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Gianpaolo's blog

thoughts of a dotcom refugee happily expatriated at Microsoft

SaaS For Your Ears

A couple of weeks back I had the pleasure to sit down with Fred and Ron and record an architecture...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 07/18/2006

Business continutity planning key for SaaS success

Business continuity planning will get bigger with SaaS… Here is a (sad) proof:...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 07/14/2006

SaaS Powerpoint Presentation and WW Partner Conference

Yesterday, I presented a SaaS overview at WSA. For those interested, you can find the slides I used...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/30/2006

Multi-tenant Data Architecture Whitepaper

Our second whitepaper in our architecting multi-tenant applications series has just been released on...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/29/2006

Ballmer's SaaS-Y plan

In case you had any doubts that Microsoft is fully behind Software as a Service: Article here

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/22/2006

SaaS Architecture Guidance on

Some of the content we have been working on, is now available on

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/06/2006

SaaS Guidance: not only for ISVs

In the last few months, I have been talking to a lot of different companies about SaaS. Initially,...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 05/30/2006

Chatting with Diego about SaaS

The other days I did one of these cool chat interviews with Diego Dagum, guess what we talked about?...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 05/13/2006

Blogging from Word 2007

I installed Office 2007 beta 2 today… I’ve primarily been playing with Outlook 2007 and PowerPoint...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 05/13/2006

Analysts (finally?!) in tune with our view of the world?

Today I was forwarded this AMR research paper A couple of interesting sentences, that I believe I...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 05/09/2006

First SaaS architecture guidance paper on MSDN

It's been more than a month since my last post... this was due to some well deserved vacation :) and...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 05/04/2006

SaaS value proposition for the buyer

In the last few weeks I have been asked many times what the value proposition of SaaS (for the...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 03/18/2006

SaaS Simple Maturity Model

A few days ago, Fred and I hosted a BoF at the OpSource Saas Summit. It was a great discussion. Most...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 03/06/2006

Hava Data Will Travel (don't ask me, ask Roger)

If you have been reading my recent posts, you must have noticed that I have been talking about data....

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/28/2006

Multi-Tenancy, metadata driven everything and you are my #1 customer

In my recent discussion about SaaS, I get often asked what multi tenancy means. Here is my "current"...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/27/2006

After Data in SOA, Data in the context of Internet Scale app

There isn't a day now that I don't see some emails/posts/blogs on data related issues. A few days...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/25/2006

gianpaolo's hierarchy of software needs

Most of us know Maslow's hierarchy of human needs As its name suggest, Maslow's pyramid illustrates...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/24/2006

Gartner folks must read my blog :)

A few days ago I bloged about the importance of data in the context of Connected Systems (SOA) Today...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/23/2006

Wanna talk SaaS?

On Thursday March 2, Fred and I will be animating a BoF (Birds of a Feather) on SaaS Architecture at...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/22/2006

Blue Ocean Strategy and Architecture

I have started reading Blue Ocean Strategy ; I had seen Renee presenting her book here at Microsoft...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/21/2006

SaaS Architecture Guidance: coming soon to a theater near you!

It is no news that there is an increasing interest on Software as a Service (SaaS); some would even...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/19/2006

Data in the context of Connected Systems (a.k.a. SOA)

Last Monday, Roger Wolter joined my team from the SQL Server product team. Roger is well known in...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/18/2006

1 day 1 blog: as simple as that

From now on, a simple rule: 1 day, 1 blog. If he can do it, so can I. :) Some entries will be good,...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/17/2006

Architect T-Shirt anyone?

Harry just introduced DevHawk Designs if you are an architect and looking for a T-Shirt, you might...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/17/2006


After almost 18 months in Seattle, I finally managed to spend a week-end in Whistler. It was...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/12/2006

1000 emails

I was archiving my emails and I realized that I have sent just over 1000 emails since Jan 1 2006...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/08/2006

SOA, six blind men and an elephant

The Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant teaches a great lesson: although the six blind men in...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/06/2006

The architect greatest trick?!

Flipping channels in my hotel room, I caught a re-run of "The Usual Suspects" just when Kevin Spacey...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 01/26/2006

is there a "long tail" in solutions architecture?

It’s time to care about the Fortune 5,000,000. I did not come up with it, I read it here as part of...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 01/01/2006

Does your computer play classical music at boot time?

It's been around since 1997 but I have to confess that I didn't know that... From...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 12/29/2005

Business or Technology?

Today I took my parents (visiting from Europe) and my kids to Redmond Town Center. While they were...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 12/27/2005

gianpaolo's blog: take 3

After going public on July 12 2004 and a fresh start on June 1 2005 which did not last long, here is...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 12/27/2005

Pillar 2: Identity and Access

To better illustrate this pillar I will use the registration at TechEd as an analogy. When you go to...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 07/08/2005

5 pillars get high interest @ TechEd Europe

Based on TechEd Europe pre conference attendees' votes, my session (ARC315: the 5 Pillars of...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 07/04/2005

Pillar 1: Messaging

> In the next following days I plan to write a series of short articles What I meant was:...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 07/01/2005

5 Pillars of Connected Systems

TechEd was for John and I the "5 pillars of Connected Systems coming out” party, as we both talked...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/12/2005

Developer - Architect divide?

Here are 2 sample feedbacks I received from my session at TechEd 2 days ago. 8 8 8 9 8 This was a...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/11/2005

Architect position at Microsoft Corp

Want to contribute to the 5 pillars of Connected Systems? The Windows Server Evangelism team in...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/08/2005

5 pillars of Connected Systems

Today Paul Flessner in his keynote at TechEd talked about the evolution of applications from the...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/08/2005

Orlando here I come...

SRV205 powerpoint presentation? checkx64 demo? checkx64 movie? checkWS-Management demo?...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/04/2005

A fresh start...

After almost 1 year since my first post (and only a very abysmal 3 posts overall) I decided to have...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 06/02/2005

Of course 64 bit is inevitable.

Volker posted that 64bit is inevitable. A few people commented that they weren't so sure... I for...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 02/11/2005

the pimcast is born

As you can see with 1 post (2 with this one), 1 comment and 1 trackback I’m far from the top of the...

Author: gianpaolo Date: 12/12/2004
