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Feeling stupid Part II

I like the advice given by the conductor Sir Thomas Beacham about "Try everything once, except incest and country dancing", so Eileen didn't have to do much to persuade me to join her at the next Girl Geek Dinner in London.  I'm not sure what to expect: the guest speaker is Abigail Sellen from Microsoft research.  Steve has her picture and a link to her bio on his blog. One shouldn't jump to conclusions based on a picture, but Abigail doesn't look ancient and decrepit... According to the biography she has managed to work in some pretty top drawer places, "So" I thought "she must have missed out univeristy": wrong she has degrees from univerisities in the US and Canada. "OK" I tought "she can't have much of a home life", wrong again she's married with 3 children and 2 cats. Steve and I will see if we can get some material for talking Microsoft and the first question to Abigail would have to be "how have managed to fit so much in ?" If she's a good speaker on top of this, then I may have to shoot myself ;-)