Installing Windows Vista RC1
I purchased one of those TechEd Dells PCs for use at home.
Today I finally got around to setting it up and asked 'Rigo to upgrade it to Windows Vista RC1.
He found the download site and some info over at neowin
He got the ISO file down.
He burnt it to DVD
He got a Product Key
He stuck the DVD into the new PC and performanced a clean install.
An hour or so later, Windows RC1 is running very nicely.
Not a bad effort by my 15 year old.
September 09, 2006
So, it's been a while since 'Rigo installed Windows Vista RC1, and I have been intrigued watching him...Anonymous
September 09, 2006
Your son visits Neowin?Anonymous
September 30, 2006
As I did in last month, I looked back on BlogBeat for my top 20 posts for the month of September. Installing...Anonymous
November 02, 2006
As I do each month , let's look back on BlogBeat for my top 20 posts for the month of October . OctoberAnonymous
August 06, 2007
I have a special guest at Tech.Ed Some Rigo stories Proud Dad Moment Observing a new Windows Vista UserAnonymous
August 06, 2007
I have a special guest at Tech.Ed Some Rigo stories Proud Dad Moment Observing a new Windows Vista UserAnonymous
August 06, 2007
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