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Powershell 101: IF .. Else

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Okay as a beginner this took a bit of time to perfect so here goes. For some of you hardened programmers this might be a bit basic, but I had to start somewhere. My background is cmd and vbs files with some html chucked in, so this syntax is new to me

Simple IF, Else

$a = "Powershell"
IF ($a -eq "PowerShell")
"Statement is True"
"Statement is False"

You can condence this to:

$a = "Powershell"
IF ($a -eq "PowerShell"){ "Statement is True"} ELSE { "Statement is False"}

Now if you want to check for a NULL then it gets fun

$b = “Hello”
IF ($b -eq $NULL)
"B is NULL"

So you have whole load of conditional statement like these:




Less than


Less than or equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to


Equal to. If the left hand side of the operator is an array and the right hand side is a scalar, the equivalent values of the left hand side will be returned


Not Equal to. If the left hand side of the operator is an array and the right hand side is a scalar, the not equivalent values of the left hand side will be returned


Determine elements in a group, this always returns Boolean $True or $False.


Determine excluded elements in a group, this always returns Boolean $True or $False.


Like - uses wildcards for pattern matching


Not Like - uses wildcards for pattern matching


Match - uses regular expressions for pattern matching


Not Match - uses regular expressions for pattern matching


Bitwise AND


Bitwise OR


Is of Type


Is not of Type

These operators are the case-sensitive counterparts:

Other operators:














logical not


logical not


binary and


binary or


binary not


Replace (e.g. "abcde" –replace "b","B") (case insensitive)


Case-insensitive replace (e.g. "abcde" –ireplace "B","3")


Case-sensitive replace (e.g. "abcde" –creplace "B","3")


AND (e.g. ($a -ge 5 -AND $a -le 15) )


OR (e.g. ($a –eq "A" –OR $a –eq "B") )


IS type (e.g. $a -is [int] )


IS not type (e.g. $a -isnot [int] )


convert to type (e.g. 1 -as [string] treats 1 as a string )


Range operator (e.g. foreach ($i in 1..10) {$i } )


call operator (e.g. $a = "Get-ChildItem" & $a executes Get-ChildItem)

. (dot followed by a space)

call operator (e.g. $a = "Get-ChildItem" . $a executes Get-ChildItem in the current scope)


Format operator (e.g. foreach ($p in Get-Process) { "{0,-15} has {1,6} handles" –F $p.processname,$p.Handlecount } )