Barcelona was not getting to sessions and the...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/21/2006
On QuickTime....
I've just mentioned a post by Robert Scoble, and I mentioned Photosynth a couple of weeks ago....
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/21/2006
Long queue for a Wii
Every time I see a headline about Nintendo's new console something puerile in me takes over; sorry...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/20/2006
Royal Bank of Scotland (and Natwest) just missed my business.
[Note: the information below was correct when it was published, please read the update at the end]...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/20/2006
Back from Barcelona.
A non technical post ... normal service will be resumed shortly. I've been to a couple of Tech-eds...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/20/2006
My Account: Switched
When I posted about Vista RTM (Trolls: Slain, Lake: crossed, Mountain: climbed, Vista: Released.) I...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/12/2006
Customizing Windows PE
In "Getting started with Windows PE" I said that (once you have got the Windows AIK) the stages were...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/11/2006
Open Specification Promise.
In a previous posting I've talked about adobe and their DNG (Digital Negative) format. I said at the...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/11/2006
Dreadful timing for me, because I really want to be honing the presentation I'm doing later today -...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/10/2006
Getting started with Windows PE
One of the tools you'll need to get to grips with if you are going to support or deploy vista is...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/09/2006
Trolls: Slain, Lake: crossed, Mountain: climbed, Vista: Released.
A couple of hours ago Jim Alchin, sent a mail which begins Today we are announcing the Release to...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/08/2006
Some expert tips for Vista
Ed Bott at ZD net takes us to task we get things wrong - but he writes some of the best informed...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/08/2006
Is Novell our Eurasia ?
Most people, I think, know that Hamlet does not say "Alas Poor Yorick, I knew him well", and Mae...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/08/2006
Almost an entry from the "thank heavens for that" file. Vista Licence terms
Sitting in my drafts folder in Windows live writer is an entry called "Lies, virtual lies and...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/08/2006
The VHD testdrive programme: get your Exchange 2007 here !
Here's an innovation. Ever since we acquired Connectix and their Virtual PC product, we've relied on...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/06/2006
How much spam ?!?
Here's a question for you. How much of the mail that comes to Microsoft is spam ? 50% ? Microsoft is...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/06/2006
Office 2007 and Windows Vista: Release to Manufacturing !
I have just seen confirmation from Jeff Raikes that we have released Office 2007 to manufacturing....
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/06/2006
Virtual vista
At the moment I'm trying to finalize the content for my session in London next week entitled All You...
Author: James ONeill Date: 11/02/2006